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Washington, D.C. 20549


Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of

the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant ☒

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant ☐

Check the appropriate box:

Preliminary Proxy Statement

Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a–6(e)(2))

Definitive Proxy Statement

Definitive Additional Materials

Soliciting Material Pursuant to §240.14a–12



(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

No fee required.

Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a–6(i)(1) and 0–11.


Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0–11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):


Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


Total fee paid:

Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0–11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.


Amount Previously Paid:


Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


Filing Party:


Date Filed: 

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URE FINAL no tags Hi Res


10758 West Centennial Road, Suite 200

Littleton, Colorado 80127




To the Shareholders of Ur-Energy Inc.:

The Annual and Special Meeting of Shareholders of Ur-Energy Inc. (the “Company”), will be held in person at the Hampton Inn & Suites, 7611 Shaffer Parkway, Littleton, Colorado 80127 on Thursday, MayJune 3, 20182021 at 1:00 p.m. local timeMountain Time / 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time to receive the audited consolidated financial statements of the Company for the year ended December 31, 2017,2020, together with the report from the auditors thereon, and for the purpose of considering and voting upon proposals to:


Elect seven (7) directors, each to serve until the next annual meeting of shareholders of the Company or until their successors are elected and appointed;


Re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants, as the independent auditors of the Company and to authorize the directors to fix the remuneration of the auditors;


Approve, in an advisory (non-binding) vote, the compensation of the Company’s named executive officers (“say-on-pay”);
Ratify, confirm and

4.Transact approve amendments to the Amended and Restated Restricted Share Unit and Equity Incentive Plan; and

Transact such other business as may lawfully come before the meeting or any adjournment(s) or postponement(s) thereof.

The Board of Directors recommends a vote “FOR” each of the director nominees and “FOR” Proposals 2, 3 and 4. The Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on March 27, 2018April 13, 2021 as the record date for determination of the shareholders entitled to vote at the meeting and any adjournment(s) or postponement(s) thereof. This Notice of Annual and Special Meeting of Shareholders and related proxy materials are first being distributed or made available to shareholders beginning on or about April 621, 2021., 2018.

We cordially invite you to attend the Annual and Special Meeting of Shareholders.Shareholders either in person or to listen by tollfree access as described in the Management Proxy Circular. Whether or not you plan to attend, it is important that your shares be represented and voted at the meeting. Please refer to your proxy card for more information on how to vote your shares at the meeting and return your voting instructions as promptly as possible.

Important Notice Regarding Availability of Proxy Materials for the 2021 Annual and Special Meeting of Shareholders: The attached Management Proxy Circular, proxy card, and the Company’s Annual Report to Shareholders (including financial statements) for the fiscal year ended December 31, 20172020 are available at or can be found at

Thank you for your support.


/s/ Jeffrey T. Klenda,Chairman



















































10758 West Centennial Road, Suite 200

Littleton, Colorado 80127




JUNE 3, 2018



This Management Proxy Circular (the “Circular”) is furnished in connection with the solicitation by the management of Ur-Energy Inc. (“we,” “us,” the “Company” or “Ur-Energy”) of proxies for use at the annual and special meeting of shareholders of the Company (the “Meeting”) to be held in person at the Hampton Inn & Suites, 7611 Shaffer Parkway, Littleton, Colorado 80127 on Thursday, MayJune 3, 20182021 commencing at 1:00 p.m. local time,Mountain Time / 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time, and at any adjournment thereof, for the purposes set forth in the accompanying Notice of Meeting (the “Notice”). The solicitation will be primarily by mail, but proxies may also be solicited personally or by telephone by directors, officers, employees or representatives of the Company. All costs of solicitation will be borne by the Company. This Circular and related proxy materials are being first distributed or made available to shareholders beginning on or about April 6, 2018.21, 2021. The information contained herein is given as at March 30,  2018April 13, 2021 unless otherwise indicated.

We expect to hold our annual meeting in person on June 3, 2021. We continue to be mindful of the public health and travel concerns our shareholders may have and recommendations that public health and governmental officials have issued and may issue in light of the continuing COVID-19 situation. As a result, if the current public health situation in Colorado worsens, we may impose additional procedures or limitations to assure the safety of meeting attendees or may decide to hold the meeting in a different location or solely by means of remote communication (i.e., a virtual-only meeting). We currently plan to address COVID-19 concerns relating to the meeting by having directors and other meeting participants whose physical presence at the meeting is not essential attend and participate in the meeting via teleconference. 
In addition (i) shareholders and others who might otherwise attend in person may instead listen to the meeting in real-time by calling toll-free 877-407-9124 (international: 201-689-8584) and/or logging on to and (ii) shareholders who have questions they would like to pose at the meeting may send those questions to our Corporate Secretary in advance of the meeting at  Please include your name and return email address when you convey your questions. We believe that these procedures will reduce risks relating to COVID-19 and provide many of the benefits of a virtual-only meeting while minimizing associated costs of a virtual meeting. 
As set forth below, if you are a registered shareholder and wish to vote the day of the meeting or are a proxy appointee voting the day of meeting, you must do so in person. We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and if changes to our current plan become advisable, we will disclose the updated plan on our website and by press release. We encourage you to check our website prior to the meeting if you plan to attend in person. We look forward to welcoming everyone in person next year.
All dollar amounts in this Circular are in U.S. dollars, except where indicated otherwise. On March 27, 2018,April 13, 2021, the noon exchange rate of Canadian currency in exchange for United States currency, as reported by the Bank of Canada, was US$1.00 = C$1.2869.


This Circular, the proxy (or voter information) card, and the Company’s Annual Report to Shareholders (including financial statements) for the fiscal year ended December 31, 20172020 are available at http:


The persons named in the enclosed form of proxy are the Chairman of the Board/Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Klenda, and our independent Lead Director of the Company, Mr. Parker. Corporate Secretary, Penne Goplerud. Each shareholder has the right to appoint a person other than the persons named in the enclosed form of proxy, who need not be a shareholder of the Company, to represent such shareholder at the Meeting or any adjournment thereof. Such right may be exercised by inserting such person’s name in the blank space provided in the form of proxy and striking out the other names or by completing another proper form of proxy.


Registered Shareholders

There are two methods by which registered shareholders (“Registered Shareholders”), whose names are shown on the books or records of the Company as owning common shares no par value of the Company (“Common Shares”), can vote their Common Shares at the Meeting either in person at the Meeting or by proxy. Should a Registered Shareholder wish to vote in person at the Meeting, the Registered Shareholder should attend the Meeting where his or her vote will be taken and counted. Although we are making a toll-free number available to listen to the Meeting, if you wish to vote the day of the Meeting, you must do so in person.Should the Registered Shareholder not wish to attend the meeting or not wish to vote in person, his or her vote may be votedcast by proxy through one of the methods described below and the Common Shares represented by the proxy will be voted or withheld from voting, in accordance with the instructions as indicated in the form of proxy, on any ballot that may be called for, and if a choice was specified with respect to any matter to be acted upon, the shares will be voted accordingly.


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A Registered Shareholder may vote by proxy by using one of the following methods: (i) the paper form of proxy to be returned by mail or delivery; (ii) by Internet; or (iii) by telephone. The methods of using each of these procedures are as follows:

Voting by Mail. A Registered Shareholder may vote by mail or delivery by completing, dating and signing the enclosed form of proxy and depositing it with Computershare Investor Services Inc. (the “Transfer Agent”) using the envelope provided or by mailing it to Computershare Investor Services Inc., Attention: Proxy Department, 100 University Avenue, 9th8th Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5J 2Y1 or to the Corporate Secretary of the Company at 10758 West Centennial Road, Suite 200, Littleton, Colorado 80127 for receipt no later than 1:0011:59 p.m. (MDT)(ET) on Tuesday,Monday, May 1, 201831, 2021, or if the Meeting is adjourned, by no later than 48 hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) before any adjourned1:00 p.m. Mountain Time on the last business day preceding the reconvened Meeting.

Voting by Internet. A Registered Shareholder may vote by Internet by accessing the following website:, and going to “vote now.” When you log on to the site you will be required to input a control number as instructed on the form of proxy. Please see additional information enclosed with the Circular on the form of proxy. Registered Shareholders may vote by Internet up to 1:00for receipt no later than 11:59 p.m. (MDT)(ET) on Tuesday,Monday, May 1, 201831, 2021, or if the Meeting is adjourned, no later than 48 hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) before any adjourned1:00 p.m. Mountain Time on the last business day preceding the reconvened Meeting.

Voting by Telephone. A Registered Shareholder may vote by telephone by calling the toll free number 1‑866-732-86831-866-732-8683 from a touch tone phone. When you telephone you will be required to input a control number as instructed on the form of proxy. Please see additional information enclosed with the Circular on the form of proxy. Registered Shareholders may vote by telephone up to 1:00for receipt no later than 11:59 p.m. (MDT)(ET) on Tuesday,Monday, May 1, 201831, 2021, or if the Meeting is adjourned, no later than 48 hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) before any adjourned1:00 p.m. Mountain Time on the last business day preceding the reconvened Meeting.

Voting by mail or the Internet are the only methods by which a Registered Shareholder may choose an appointee other than the management appointees named on the proxy and must be completed by the Registered Shareholder or by an attorney authorized in writing or, if the Registered Shareholder is a corporation or other legal entity, by an authorized officer or attorney.

Non-Registered Shareholders (Beneficial Owners)

In this Circular and the enclosed form of proxy and Notice, all references to shareholders are to Registered Shareholders of Common Shares. Only Registered Shareholders of Common Shares,

If you hold shares through a broker, bank or the person they appoint as their proxy, are permittedother nominee, you will receive material from that firm asking how you want to vote at the Meeting.  However, in many cases, Common Shares beneficially owned by a holder (a “Non-Registered Shareholder” or “Beneficial Owner”) are registered either:


in the name of an intermediary (an “Intermediary”) that the Non-Registered Shareholder deals with in respect of the shares, such as, among others, banks, trust companies, securities dealers or brokers and trustees or administrators of self-administered RRSPs, RRIFs, RESPs and similar plans; or


in the name of a clearing agency such as CDS&Co. or DTC (the registration names for CDS Clearing and Depository Services Inc., and Depositary Trust Company, respectively) of which the Intermediary is a participant.

Common Shares held by your broker or its nominee can only be voted upon your instructions. Beneficial Owners should ensure that instructions respecting the voting of their Common Shares are communicated to the appropriate person.

There are two kinds of Beneficial Owners, those who object to their name being made known to the Company, referred to as objecting beneficial owners (“OBOs”), and those who do not object to the Company knowing who they are, referred to as non-objecting beneficial owners (“NOBOs”). In accordance with the requirements of National Instrument 54-101 Communication with Beneficial Owners of Securities of a Reporting Issuer (“NI 54-101”), the Company has opted this year to distribute copiesinstructing you of the Notice, Circular, the form of proxy and our annual reportprocedures to follow in order for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2017 (including financial statements) (collectively, the “Meeting Materials”) to all NOBOs directly through


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the Transfer Agent.  Whereas, the Meeting Materials will continue to be distributed to OBOs through clearing agencies and Intermediaries, who often use a service company (such as Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”)) to forward meeting materials to Non-Registered Shareholders. The Company is not relying on the notice-and-access delivery procedures of NI 54-101 or the corresponding rules of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) to distribute copies of the Meeting Materials. 

The Meeting Materials are being sent to both Registered and Non-Registered Shareholders of the Common Shares. If you are a Non-Registered Shareholder, and the Company or its agent has sent these Meeting Materials directly to you, your name and address and information about your holdings of Common Shares, have been obtained in accordance with applicable securities regulatory requirements from the Intermediary holding on your behalf.

By choosing to send the Meeting Materials to NOBOs directly, the Company (and not the Intermediary holding on your behalf) has assumed responsibility for (i) delivering these Meeting Materials to you, and (ii) executing your proper voting instructions.  Please return your voting instructions as specified in the request for voting instructions.

Objecting Beneficial Owners

Intermediaries are required to forward Meeting Materials to OBOs unless an OBO has waived the right to receive them. Generally, OBOs who have not waived the right to receive Meeting Materials will usually receive a voting instruction form (“VIF”) from their applicable Intermediary in lieu of the form of proxy from the Company. The VIF will name the same persons as the proxy to represent the shareholder at the Meeting. A shareholder has the right to appoint a person (who need not be a shareholder of Ur-Energy) other than persons designated in the VIF, to represent the shareholder at the Meeting. To exercise this right, the shareholder should insert the name of the desired representative in the blank space provided in the VIF. You are asked to complete and return the VIF to your applicable Intermediary by mail or facsimile. Alternatively, you may be able to call the toll free telephone number or access the Internet website listed on your VIF to vote your Common Shares. shares. If you receive a VIF from your Intermediary, it cannot be used as a proxy to vote Common Shares directly at the Meeting as the VIF must be returned to your Intermediary well in advance of the Meeting in order to have the Common Shares voted or to appoint an alternative representative to attend at the Meeting in person to vote such Common Shares.

Non-Objecting Beneficial Owners

NOBOs can expect to receive the Meeting Materials with a VIF from the Transfer Agent. These VIFs are to be completed and returned to the Transfer Agent by mail or by following the instructions contained on the VIF for telephone or Internet voting. The Transfer Agent will tabulate the results of the VIFs received from NOBOs and will provide appropriate instructions at the Meeting with respect to the shares represented by the VIFs received. If you receive a VIF from the Transfer Agent, it cannot be used as a proxy to vote Common Shares directly at the Meeting as the VIF must be returned to the Transfer Agent well in advance of the Meeting in order to have the Common Shares voted or to appoint an alternative representative to attend at the Meeting in person to vote such Common Shares.

The purpose of these procedures is to permit Non-Registered Shareholders to direct the voting of the shares they beneficially own. Should a Non-Registered Shareholder who receives either a proxy or a VIF wish to attend and vote at the Meeting in person (or have another person attend and vote on behalf of the Non-Registered Shareholder), the Non-Registered Shareholder should strike out the names of the persons named in the proxy and insert the Non-Registered Shareholder’s (or such other person’s) name in the blank space provided or, in the case of a VIF, follow the corresponding instructions on the form.

In any event, Non-Registered Shareholders should carefully follow the instructions of their Intermediaries and Broadridge or other service company, or the Transfer Agent, as the case may be.

Broker Non-Votes

A “broker non-vote” occurs when an Intermediary holding shares for a Beneficial Owner votes on one proposal, butnominee does not receive voting instructions from you, it may vote only on another proposal because the Intermediary does not have discretionary voting power and has not received


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instructions to do so from the Beneficial Owner. The nomineeproposals that holds your shares may generally vote onare considered “routine” matters but cannot vote on “non-routine” matters.under applicable rules. Each of the proposals at the Meeting, other than Proposal No. 2, are “non-routine” matters and therefore an Intermediaryintermediary holding shares for a Beneficial Ownerbeneficial owner will not have the authority to vote on those matters in the absence of instructions from the Beneficial Owner.beneficial owner. A nominee’s inability to vote on some proposals because it lacks discretionary authority to do so is commonly referred to as a “broker non-vote.” Broker non-votes are not counted in the tabulation of votes cast on a particular proposal and therefore will not have an effect on the approval of that proposal.

Notice and Access
We distribute our proxy materials to shareholders via the Internet under the “Notice and Access” approach permitted by rules of the SEC. This approach conserves natural resources and reduces our distribution costs, while providing a timely and convenient method of accessing the materials and voting. On or before April 21, 2021, we mailed a Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials to participating shareholders, containing instructions on how to access the proxy materials on the Internet to vote your shares over the Internet or by telephone. You will not receive a printed copy of the proxy materials unless you request them. If you would like to receive a printed copy of our proxy materials, including a printed proxy card on which you may submit your vote by mail, then you should follow the instructions for obtaining a printed copy of our proxy materials contained in the Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials.

A shareholder who has given a proxy has the power to revoke it as to any matter on which a vote shall not already have been cast pursuant to the authority conferred by such proxy and may do so (i) by delivering another properly executed proxy bearing a later date and depositing it as aforesaid, including within the prescribed time limits noted above; (ii) by depositing an instrument in writing revoking the proxy executed by the shareholder or by the shareholder’s attorney authorized in writing (A) at our head office with the Corporate Secretary at 10758 West Centennial Road, Suite 200, Littleton, Colorado 80127 at any time up to and including the last business day preceding the day of the Meeting, or any adjournment thereof, at which the proxy is to be used, or (B) with the Chair of the Meeting, prior to its commencement, on the day of the Meeting, or at any adjournment thereof; (iii) by attending the Meeting in person and so requesting; or (iv) in any other manner permitted by law.

A Non-Registered Shareholder may

If you hold your shares through a broker, bank or other nominee, you must follow their instructions to revoke a VIFyour initial proxy vote or a waiver ofto otherwise vote at the right to receive Meeting Materials and to vote given to an Intermediary at any time by written notice to the Intermediary, except that an Intermediary is not required to act on a revocation of a VIF or a waiver of the right to receive Meeting Materials and to vote that is not received by the Intermediary at least seven days prior to the Meeting.


On any ballot that may be called for, the shares represented by proxies in favor of the persons named by management of the Company will be voted for or against, or voted for or withheld from voting on,in the mattersmanner identified in the proxy, in each case in accordance with the instructions of the shareholder. In the absence of any instructions on the proxy, it is the intention of the persons named by management in the accompanying form of proxy to vote


FOR the election of all of management’s nominees as directors;


FOR the re-appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants, as our independent auditors and the authorization of the directors to fix the remuneration of the auditors;



FOR the advisory resolution to approve, on an advisory (non-binding) basis, the compensation of our Named Executive Officers; and

FOR the election of all of management’s nominees as directors;


In accordance with management’s recommendations with respect to amendments or variations of the matters set out in the Notice or any other matters which may properly come before the Meeting.

FOR the re-appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants, as our independent auditors and the authorization of the directors to fix the remuneration of the auditors;
FOR the advisory resolution to approve, on an advisory (non-binding) basis, the compensation of our Named Executive Officers;
FOR the resolution to approve the amendments to the Amended and Restated Restricted Share Unit and Equity Incentive Plan; and
In accordance with management’s recommendations with respect to amendments or variations of the matters set out in the Notice or any other matters which may properly come before the Meeting.

The accompanying form of proxy confers discretionary authority upon the persons named therein with respect to amendments or variations of the matters identified in the Notice or any other matters that may properly come before the Meeting. As at the date of this Circular, management of the Company knows of no such amendments, variations or other matters that may properly come before the Meeting other than the matters referred to in the Notice.


As at March 27, 2018,April 13, 2021, the authorized capital of the Company consisted of an unlimited number of Common Shares, of which 146,599,652189,389,100 Common Shares were issued and outstanding, and an unlimited number of Class A Preference Shares, issuable in series, of which none has been issued. A holder of record of Common Shares as at the close of business on March 27, 2018April 13, 2021 (the “Record Date”) is entitled to one vote for each Common Share held by the shareholder. The directors nominated for election pursuant to Proposal No. 1 will be elected by plurality vote, meaning that the seven nominees who receive the most votes, whether in person or by proxy, will be elected; however, the Company has adopted a majority


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voting policy pursuant to which any director who fails to receive a majority of the votes cast will be required to tender his resignation. See “Statement of Corporate Governance – Majority Voting Policy.” With respect to Proposal Nos. 2, 3 and 4, the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast at the Meeting, whether in person or by proxy, is required for approval of such matter.

In accordance with the Canada Business Corporations Act, the Company will prepare a list of holders of Common Shares on the Record Date. Each holder of Common Shares named in the list at the close of business on the Record Date will be entitled to vote the Common Shares shown opposite his or her name on the list at the Meeting.


The directors nominated for election pursuant to Proposal No. 1 will be elected by plurality vote, meaning that the seven nominees who receive the most votes, whether in person or by proxy, will be elected. Broker non-votes will have no effect on the election of Directors. The Company has adopted a majority voting policy pursuant to which any director who fails to receive a majority of the votes cast will be required to tender their resignation. See “Statement of Corporate Governance – Majority Voting Policy.”
With respect to Proposal No. 2, the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast at the meeting (either in person or by proxy) will be required for approval.
With respect to Proposal No. 3, the affirmative vote of a majority of the Common Shares present at the meeting (either in person or by proxy) and entitled to vote on this matter will be required for approval. Broker non-votes will have no effect on the vote on Proposal No. 3. Because your vote on this proposal is advisory, it will not be binding on the Board of Directors or the Company. However, the Board will review the voting results and take them into consideration when making future decisions regarding executive compensation.
With respect to Proposal No. 4, the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast at the meeting (either in person or by proxy) will be required for approval, however, the TSX rules provide that all eligible insiders in order to participate in the RSU&EI Plan may not vote on the proposed amendments. Accordingly, the RSU&EI Plan resolution must be passed by a majority of votes cast at the meeting (either in person or by proxy), excluding 5,674,838 Common Shares held by certain insiders of the Company and their affiliates. Broker non-votes will have no effect on the outcome of this proposal.
The presence, in person or by proxy, of two shareholders holding not less than 10% of the Common Shares entitled to vote as of the Record Date constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business at the Meeting. In the event there is not a quorum present to approve any proposals at the time of the Meeting, the Meeting shall be adjourned to a date no less than seven days later than the scheduled Meeting date in order to permit further solicitation of proxies. The scrutineer will treat Common Shares represented by a properly signed and returned proxy as present at the Meeting for purposes of determining a quorum, without regard to whether the proxy is marked as casting a vote or abstaining.


Pursuant to the Canada Business Corporations Act, there are no rights of dissent in respect of the resolutions to be voted on by the shareholders at this Meeting. 




Security Ownership of Management

As of March 27, 2018,April 13, 2021, our Record Date, we had 146,599,652189,389,100 Common Shares issued and outstanding, and 9,271,947 4,888,345 stock options which may be exercised currently or within the sixty (60) days following March 27April 13, 2018.    2021.





Number of

Percentage of Issued and


Common Shares of

Outstanding Common Shares of

Name of Holder



Directors and Named Executive Officers (1)(2)



Jeffrey T. Klenda (3)



W. William Boberg(4)



James M. Franklin



Gary Huber



Paul Macdonell (5)(6)



Thomas Parker



Kathy Walker



Roger L. Smith



Penne A. Goplerud



Steven M. Hatten



John W. Cash



All Directors and executive officers, as a group (11 persons)



 Number ofPercentage of Issued and
 Common Shares ofOutstanding Common Shares of
Name of HolderUr-EnergyUr-Energy
Directors and Named Executive Officers (1)(2)
W. William Boberg (3)
John W. Cash448,870*
Rob Chang350,631*
James M. Franklin(4)
Penne A. Goplerud754,269*
Steven M. Hatten456,611*
Gary C. Huber439,690*
Jeffrey T. Klenda (5)
Thomas H. Parker586,504*
Roger L. Smith830,508*
Kathy E. Walker535,150*
All Directors and executive officers, as a group (11 persons)10,101,0655.20%

*      Less than one percent


Address for each of our executive officers and directors: 10758 West Centennial Road, Suite 200, Littleton, Colorado 80127.


The beneficial ownership shown for all holders in this table represents Common Shares and all options which may be exercised currently or within sixty (60) days following March 27, 2018. For our Directors and Named Executive Officers,

Address for each of our directors and executive officers: 10758 West Centennial Road, Suite 200, Littleton, Colorado 80127.


The beneficial ownership shown for all holders in this table represents Common Shares and all options which may be exercised currently or within sixty (60) days following April 13, 2021. For our Directors and executive officers, this represents the following: Boberg (808,615 Common Shares, 382,604 options); Cash (187,560 Common Shares, 261,310 options); Chang (16,027 Common Shares, 334,604 Options); Franklin (608,588 Common Shares, 382,604 options); Goplerud (224,580 Common Shares, 529,689 options); Hatten (182,428 Common Shares, 274,183 options); Huber (185,086 Common Shares, 254,604 options); Klenda (2,836,172 Common Shares, 680,249 options); Parker (203,900 Common Shares, 382,604 options); Smith (341,336 Common Shares, 489,172 options); and Walker (80,546 Common Shares, 454,604 options). As of the Record Date, April 13, 2021, the number of the Company’s Common Shares beneficially owned by all of the Directors and executive officers as a group and entitled to be voted at the meeting is 5,674,838.

Of the total number of Contents

Common Shares held by Mr. Klenda, he has pledged 1,706,640 Common Shares on a multi-purpose equity line of credit. Mr. Klenda’s Common Shares are held jointly with his wife.

this represents the following:  Klenda (2,692,981 Common Shares, 752,977 options); Boberg (720,069 Common Shares, 304,187 options); Franklin (630,561 Common Shares, 304,187 options); Macdonell (224,479 Common Shares, 304,187 options); Parker (115,354 Common Shares, 304,187 options); Huber (96,540 Common Shares, 383,440 options); Walker (0 Common Shares, 0 options); Smith (240,978 Common Shares, 531,957 options); Goplerud (134,354 Common Shares, 478,256 options); Hatten (98,197 Common Shares, 404,985 options); and Cash (107,288 Common Shares, 385,280 options). Additionally, James Bonner holds 41,027 Common Shares, 347,840 options. As of the Record Date, March 27, 2018, the number of the Company’s Common Shares beneficially owned by all of the Directors and executive officers as a group, including Mr. Bonner, and entitled to be voted at the meeting is 5,101,828.  


Of the total number of Common Shares held by Mr. Klenda, he has pledged 1,706,640 Common Shares on a multi-purpose equity line of credit. Mr. Klenda’s Common Shares are held jointly with his wife.


Of the shares identified, Mr. Boberg holds 118,796 Common Shares jointly with his wife.


Additionally, Mr. Macdonell’s wife owns 5,000 Common Shares, to which Mr. Macdonell disclaims beneficial ownership.


Upon Mr. Macdonell’s retirement, Mr. Rob Chang joined our Board at March 30, 2018.  He currently holds no Common Shares of Ur-Energy and no stock options which may be exercised within the sixty (60) days following March 27, 2018.

Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners

The following table sets forth the beneficial ownership of the Company’s Common Shares as of March 27, 2018April 13, 2021 by each person (other than the Directors and executive officers of the Company) who owned of record, or was known to own beneficially, more than 5% of the outstanding voting shares of Common Shares.





Number of

Percentage of Issued and


Common Shares of

Outstanding Common Shares of

Name of Holder



Major Shareholders



Global X Management Company LLC(1)




Global X Management Company LLC filed a Form 13G (Amendment No. 6) dated February 14, 2018, indicating holdings as at December 31, 2017, of 20,665,744 Ur-Energy Common Shares. Bruno del Ama is the Chief Executive Officer of Global X Management Company LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, 623 Fifth Avenue, 115th Floor, NY, NY 10022, which, according to the Form 13G, has the sole power to vote or to direct the vote and sole power to dispose or to direct the disposition of the Common Shares. Mr. del Ama and Mr. Jose C. Gonzalez own 55% and 40%, respectively, of Global X Management Company; each specifically disclaims beneficial ownership of the shares of Ur-Energy that either one of them or Global X Management Company holds. Further, according to its website,, Global X held 21,375,965 Ur-Energy Common Shares as at March 29, 2018.

 Number ofPercentage of Issued and
 Common Shares ofOutstanding Common Shares of
Name of HolderUr-EnergyUr-Energy
Major Shareholders  
MMCAP International Inc. SPC(1)

MMCAP International Inc. SPC filed a Schedule 13G dated February 8, 2021, indicating holdings as at February 4, 2021, of 15,354,074 Ur-Energy Common Shares as between itself and its affiliate, MM Asset Management Inc. (“MMCAP”). Additionally, the filing reports the ownership of Warrants exercisable for the purchase of up to 8,835,000 Common Shares. The Warrants include a beneficial ownership limitation that would preclude exercise of the Warrants if, as a result of the exercise, the holder’s share ownership would exceed 9.9% of the Company’s outstanding Common Shares.


Proposal No.No. 1: Election of Directors

The articles of the Company provide that the Board of Directors of the Company (the “Board of Directors” or the “Board”) shall consist of a minimum of one and a maximum of ten directors, the number of which is currently fixed at seven. Election of directors will be conducted on an individual basis, as seen on the proxy or VIF you receive and will include Jeffrey T. Klenda, James M. Franklin, W. William Boberg, Thomas H. Parker, Gary C. Huber, Kathy E. Walker and Rob Chang. As discussed in the description of the Company’s Majority Voting Policy, below, each Director must receive a majority of the votes cast (in person or by proxy) as to his or her election or will be required to submit his or her resignation pursuant to the policy.

Nominees: Each of the seven persons named above is a nominee for election as a Directordirector at the Annual and Special Meeting for a term of one year or until his or her successor is elected and qualified. Unless authority is withheld, the proxies will be voted for the election of such nominees. Each of the nominees is currently serving as a Directordirector of the Company. All the nominees were elected to the Board of Directors at the last annual meeting of shareholders, except Ms. Walker, who joined the Board in September 2017, and Mr. Chang who joined the Board effective March 30, 2018.  


shareholders. Management does not anticipate that any of the nominees for election as directors will be unable to serve as a director, but if that should occur for any reason prior to the Meeting, the persons named in the accompanying form of proxy reserve the right to vote for another nominee in their discretion or for the election of only the remaining nominees.

The Board of Directors has delegated to the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee the responsibility for reviewing and recommending nominees for director. The Board determines which candidates to nominate or appoint, as appropriate, after considering the recommendation of the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee.

Certain of our directors have historically and do currently serve on boards of directors of other companies. We view this to be beneficial to the Company, provided there is no conflict of interest, nor restrictions on time which are disadvantageous to our Board’s interests. Current service on the boards of other public companies is set forth, below, under “Service on Additional Boards.” The Company believes that service on other boards allows for broader experience and expertise which benefits the individual and the companies served, including Ur-Energy. None of our directors sits on more than three public company boards or, alternatively, is the CEO of a public company and sits on the board of more than two public companies besides the one for which he/she is the CEO (i.e., none of our directors is “overboarded”).
Qualifications: In evaluating a director candidate, the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee considers the candidate’s independence, character, corporate governance skills and abilities, business experience, industry-specific experience including technical expertise, corporate governance skills and abilities, training and education, commitment to performing the duties of a director, and other skills, abilities, or attributes that fill specific needs of the Board or its committees. Each nominee brings a strong and unique background and set of skills to the Board, giving the Board, as a whole, competence and experience in a wide variety of areas, including natural resources exploration and development, mining operations, executive management, board service, corporate governance, finance, financial markets, government, employment, and labor, and international business. These varied and substantial backgrounds, skills and qualifications, as described in more detail below, and the contributions of each to the development and current operations of the Company as described below under the heading “Board Composition – Including Tenure and Outlook on Set Retirement Age,” led the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee and the Board of Directors to the conclusion that each of the nominees should serve as a Director.

Recommendation of Ur-Energy’s Board of Directors

The Board of Directors recommends that the shareholders vote FOR the election of all of the named nominees for director and, unless a shareholder gives instructions on the proxy card to the contrary, the proxies named thereon intend to so vote.

Jeffrey T. Klenda, 61,64, B.A.

Chairman, President & CEO

Mr. Klenda graduated from the University of Colorado in 1980 and began his career as a stockbroker specializing in venture capital offerings. Prior to founding Ur-Energy in 2004, he worked as a Certified Financial Planner and was a member of the International Board of Standards and Practices. In 1986, he started Klenda Financial Services, an independent financial services company providing investment advisory services to high-end individuals and corporate clients as well as providing venture capital to corporations seeking entry to the U.S. securities markets. In the same year, Mr. Klenda formed Independent Brokers of America, Inc., a national marketing organization. He also served as President of Security First Financial, a company he founded to provide consultation to individuals and corporations seeking investment management and early stage funding. Over the last 3035 years, Mr. Klenda has acted as an officer and/or director for numerous publicly-traded companies, having taken his first company public at 28 years of age. Currently, Mr. Klenda is a director of Organto Foods Inc. (since November 2013). Mr. Klenda has served as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company since 2006. He served as Executive Director from January 2006 to May 2015. Thereafter, he served as Acting Chief Executive Officer until being named President and Chief Executive Officer by our Board of Directors in December 2016.

The Board of Directors has concluded that Mr. Klenda is well qualified and should serve as a director on the basis of his numerous contributions to the Company since its inception, his 35nearly 40 years of experience in the financial markets and in service to numerous publicly-tradedpublicly traded companies as an officer and director.

James M. Franklin, 75, Ph.D.,78, PhD, FRSC, P.Geo

Director & Chair of the HSE & Technical Committee

Dr. Franklin has over 50 years’ experience as a geologist. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. Since 1998, he has been an Adjunct Professor at Queen’s University, since 2001, at Laurentian University and since 2006 at the University of Ottawa. He is a past President of the Geological Association of Canada and of the Society of Economic Geologists. He retired in 1998 as Chief Geoscientist of the Geological Survey of Canada, Earth Sciences Sector. Since that time, he has been a consulting geologist and is currently a director of Gold79 Mines Ltd. (formerly, Aura Silver Resources Inc.) (since October 2003), and of AnconiaNuinsco Resources Corp.Ltd. (since June 2012)2018). Dr. Franklin’s lifetime achievements have been honored by several professional


organizations: among his honors, Dr. Franklin has been awarded GAC’s Logan and Duncan R. Derry medals, CIM’s Selwyn Blaylock, A.O. Dufresne, Distinguished Lecturer and Julian Boldy Memorial awards and.and the Society of Economic Geologists Thayer Lindsley and Distinguished Lecturer awards. He has also received the R.A.F. Penrose Gold Medal from SEG for his many contributions to a broad cross section of geosciences. In 2017 he was made a Fellow of Lakehead University, honoring his contributions to education and economic development in northern Ontario.

Dr. Franklin was inducted into the Canadian Mining Hall of Fame in 2019 for his many contributions to the mining industry.

The Board of Directors has concluded that Dr. Franklin is well qualified and should serve as a director on the basis of his contributions as a director to the Company since its inception as a director and his more than 50 years of experience in geosciences and mineral resource work in industry, governmental service and academia.

W. William (Bill) Boberg, 78,81, M.Sc., P. Geo


Mr. Boberg has served as a director of the Company since January 2006. Mr. Boberg served as the Company’s President and Chief Executive Officer (2006 to 2011). Prior to that time, Mr. Boberg was the Company’s senior U.S. geologist and Vice President U.S. Operations (2004 to 2006). Before his initial involvement with the Company, he was a consulting geologist having over 40 years’ experience investigating, assessing and developing a wide variety of mineral resources in diverse geologic environments in western North America, South America and Africa. Mr. Boberg worked for Gulf Minerals, Hecla Mining, Anaconda, Continental Oil Minerals Department, Wold Nuclear, Kennecott, Western Mining, Canyon Resources and Africa Mineral Resource Specialists. Mr. Boberg has over 2030 years of experience exploring for uranium in the continental U.S. He discovered the Moore Ranch Uranium Deposit and the Ruby Ranch Uranium Deposit as well as several smaller deposits in Wyoming’s Powder River Basin. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Geology from Montana State University and his Master’s Degree in Geology from the University of Colorado. He is a registered Wyoming Professional Geologist and fellow of the Society of Economic Geologists. He is a member of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration Inc., American Institute of Professional Geologists (for which he is a Certified Professional Geologist), the Denver Regional Exploration Society and the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Mr. Boberg is also a director for Gold79 Mines Ltd. (formerly, Aura Silver Resources Inc.) (since June 2008).

The Board of Directors has concluded that Mr. Boberg is well qualified and should serve as a director on the basis of his contributions to the Company since 2004 (since 2006 as a director and, from 2006 until 2011, as the President and CEO), as well as his more than 40 years of experience in mineral resources exploration and development.

Thomas H. Parker, 75,78, M.Eng., P.E.

Lead Director, Chair of Audit Committee & Chair of Treasury & Investment Committee

Mr. Parker has worked extensively in senior management positions in the mining industry, forhaving begun his career in the past 53 years.mining industry 56 years ago. Mr. Parker is a mining engineer graduate from South Dakota School of Mines, with a Master’s Degree in Mineral Engineering Management from Penn State. Mr. Parker was President and CEO, and a director of U.S. Silver Corporation until his retirement in 2012.  Prior to that, Mr. Parker was President and CEO of Gold Crest Mines, Inc., before which  he was the President and CEO of High Plains Uranium, Inc., a junior uranium mining company acquired by Energy Metals in January 2007. Mr. Parker also served for 10 years as Executive Vice President of Anderson and Schwab, a management consulting firm. Prior to Anderson and Schwab, Mr. Parker held many executive management positions including with Costain Minerals Corporation, ARCO, Kerr McGee Coal Corporation and Conoco. He also has worked in the potash, limestone, talc, coal and molybdenum industries and has extensive experience working in Niger, France and Venezuela.

The Board of Directors has concluded that Mr. Parker is well qualified and should serve as a director on the basis of his contributions to the Company as a director since 2007 and, most recently, as our Lead Director since 2014, as well as his 53more than 55 years of experience in the mining industry and in executive management positions.

Gary C. Huber,66, Ph.D, 69, PhD, P.Geo

Director, Chair of Compensation Committee & Chair of Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee

Dr. Huber is a mining executive with over 40 years of natural resources experience. Previously, Dr. Huber served as a director for Ur‑EnergyUr-Energy during 2007. Dr. Huber returned to serve as a director for Ur-Energy in 2015. In the interim, Dr. Huber served as President and CEO of Neutron Energy, Inc. (2007-2012), a privately-heldprivately held uranium company which was conducting project feasibility analyses as well as permitting of two uranium mines and a mill complex. He is currently


a director of Gold Resource Corp. (since January 2013), and serves as the Chair of its Audit Committee and as a member of its Compensation Committee.

Dr. Huber is the founder, in 2006, and managing member of Rangeland E&P, LLC, a private company established for oil and gas exploration. From 2010 to 2011, Dr. Huber recently served as an independent director of Gold Resource Corporation, a precious metal mining company. He was chairman of its audit committee and a member of the compensation committee. He also has served as an independent director of Capital Gold Corp., a gold mining company with operations in Mexico, which eventually merged into AuRico Gold Inc., including servingand served on its Auditaudit and Corporate Governance Committees.corporate governance committees. Dr. Huber was one of the founders of Canyon Resources Corporation in 1979, and served in various capacities there until 2006, including as director, chief financial officer, vice president of finance, treasurer and secretary. He also served as the president and chief executive officer of CR Minerals Corporation, an industrial minerals subsidiary of Canyon Resources, from 1987 to 1998. Dr. Huber holds a Ph.DPhD in geology from Colorado School of Mines and received a Bachelor of Science in Geologygeology from Fort Lewis College. He is a fellow of the Society of Economic Geologists, where he previously served as the Chairmanchairman of its Auditaudit and Investment Committees;investment committees; a member of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration; and a Utah registered Professional Geologist.Exploration, where he previously served as the chairman of the audit committee. Dr. Huber currently isserved as a director and treasurer of The Society of Independent Professional Earth Scientists, a not-for-profit professional group. He is also currently servinghas served as President of the Society of Independent Earth Scientists Foundation, which awards scholarships to undergraduate and graduate studentstudents majoring in the earth sciences fields. Dr. Huber formerly was a director of the Denver Gold Group, a not-for-profit industry association for publicly-tradedpublicly traded precious metal companies.

Dr. Huber is a Utah registered Professional Geologist.

The Board of Directors has concluded that Dr. Huber is well qualified and should serve as a director of the Company on the basis of his earlier contributions to the Company as a director (in 2007, and since his return to the Board in 2015), and as a resultbecause of his extensive mining industry experience including in areas of natural resources development and mining operations, and executive management and finance, developed by serving as an executive officer and director of publicly-traded natural resource companies.

Kathy E. Walker,59, 62, MBA


Ms. Walker is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Elm Street Resources Inc., an energy marketing company based in Paintsville, Kentucky. Ms. Walker is also the Director of the eKentucky Advanced Manufacturing Institute, Inc., a workforce development training facility in Eastern Kentucky. She brings more than 30 years’ experience in various energy-relatedenergy and financial related business endeavors to our Board. Ms. Walker holds an MBA from Xavier University. Prior to starting Elm Street Resources, she served as Secretary and Controller of Agip Coal, USA, a subsidiary of the Italian National Energy Agency ENI. She is currently a member of the National Coal Council and BoardCouncil; a member of the Kentucky Coal Association; a member of the Kentucky Judicial Campaign Conduct Committee; and a memberthe Chair of the Morehead State University Board of Regents. Previously, Ms. Walker served as the Chair of the Energy and Environment transition team for Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin; was a founder and Boardboard member of First Security Bank, Lexington, Kentucky and of Great Nations Bank, Norman, Oklahoma.

The Board of Directors has concluded that Ms. Walker is well qualified and should serve as a director of the Company on the basis of her contributions to the Company as a director since joining the Board in 2017, and as a resultbecause of her extensive energy-related business experience including in areas of sales and marketing, executive management and finance, developed by serving as an executive officer and director of various entities.

Rob Chang, 40,43, MBA


Rob Chang has 2326 years of experience in the financial services industry. Mr. Changindustry and is a sought after expert in uranium markets. An experienced senior executive, he currently sits on the boards of publicly traded mineral resource companies. He is currently the Co-Founder and Chief FinancialExecutive Officer of Riot Blockchain, Inc. Prior toGryphon Digital Mining and his current position, he most recently servedpast roles include serving as the Managing Director and Head of Metals & Mining at Cantor Fitzgerald where he provided research coverage in precious metals, base metals, lithium, and uranium. He is well familiar with the uranium mining industry and is considered a subject matter expert by several media outlets. He was recognized by Bloomberg as the "Best“Best Precious Metals Analyst"Analyst” in Q1 2016. Mr. Chang is frequently quoted by and a regular guest of several media outlets including:including Bloomberg, Reuters, CNBC, and the Wall Street Journal. Mr. Chang previously served as a Director of Research and Portfolio Manager at Middlefield Capital, a Canadian investment firm which managed $3 billion in assets. He was also on a five-person multi-strategy hedge fund team where he specialized in equity and derivative investments. Mr. Chang completed his MBA at the University of Toronto'sToronto’s Rotman School of Management.

Mr. Chang also serves as a director on the boards of Fission Uranium Corp. (since April 2018) and Shine Mineral Corp. (since November 2018).


The Board of Directors has concluded that Mr. Chang is well qualified and should serve as a director of the Company on the basis of his contributions to the Board since 2018, and his extensive knowledge of the financial markets and financial services industry, as well as his knowledge of the uranium mining industry.

PProposal No. 2:  roposal No.2
Re-Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants, as our Independent Auditors and Approval for the Directors to Fix the Remuneration of the Auditors

Appointment of Auditor

The Audit Committee selected and has recommended the independent accounting firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP with respect to the audit of our financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2018.2021. At the Meeting, it is proposed to re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants, as auditors of the Company, to serve until the next annual meeting of shareholders with their remuneration to be fixed by the Board of Directors.


In the interests of safety, and in light of ongoing travel and gathering conditions related to COVID-19, we currently expect that our Audit Partner from PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP will attend the Meeting. 

participate in our Meeting by telephone.

Independent Accountant Fees and Services

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP and its affiliates have been the auditors of Ur-Energy since December 2004. The fees accrued for audit and audit-related services performed by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP in relation to our financial years ended December 31, 20172020 and 2016,2019, paid and shown below in C$, were as follows:

Years ending

Audit fees (1)

Audit-related Fees (2)

Tax Fees (3)

All Other Fees

December 31, 2017

C$ 225,750

C$ 140,341

$ -

$ -

December 31, 2016

C$ 215,250

C$ 152,314

$ -

$ -


Audit fees consisted of audit services, reporting on internal control over financial reporting and review of such documents filed with the securities regulators.

 December 31, 2020December 31, 2019
Audit fees (1)
$171,200$ 209,475
Audit related fees (2)
$ 55,300$ 57,750
All other fees (3)
$ 59,810$ 21,129
Total$286,310$ 288,354


Audit related fees were for services in connection with quarterly reviews of the consolidated financial statements and work in connection with our securities filings as required by the Canadian and United States securities regulators.


Fees such as those billed for tax compliance, tax advice, and tax planning services would be included.


Audit fees consisted of audit services, reporting on internal control over annual financial reporting and review of such documents filed with the securities regulators.
Audit related fees were for services in connection with quarterly reviews of the consolidated financial statements and review of such documents filed with the securities regulators.
All other fees include fees related to financing activities, if any, and our shelf registration and at-market sales agreement. We have not incurred audit fees billed for tax compliance, tax advice, and tax planning services during either 2019 or 2020.
Audit Committee’s Pre-Approval Practice

All services reflected in the preceding table for 20172020 and 20162019 were pre-approved in accordance with the policy of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors

It is proposed to approve an ordinary resolution to re-appoint the firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants, as auditors of the Company to hold office until the close of the next annual meeting of shareholders or until PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP is removed from office or resigns, and to authorize the Board of Directors of the Company to fix the remuneration of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as auditors of the Company.

Recommendation of Ur-Energy’s Board of Directors

The Board of Directors recommends that the shareholders vote FOR the re-appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants, and to authorize the Board of Directors of the Company to fix the remuneration of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as auditors and, unless a shareholder gives instructions on the proxy card to the contrary, the proxies named thereon intend to so vote.

The approval of Proposal No. 2 requires the approval of a majority of the votes cast by shareholders present(either in person or represented by proxyproxy) at the Meeting.


Proposalroposal No. 3: Approval, on an Advisory Basis, of the Compensation of the Company’s Named Executive Officers

Advisory Vote on Named Executive Officer Compensation

In accordance with SEC rules, our shareholders will be asked at the Meeting to approvecast a non-binding advisory vote on the compensation of our Named Executive Officers as disclosed in this Circular, including the disclosures under “Compensation DiscussionProgram” and Analysis,”“Executive Compensation” and the accompanying compensation tables and the related narrative disclosure. This vote is not intended to address any specific item of compensation, but rather the overall compensation of our Named Executive Officers and the policies and practices described in this Circular.

We conducted a similar advisory vote in 2017,2020 and approximately 90%86% of the votes cast at that meeting voted in favor of the compensation of our Named Executive Officers. For the past five years, our advisory “say on pay” vote has averaged above 90%. This vote is advisory, which means that its outcome is not binding on the Company, the Board of Directors or the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors.


We are continuing our practice of having an annual say-on-pay advisory vote, so the next advisory vote will occur at our annual meeting in 2019.


The Compensation Committee and the Board of Directors believe that our compensation policies and procedures are effective in achieving our goals. As described under “Compensation Discussion and Analysis”Compensation Program our compensation program is designed to motivate executive officers and employees to achieve pre-determined objectives without taking excessive risks; provide competitive compensation and benefit programs to attract and retain highly-qualified executives and employees; encourage an ownership mentality; and, fundamentally, to support the achievement of results. We believe that the Company’s compensation program, with its balance of (i) short-term incentives (including cash bonus awards and performance conditions for such awards), (ii) long-term incentives (including equity awards of stock options and restricted share units which vest over varied periods of two to three years), and (iii) share ownership guidelines for executive officers, reward sustained performance that is aligned with long-term shareholder interests. Shareholders are encouraged to read the “Compensation Discussionboth “Compensation Program and Analysis,Executive Compensationsections below, as well as the accompanying compensation tables and the related narrative disclosure. Shareholders will be asked to approve the following ordinary resolution (the “Advisory Vote on Named Executive Officer Compensation Resolution”) at the Meeting:

BE IT RESOLVED THATthe Company’s shareholders approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Named Executive Officers, as disclosed in the Company’s Management Proxy Circular for this annual and special meeting of shareholders, including the “Compensation DiscussionProgram” and Analysis,”“Executive Compensation” sections and the accompanying compensation tables and the related narrative disclosure, pursuant to the compensation disclosure rules of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.disclosure.

Recommendation of Ur-Energy’s Board of Directors

The Board of Directors recommends that shareholders vote FOR approval of the Advisory Vote on Named Executive Officer Compensation Resolution.

The approval of the advisory vote on Proposal No. 3 requires the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes castCommon Shares present at the meeting.meeting (either in person or by proxy). Although the advisory vote is non-binding, the Board will review the results of the vote and will take themthe results of the vote into account in determinations concerning executive compensation.

Proposal No. 4:Approval of the Amendments to the Ur-Energy Inc. Amended and Restated Restricted Share Unit and Equity Incentive Plan (the “RSU&EI Plan”)

At the Meeting, shareholders will be asked to consider and pass a resolution substantially in the form set out below, to approve and ratify amendments to the Ur-Energy Inc. Amended and Restated Restricted Share Unit and Equity Incentive Plan (the “RSU&EI Plan”).
The amendments to be approved allow for grants of (a) performance share units (“PSUs”) and (b) direct issuance of Common Shares (with or without conditions of vesting), as well as to change the name of the plan. The amendments do not request any increase in the percentage number of shares available for issuance under the RSU&EI Plan. The RSU&EI Plan, including these recent amendments, as approved by the Board of Directors, is summarized in more detail under the heading “Stock Options and Amended and Restated Restricted Share Unit and Equity Incentive Plan,” below.
A copy of the RSU&EI Plan is attached to this Circular as Schedule A. A shareholder may also obtain a copy of the plan from the Secretary of the Company upon request at 10758 West Centennial Road, Suite 200, Littleton, Colorado, 80127, telephone 720-981-4588.

As amended, the RSU&EI Plan continues to include directors and employees, including executive officers, of Ur-Energy as possible eligible participants. As at April 13,

2021, there are 10 employees and six non-executive directors who are eligible to participate in the plan. As at April 13, 2021, the closing price of our Common Shares on the NYSE American was $1.10 and on the TSX was C$1.37.
The Board of Directors believes that it is in the best interests of the Company to amend the RSU&EI Plan in these ways to enhance our compensation program and specifically our bonus programs, to continue to permit the Board of Directors to grant RSUs and to expand our long-term incentives to include PSUs and direct share issuances of Common Shares (“DSIs”) to directors and employees, including executive officers, of the Company and its subsidiaries. The additional bonus alternatives that these amendments provide also supports our continuing efforts to attract and retain highly qualified directors and employees, including executive officers, who will be motivated towards the success of the Company. The RSU&EI Plan, including these amendments, encourages share ownership in the Company by directors and employees, including officers, who work on behalf of the Company.
If at the Meeting, the shareholders of the Company do not approve the amendments as proposed, all currently outstanding RSUs and the existing Amended and Restated Restricted Share Unit Plan (the “Existing RSU Plan”) as previously approved by the shareholders on May 2, 2019, will be unaffected, and future grants will be made under the Existing RSU Plan in its form prior to the amendments by the Board of Directors on April 13, 2021.
Because the RSU&EI Plan participants and the amounts of any awards are determined in the absolute discretion of the Board of Directors, the benefits to be delivered under the amended RSU&EI Plan at this time are indeterminable at this time. 
The amendments to the Ur-Energy Inc. Amended and Restated Restricted Share Unit and Equity Incentive Plan, as set forth fully in Schedule A to this Circular (the “RSU&EI Plan”), be and are hereby ratified, confirmed and approved; and


Any director or officer of Contents

the Company be and each of them is hereby authorized, for and on behalf of the Company, to do such things and to sign, execute and deliver all such documents that such director or officer may, in their discretion, determine to be necessary or useful in order to give full effect to the intent and purpose of this resolution.

The Board of Directors recommends that the shareholders vote FOR the RSU&EI Plan Amendments Resolution.
The TSX rules provide that all eligible insiders in order to participate in the RSU&EI Plan may not vote on these amendments. Accordingly, the RSU&EI Plan resolution must be passed by a majority of votes cast by shareholders present in person or represented by proxy at the meeting, excluding 5,674,838 Common Shares held by certain insiders of the Company and their affiliates.


Identification of Executive Officers

Jeffrey T. Klenda, 61,64, B.A.

Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Klenda graduated from the University of Colorado in 1980 and began his career as a stockbroker specializing in venture capital offerings. Prior to founding Ur-Energy in 2004, he worked as a Certified Financial Planner and was a member of the International Board of Standards and Practices. In 1986, he started Klenda Financial Services, an independent financial services company providing investment advisory services to high-end individuals and corporate clients as well as providing venture capital to corporations seeking entry to the U.S. securities markets. In the same year, Mr. Klenda formed Independent Brokers of America, Inc., a national marketing organization. He also served as President of Security First Financial, a company he founded to provide consultation to individuals and corporations seeking investment management and early stageearly-stage funding. Over the last 3035 years, Mr. Klenda has acted as an officer and/or director for numerous publicly-tradedpublicly traded companies, having taken his first company public at 28 years of age. Currently, Mr. Klenda is a director of Organto Foods Inc. (since November 2013). Mr. Klenda has served as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company since 2006. He served as Executive Director from January 2006 -to May 2015. Thereafter, he served as Acting Chief Executive Officer until being named President and Chief Executive Officer by our Board of Directors in December 2016.

Roger L. Smith,60,   63, CPA, MBA, CGMA

Chief Financial Officer and Chief Administrative Officer

Mr. Smith has 3035 years of mining and manufacturing experience including finance, accounting, IT, ERP and systems implementations, mergers, acquisitions, audit, tax and public and private reporting in international environments. Mr. Smith served as Ur-Energy’s Chief Financial Officer and Vice President Finance, IT and Administration until May 2011, when he assumed the title and responsibilities of Chief Administrative Officer as well as Chief Financial Officer. Mr. Smith joined Ur-Energy in May 2007, after having served as Vice President, Finance for Luzenac America, Inc., a subsidiary of Rio Tinto PLC and Director of Financial Planning and Analysis for Rio Tinto Minerals, a division of Rio Tinto PLC, from September 2000 to May 2007. Mr. Smith has also held such positions as Vice President Finance, Corporate Controller, Accounting Manager, and Internal Auditor with companies such as Vista Gold Corporation, Westmont Gold Inc. and Homestake Mining Corporation. He has a Master of Business Administration and Bachelor of Arts in Accounting from Western State Colorado University, Gunnison, Colorado.

Steven M. Hatten, 54, 58, B.Sc.

Vice President Operations

Prior to being namedMr. Hatten has served as Ur-Energy’s Vice President Operations in 2011,since 2011. Prior to that, Mr. Hatten served as ourwas Ur-Energy’s Engineering Manager from 2007 to 2010 and as Director of Engineering and Operations 2010 to 2011. He has over 25 years of experience with a strong background in in situ recovery uranium design and operations. He previously worked as a Project Engineer for Power Resources, Inc., the Manager Wellfield Operations for Rio Algom Mining Corp. and Operations Manager at Cameco’s Smith Ranch – Highland Facility. Mr. Hatten has a Bachelor of Science in Petroleumpetroleum Engineering from Texas Tech University.

John W. Cash, 45,  48, M.Sc.

Vice President Regulatory Affairs

Mr. Cash has been our Vice President Regulatory Affairs since March 2014. Previously, he was named Vice President Regulatory Affairs, Exploration & Geology in 2011 and served in that capacity until March 2014. Prior to 2011, Mr. Cash was our Environment, Health, Safety and Regulatory Affairs Manager from 2007 to 2010 and Director of Regulatory Affairs 2010 to 2011. He previously worked for Crow Butte Resources, Inc. a subsidiary of Cameco, from 2002 to 2007, including as Senior Environmental/Safety Superintendent, Safety Director/Wellfield Supervisor and Operations Superintendent. Prior to that time, Mr. Cash also worked in uranium exploration. He is a Fellow of the World Nuclear University Summer Institute, 2005. Mr. Cash has a M.Sc. GeologyMaster of Science in geology and Geophysicsgeophysics from the University of Missouri-Rolla. Mr. Cash currently serves as the President of the Uranium Producers of America, a uranium industry lobbying group dedicated to the preservation and promotion of a healthy uranium mining and processing industry in the United States.


James A. Bonner,  71,  B.Sc.

Vice President Geology

Mr. Bonneris a Professional Geologist with 28 years in the uranium exploration and development industry, three years in the oil and gas industry and 13 years in environmental engineering consulting. He joined Ur-Energy as Vice President Geology in March 2014, having most recently served as Vice President of Exploration for Powertech (USA), Inc.  He previously worked as a consulting geologist, was employed as a Senior Geologist for Gordon Environmental in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and worked for 16 years in uranium exploration for Rocky Mountain Energy Company throughout the western U.S.  Mr. Bonner is a Registered Professional Geologist and a Certified Professional Geologist, and is a member of the Geological Society of America and the American Institute of Professional Geologists. Mr. Bonner received a Bachelor of Science in Geology from the University of Wyoming.

Penne A. Goplerud, 56,  59, JD

General Counsel & Corporate Secretary

Ms. Goplerud has 25 years of diverse legal experience in complex litigation, business matters and natural resources transactions. She was named General Counsel and Corporate Secretary of the Company in 2011, having joined Ur-Energy as its Associate General Counsel in 2007. While in private practice, she represented clients in commercial litigation, arbitration and mediation involving mining, oil and gas, commercial and corporate disputes, securities and environmental law. She also has counseled business clients and represented clients in the negotiation of business transactions. Prior to joining Ur-Energy, as Associate General Counsel in 2007, much of Ms. Goplerud’s practice focused on natural resources work in the U.S. and transactional work.abroad. Ms. Goplerud obtained her JD from the University of Iowa College of Law.


Our Compensation Committee is composed of independent directors and is responsible for matters of compensation

We are a “smaller reporting company” as they relatedefined by SEC regulations. As a result, we are not required to our employees and, more specifically, our executive officers including the Chief Executive Officer. The Compensation Committee discussed the followinginclude a comprehensive Compensation Discussion and Analysis (“CD&A”)in this Circular. We are providing, voluntarily, certain of the information that would typically be contained in a Compensation Discussion and Analysis section in an effort to provide our shareholders with management,additional information regarding our executive compensation policies, practices and thereafter recommended itplans, and in order to the Board, which approved, this CD&A.

provide context for your consideration of our advisory ‘say on pay’ proposal.

Compensation Program and Philosophy

Ur-Energy is committed to managing our human resources.

We believe that the caliber and commitment of our executive officers are critical to our continued success and performance, and the overall commitment of all of our employees.

The Compensation Committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Board with respect to the overall approach to compensation for all of our employees, and specifically with respect to our executive officers, including the Chief Executive Officer, Jeffrey Klenda, and the remuneration of directors.


Pursuant to our obligations of disclosure as a smaller reporting company, our named executive officers (“Named Executive Officers” or “NEOs”) for 20172020 were:


Jeffrey T. Klenda, Chairman, President and CEO,


Roger L. Smith, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Administrative Officer,



Penne A. Goplerud, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary,

Jeffrey T. Klenda, Chairman, President and CEO


Steven M. Hatten, Vice President Operations, and



John W. Cash, Vice President Regulatory Affairs.

Roger L. Smith, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Administrative Officer

Penne A. Goplerud, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary
We maintain a compensation program in which both performance and compensation are routinely evaluated. Further, we maintain a program in which (a) pay for performance is supported by a significant percentage of executive pay being at risk (50% of CEO compensation; 45% of other executive officers); (b) motivating executive officers to create shareholder value by using total shareholder return as a part of the Company’s “Total Company” objectives; (c) performance by all employees on personal objectives and corporate objectives is evaluated, with executive officers’ short-term incentive bonus awards being more closely aligned to performance on corporate objectives (60%) based upon the greater


opportunity, and responsibility, to shape corporate performance (hourly and non-managerial staff bonuses are more heavily weighted to their personal objectives), and with generally 80% of an executive’s long-term incentive is based upon stock options; (d) certain defined thresholds must be reached as a minimum level of performance, typically 80%50% of the target (or, a score of 2 on our 1-4 scale), before eligibility for payout on any objective and, by contrast, short-term incentive bonuses are effectively capped, as the maximum level of performance for each objective is typically set at 120%150% of the target (or, a score of 4 on our 1-4 scale); (e) reasonable salaries and overall compensation packages are based upon regularly updated compensation surveys and ongoing review of peer comparators’ practices; (f) compliance with executive stock ownership guidelines is routinely monitored; (g) we have no multi-year contracts with executive employees, and our employment agreements with executive officers protect specialized and proprietary information, and contacts with personnel obtained while employed with the Company; (h) we do not permit repricing of stock options; (i) we do not permit payment of dividends on unvested or redeemed equity awards of all types; (j) executives are not permitted to hedge their beneficially-held Company’s shares; and (k)(j) we have adopted a clawback policy, all as set forth in greater detaildiscussed further below.

Our compensation program is designed to effectively link compensation to performance as demonstrated by the completion by our executive officers of corporate and personal objectives that are designed to drive creation of shareholder value. The Compensation Committee believes that it is important to maintain a clear link between the achievement of these objectives and compensation payout. Our first four years in operations at our Lost Creek uranium recovery projectWe have permitted us an opportunity to thoughtfully reviewreviewed the metrics and priorities most appropriately used to establish and maintain that connection. In doing so, we consider:
the following considerationsselection of corporate and personal objectives that are measurable and tied to shareholder value creation, which is fundamental to our success as a company;
executive officers should be evaluated and paid based on performance and achievement of both corporate and personal objectives; and
executive officers should have been taken into account:

a clear understanding of how their performance and the achievement of pre-determined objectives may influence their compensation.


the selection of corporate and personal objectives that are measurable and tied to shareholder value creation is fundamental to our success as a company;


executive officers should be evaluated and paid based on performance and achievement of both corporate and personal objectives; and


executive officers should have a clear understanding of how their performance and the achievement of pre-determined objectives may influence their compensation.

The objectives of theour compensation program are to:

to support the achievement of results; motivate executive officers to achieve pre-determined objectives without taking excessive risks; provide competitive compensation and benefit programs to attract and retain highly qualified executives; and encourage an ownership mentality, which is further augmented through share ownership guidelines for all executive officers.


support the achievement of results;


motivate executive officers to achieve pre-determined objectives without taking excessive risks;


provide competitive compensation and benefit programs to attract and retain highly qualified executives; and


encourage an ownership mentality, which is further augmented through share ownership guidelines for all executive officers.

TheOur compensation program process begins incontinues to follow the fourth quarter each year as we look ahead and establishsame progression throughout the year:

Setting Objectives: Establishment of department objectives and corporate objectives. Our executives and all staff then prepare theirobjectives, followed by personal objectives being approved, in conjunction with the establishment of theapproved budget and our key performance indicators.objectives.
LTIP Awards to Incentivize: As a part of this look ahead,step, the Compensation Committee recommends, and the Board considers and approves the annual grant of stock options and restricted share units (“RSUs”)RSUs to those eligible for consideration.

If its amendments are approved by the shareholders at the Meeting, the RSU&EI Plan will permit the Compensation Committee to grant other equity incentive awards to eligible participants. See also “InEquity Incentive Plans,” below.

Performance Review: Annually, in the first quarter, of each year we reflect onreview our performance during the past year, initially with a determination of performance on corporate objectives which is reviewed with(reviewed by the Compensation Committee and the Board of Directors.our Board). Performance of all staff is reviewed and employee performance assessments are conducted by supervisors and managers. Executivereviewed; executive officers are evaluated by the Chief Executive Officer and the Compensation Committee; and, the Chief Executive Officer is evaluated by the Compensation Committee and the Board of Directors. Based upon these performance assessments, the bonuses are determined and awarded.awarded, in the discretion of the Compensation Committee and Board. See further discussion under the heading Short Term Incentive Plan” below. During the performance assessment process,
COLA and throughout each year, various aspects of succession planningSalary Revies: Cost-of-living adjustments to salaries are considered. 


Thereafter, typically during second or third quarter, cost-of-living adjustmentsconsidered mid-year when best data are calculated.available. Contemporaneously, a salary surveys aresurvey is completed, with staff salaries adjusted to the findings of the survey, as necessary, and/or for merit increases. Throughout the year, employee development opportunities are implemented. As necessary and appropriate, a mid-year review of departmental and/or individual objectives is undertaken, with adjustments made as required to address and accommodate changed circumstances.

Compensation Structure

Our compensation program consists of base salary, short- and long-term incentives, and other perquisites. The components of total direct compensation relate to performance as follows:

Fixed Compensation

Variable Compensation

Current Incentive

Short-term Incentives

Long-term Incentives

Based on skills,

experience and market rates

Tied to Past

Annual Performance

Tied to Future Long-term Share Price Performance

Base Salary

Cash Bonus

Stock Options

Restricted Share Units

Employment Agreements with Named Executive Officers

We have employment agreements with each of our current executive officers. Traditionally, we have not maintained multi-year agreements. The agreements contain standard employment provisions, as well as salary, entitlement to a cash bonus to be determined in the discretion of the Board, and statements of eligibility for Company benefits (health and wellness benefits, paid time off, 401(k) plan), and equity compensation plans (stock option and RSU plans). The agreements also provide for post-termination obligations of the executives (one-year non-solicitation provisions applicable to all Named Executive Officers;executive officers; and one-year non-competition provisions in the agreements of Messrs. Hatten and Cash, as well as Mr. Bonner)Cash). Post-termination obligations of the Company with respect to the NEOs, including in an event of change of control, are discussed and summarized below under the heading “Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change of Control.” The Compensation Committee reviews the employment agreements of and compensation program for the executive officers on a periodic basis.

Objectives to be Met Through “Pay Mix”

The compensation program is designed to provide motivation and incentives to our executive officers and employees with a view toward enhancing shareholder value whileand successfully implementing our corporate objectives. The compensation program accomplishes this by rewarding performance that is designed to create shareholder value. The portion of variable, at-risk, performance-based compensation is commensurate to thean executive officer’s or employee’s position and increases as their respective level of responsibility increases. Further, the mix and structure of compensation is designed to strike an appropriate balance to achieve pre-determined objectives without motivating excessive risk taking.

Our share price may be heavily influenced by changes in uranium and other commodity prices, which are outside of our control. As a result, the compensation program is designed to focus on areas where the executive officers and employees have the most influence. To achieve this, a combination of operational, financial and share price criteria are utilized when selecting corporate and personal objectives and establishing an appropriate combination of pay.


The compensation structure and “pay mix” in place for 20172020 for our CEO and other executive officers was as follows:

Picture 7

The characteristics of the compensation program’s mix of pay, as they relate to the executive officers, include:


a significant portion of executive pay is at-risk;


executive officers have a higher percentage of at-risk compensation relative to other employees, because they have the greatest ability to influence corporate performance;


a significant portion of executive pay is at-risk;


executive officers have a higher percentage of Contents

at-risk compensation relative to other employees, because they have the greatest ability to influence corporate performance;


 of an executive’s short-term incentive is based on corporate performance; and



80% of an executive’s long-term incentive is composed of stock options, which are highly leveraged to our share price performance.

60% of an executive’s short-term incentive is based on corporate performance; and

80% of an executive’s long-term incentive is composed of stock options, which are highly leveraged to our share price performance.
The incentive compensation actually received by the executive officers varies based upon individual performance and the achievement of the pre-determined corporate and personal objectives and is ultimately subject to the discretion of the Compensation Committee and the Board.

Components of Compensation

Base Salary

Base salary is the fixed portion of cash compensation earned by and paid to our executive officers and employees. We provide our executive officers and employees withseek to identify levels of base salaries to compensate them for services rendered during the fiscal year and tosalary or wage which will aid in attracting and retaining quality employees. Base salaries for all employees are reviewed annually and theby management. The Compensation Committee reviews the base salary for each executive officer routinely or upon a promotion or other change in job responsibility, based on the individual’s level of responsibility, the importance of the position and the individual’s contribution to our overall performance. The Compensation Committee also assesses the base salaries of the executive officers relative to a group of peer companies with similar scope and operations to ensure that base salaries are positioned competitively with executive officers in similar roles at peer companies. Most recently, a formal review was made in 2017 and involved survey data from the peer group established by the Company, utilizing our subscription to Equilar (see discussion below under the heading “2017 Review of Compensation Program”). The review revealed that our executive officers generally are compensated within the ranges of the comparator company data, with certain exceptions. Our overall objective remains to provide a competitive base salary designed to recruit and retain qualified, high-performing executives, while responsibly administering our budget and achieving our corporate objectives, including advancing our Lost Creek operations.  

There were no adjustments to the base salaries of our executives during 2016. There was a cost of living adjustment of three percent provided to our executives in 2017. As there were no anticipated adjustments other than the cost of living adjustment for the executives in 2017, we did not retain an independent compensation consultant in 2017.


Short-Term Incentive Plan

Total cash compensation includes base salary and any variable (at risk) short-term cash incentive compensation. Bonus awards under our short termshort-term incentive plan (“STIP”) are calculated using a formula that is based upon performance in relation to corporate objectives, set by the Chief Executive Officer and executive management and approved by the Board, and in relation to personal objectives, also overseen by our Chief Executive Officerthe CEO and Board. The STIP program is designed to recognize and reward both corporate and individual performance results. A rebalancing of the weightingWeighting of corporate and personal objectives as related to the STIP program which was implemented in 2015, provides even greater personal responsibility of each executive officer for not only the corporate objectives, but also his or her personal objectives which are tied to that year’s corporate and departmental objectives. This, too, was developed by the Compensation Committee through its reviewconsideration of peer group practices and other standards.


We continue to use corporate objectives to broadly measure our total corporate performance in consideration of our STIPs, as well as for other purposes. Health, safety and environmental performance objectives are embedded throughout our process. As well, we have continued to ask each employee to adopt a personal safety objective each year. We continue to evaluate Total Company, Lost Creek, Pathfinder Mines and Corporate Services objectives.
Target and the Maximum value is 120% of Target. When quantifiable measures are not possible, or more than one measure is used, we use a four-point scale to measure results. The target level of performance is set at an aggressive level that represents a ‘reasonable stretch.’ For example, when using our four-point scale to measure results, a score of 3 (Fully Successful) is used as the Target. Achieving the Target would result in a 100% payout of the objective. The Threshold level of performance is the minimum performance that must be met before being eligible for any payout. The Threshold performance level is typically set at 80% of Target, or a score of 2 (Partially, but not Fully, Successful Performance) on the four-point scale. There is no payout if the Threshold is not met. Achieving the Threshold would result in a 50% payout. Maximum level of performance is typically set at 120% of Target, or a score of 4 (Superior Performance). Achieving or exceeding the Maximum would result in a 150% payout.

The following table shows the current target levels and weightings used to establish the 2017 STIP awards for our NEOs:

Executive Officers, including our CEO:

STIP Targets and Weights


STIP Target (% of
Base Salary)



Chairman, President and CEO: 

Jeffrey T. Klenda




Chief Financial Officer and Chief Administrative Officer:

Roger L. Smith 




Corporate Secretary and General Counsel:

Penne A. Goplerud




Vice President Operations:

Steven M. Hatten




Vice President Regulatory Affairs:

John W. Cash




We calculate the STIP awards as follows:

Picture 6

The following table provides a demonstrative example of the STIP award calculation that would result for a chief executive officer with a base salary of $100,000, if his or her corporate and personal objectives results were as shown in the weighted payout column.

Picture 8

STIP Targets and Weights
STIP Target
(% of
Base Salary)
Chairman, President and CEO: Jeffrey T. Klenda40%60%40%
Other Executive Officers
(CFO, Corporate Secretary, Vice President Operations and Vice President Regulatory Affairs)

Actual STIP awards are based on performance for the year and are typically paid in the following year after our year-end results are released.

evaluated. We calculate the STIP awards as follows:


Long-Term Equity Incentives

The long-term incentive plan (“LTIP”) includes our Option Plan and the Ur-Energy Amended Restricted Share UnitRSU&EI Plan (the “RSU Plan”(or, with the Option Plan, the “Plans”). The Option Plan and the RSU PlanPlans together form a long-term incentive plan for employees including executive officers and, in the case of the Option Plan, our consultants. Participation inEligibility for participation and awards under the Option Plan and the RSU Plan isPlans are determined by the Compensation Committee, taking into accountconsidering the recommendations of the Chief Executive Officer (and, for the Chief Executive Officer, the recommendations of the Compensation Committee)Committee to the Board). The purposepurposes of the Option Plan and the RSU Plan isPlans are to provide eligible participants with the opportunity to own Common Shares of the Company, enhance Ur-Energy’s ability to attract, retain and motivate key personnel, and align theeach participant’s interests with those of the Company’s shareholders. Awards made under the Option Plan and RSU PlanPlans are similarly based upon a pre-established formula tied to base salary and the compensation structure explained above (a percentage of base salary; 4:1 ratio between stock options and RSUs).structure. The LTIP target for our CEO is 60% of his base salary; the LTIP target for our other Named Executive Officers is 50% of his or her base salary. A more detailed discussion of the OptionPlans, including amendments to the RSU&EI Plan and RSU Planwhich our shareholders are asked to be approved at the Meeting, can be found below under the heading “Stock Options and RSUs.Restated and Amended Restricted Share Unit and Equity Incentive Plan.

Perquisites Including Benefits

We provide employees, including our executive officers, with perquisites including personal benefits that we believe are reasonable and consistent with the overall compensation program to better enable us to attract and retain quality employees. We periodically review the levels of perquisites provided to the employees and executive officers to ensure competitiveness and value. Executive officers participate on the same terms as other employees in our healthcare and other benefit programs including a 401(k) Plan, medical, prescription drug, dental, vision, short-termshort- and long-term disability, life and supplemental life insurances; employee assistance program; and health and dependent care flexible spending accounts. In 2017, Lost Creek employees were also eligible for a safety incentive program bonus.

Compensation Risk Assessment


The charter for our Compensation Committee Charter requires that the Compensation Committee to review and consider the implications of the risks associated with our compensation policies and practices to avoid encouraging inappropriate risk taking by executive officers. The Compensation Committee has undertaken reviews of this type in conjunction with periodic reviews of the compensation program, including most recently in December 2017.2020. The Committee has implemented and maintained multiple practices to ensure that there are not incentives to take inappropriate or excessive risks, including: combining fixed and variable compensation, granting appropriate levels of equity compensation, and mandating equity ownership requirements for executive officers and directors which are routinely reviewed. Based upon the Compensation Committee’s review, we do not believe that the Company’s executive or non-executive compensation structure is reasonably likely to have a material adverse effect on the Company.


2020 Review of Compensation Program

and Establishment of Peer Group

The Compensation Committee from time to time undertakes a comprehensive review of our compensation program which includes competitive market data, pay grades, share ownership guidelines and short-term and long-term incentives. Most recently, thisa review of the program and of the compensation of executive officers was completed in 2017.2020. As we typically have done, the 2017 compensation program review began withincluded the development of our peer group, to be utilized for multiple purposes. As with other peer comparator groups before it, the peer group was used within our corporate objectives as a base from which we can compare our performance to otherpeer companies in the group for such things as total shareholder return. Itand is also used as afor comparison group when we evaluate our directorsdirectors’ and officersofficers’ compensation. If the selected peer group has insufficient depth of data for a particular executive’s compensation, with additionalwe extend our review ofto companies outside the peer group which have similar executive positions where the peer group does not have sufficient depth of data.positions. Generally, we review and/or update our peer group annually. Once updated, the Compensation Committee reviews theand/or updates our peer group annually and then recommends it, with any changes or additions, to the Board for its approval. We subscribe to Equilar’s compensation services. Equilar’s tools assist us in the creation and evaluation of peer groups and in the evaluation of our directors and officers compensation.

The peer group approved by the Board includes ten otherfor 2020 included six uranium producers and explorers as well as fourand ten other mining companies (e.g., gold, silver) with similar revenues, total assets and market capitalization, with a focus on U.S. or North


American basedsimilarly-situated uranium explorers and producers and therefore reaches out into other sectors of the mining industry to operating companies. Generally, our ranking is in the middle of the peer group in terms of revenues, total assets and market capital. Also, we have nine of the 14 companies in our peer group in common with our peer’s peer groups. In other words, the companies in our peer group have also chosen many of the same companies to be in their peer groups. Our 20172020 peer group, as approved by the Board of Directors, is as follows:

ALEXCO Resource Corp.


Americas Gold and Silver Corporation

Argonaut Gold Inc.
Denison Mines Corp.Endeavour Silver Corp.Energy Fuels Inc.
Fission Uranium Corp.Gold Resource CorporationGolden Star Resources Ltd.
Great Panther Mining LimitedLargo Resources Ltd.NexGen Energy Ltd.
Seabridge Gold Inc.Silvercorp Metals Inc.Uranium Energy Corp.
Westwater Resources, Inc.


Azarga Uranium Corp.


Comstock Mining, Inc.


Denison Mines Corp.


Energy Fuels Inc.


Gold Resource Corp.


Great Panther Silver Limited


Mega Uranium Ltd.


Peninsula Energy Limited


Toro Energy Limited


U3O8 Corp.


UEX Corp.


Uranium Energy Corp.


Westwater Resources Inc. (formerly, Uranium Resources, Inc.)

As a result of our compensation program review and establishment of the peer group, no changes to our compensation program were determined to be necessary or appropriate at this time. The weighting of personal and corporate objectives remains as it has been since 2015, with executives’ personal objectives aligned with the objectives of the department for which the executive officer is responsible; the executives’ personal objectives are also designed to help the Company achieve its overall corporate objectives. The categories of corporate objectives remain as before: Total Company, Lost Creek, Pathfinder and Corporate Services on a weighted basis as set forth below. We re-weighted the most significant weightings Total Company (20%) and Lost Creek (40%) for an even greater emphasis on operational priorities.


2020 Performance on Objectives and Relationship to STIP Awards

We use corporate objectives to broadly measure our total corporate performance.

Our corporate objectives are grouped into Key Performance Areas, which in turn include a number of compensable Key Performance Indicators (“KPIs”). For 2017, our corporate objectives are divided into four Key Performance Areas (“KPA”) that reflect our core reporting segments.  The following table shows the KPAs and their respective weights.

Picture 1

Weightings for each KPA are established based on the reporting segment’s objectives in relation to the overall corporate strategy of the Company. Health, safety and environmental performance objectives are embedded within each KPA. Each


Table of Contents

KPA includes a number of compensable targets or KPIs. KPIs are a combination of financial and non-financial measures that are directly aligned with the reporting segment’s strategy. Each KPI is aimed at driving annual performance within the KPA.

KPIs are the result of a cooperative effort among the reporting segments, executive management and our Board of Directors to establish objectives that align with our corporate strategy as charted by the Board of Directors. Reporting segment objectives that are considered to be most critical to corporate performance are selected to be KPIs. Selected KPIs, weightings and performance levels are presented to the Compensation Committee, and subsequently to the Board of Directors, for approval.

Each KPI has three performance levels (Threshold, Target and Maximum) that are used to measure results. Threshold, Target and Maximum performance-level values are based on quantifiable measures when possible, where typically the Threshold value is 80% of Target and the Maximum value is 120% of Target. When quantifiable measures are not possible, or more than one measure is used, we use a four-point scale to measure results as follows:


Unsatisfactory Performance (Fails to meet minimum expectations)


Partially Successful Performance (Needs some improvement in specific areas)


Fully Successful Performance (Effective)


Superior Performance (Highly Effective)

The target level of performance for each KPI is set at an aggressive level that represents a 'reasonable stretch'. For example, when using our four-point scale to measure results, a score of 3 (Fully Successful Performance) is used as the Target. Achieving the Target would result in a 100% payout of the Weighted KPI.

The Threshold level of performance is the minimum level of performance that must be met before being eligible for any payout on that KPI. The Threshold performance level is typically set at 80% of Target, or a score of 2 (Partially, but not Fully, Successful Performance) when using our four-point scale. There is no payout if the Threshold is not met. Achieving the Threshold would result in a 50% payout of the Weighted KPI. The Maximum level of performance for each KPI is typically set at 120% of Target, or a score of 4 (Superior Performance) when using our four-point scale. Achieving or exceeding the Maximum would result in a 150% payout of the Weighted KPI.

A straight-line interpolation is used to calculate payouts when the result is between the Threshold (50%) and Maximum (150%) targets.  The Weighted Payout is the result of multiplying (a) the Weighted KPI times (b) the Result Payout.

Together with the Compensation Committee, management regularly monitors the corporate results as they relate to the KPIs to determine if the Company is on-track to meet its objectives. After year end, a final review of the corporate results is overseen by the Compensation Committee and reported to the Board of Directors. In March 2018, the Board of Directors reviewed corporate performance based upon the selected KPI objectives established for 2017. Our corporate performance was evaluated as having generally met the performance objective targets, and exceeded the targets in several categories and specific objectives.


Table of Contents

Results of performance based upon these 2017 corporate objectives, as approved by the Compensation Committee and Board of Directors, are set forth in the tables below and explained in the text which follows each key performance area of the corporate objectives.









Total Company








Reduce LTIR and TRIR incidents and regulatory violations. 


Score of 3.8















Achieve median one- and three-year return compared to peers.

Score of 3.8

1 year – 79th percentile

3 year – 61st percentile

Average = 70th percentile

25th Percentile

50th Percentile










Average Realized Price

Exceed the one-year average published spot price.

Score of 4.0

Average realized price - $49.09

Average spot price = $21.88

% = 224%

80% of Spot Price

100% of Spot Price






Defend against harmful or negative regulatory issues (EPA Part 192, Dirt Tax, Production Royalty, CERCLA 108b, etc.); pursuit of relief under federal trade statutes.

Score of 4.0



Met Low


Met High






Strategic Plans

Implement limited development strategy to positively position the company.


Score of 3.5



Partially Implemented



Implemented w/at-plan results



Implemented w/better than plan results











Total Company:Our corporate “Total Company” objectivesduring 2020 continued to focus on safe, sustained productioncompliant operations at Lost Creek, while addressing the continuing challenges in the uranium recovery and fuel-cycle industries. The overlay of the COVID-19 pandemic, and challenges resulting from general uncertainty, market upheaval, gathering and travel restrictions, remote work, and other aspects of the ‘new normal,’ while maintaining physical and mental wellness, led us to a broader focus for the year’s objectives. Due to the evolving conditions, our plans were considered and refined from time to time by our executive management and Board. In its review of the performance-to-objectives for 2020, our Board made the assessment that the Company’s performance, and the performance of each executive, generally met or exceeded our performance objectives. Highlights of 2020 corporate performance are discussed below.

The Company ended the year with a limited development plancash and cash equivalents balance of $4.3 million. Excluding net realizable value adjustments, we recognized a gross profit related to U3O8 sales of $3.1 million during 2020, which represents a gross profit margin of approximately 38 percent. The Company realized an average price per pound sold of $41.50 or approximately 29 percent above the year’s average spot price. Purchased pounds were delivered into all contractual commitments in 2020, permitting us to preserve our ready-to-sell inventory at the conversion facility. At year-end, the inventory totaled 268,485 pounds U3O8, and, currently, is approximately 285,000 pounds U3O8. Additionally, various financings over the past 15 months permit us to now hold our production inventory pending improved spot market pricing or to deliver into the new U.S. uranium reserve.
During 2020, we remained dedicated in our pursuit of a renewed and healthy uranium mining industry which is vital to U.S. energy and national security. While our Section 232 trade action (2018-2019) did not result in immediate trade action by the White House, it is the foundation from which the new national uranium reserve is being established by the primary strategic objectiveU.S. Department of Energy.
The U.S. Nuclear Fuel Working Group (the “Working Group”), which was formed as a direct result of our trade action, issued its report in Q2 2020 with numerous strong recommendations to reinvigorate the nuclear fuel cycle industries, beginning with the uranium recovery industry. We continued in our efforts as a stakeholder throughout the year, and are pleased with the ultimate relief package, which included an initial appropriation of $75M for FY2021 for the siteestablishment of the uranium reserve program. Federal budget recommendations include a ten-year program with an annual appropriation of $150M through FY2030.
Additionally, we advocated for the extension and amendment to the Russian Suspension Agreement (“RSA”) which was not only extended 20-years at an average lower annual import rate for the additional term, but the extended RSA was then codified by Congress in 2017. We delivered into a saleDecember 2020.

On project-specific regulatory efforts, we continued to advance the permitting and licensing of our two millionth pound ofShirley Basin project, for which we expect to receive all major regulatory approvals in 2021 H1. The BLM granted its approval in 2020 Q2; we also received other state permits and authorizations for the project during 2020. Our applications to amend the Lost Creek uraniumpermits and licenses to include the KM and LC East Project expansion also advanced during the year, with the State of Wyoming Uranium Recovery Program granting the amendment to our Lost Creek source material license in 2017, shortly after our fourth anniversary2021 Q1. All other major authorizations and permits for this expansion are also expected to be received in operations. At year-end, we had captured in2021.
Due to the wellfield approximately 2.4 million pounds, life-of-project. Additionally, withimpacts to the economy of the COVID-19 pandemic and the continuing depressed uranium market conditions, we conducted no development work at Lost Creek in 2017,2020. Continued production from MU1 and the first three header houses of MU2 allowed us to capture approximately 10,790 pounds U3O8 at Lost Creek. During the year, we soughtdried and drummed 15,873 pounds U3O8, which was shipped to the conversion facility in 2021 Q1. Controlling production at lower rates, even with reduced staff, allowed us to further de-riskoptimize production processes, conduct additional maintenance and generally continue with full operational readiness to ramp up production when conditions warrant. Our long-tenured staff has completed extensive cross training and represents significant production expertise for our business throughcurrent and future operations.
In Q2, we made application for SBA Paycheck Protection Program loans, which allowed us to further support Lost Creek and our corporate and professional staff. We reached agreement with the creationState of Wyoming and Sweetwater County to defer an additional value18 months of principal payments on our State Bond Loan, resulting in a $7.8 million dollar savings in that period. Additionally, we completed a registered direct public offering in August 2020, from which we realized $4.3 million net proceeds. Together with the public offering we completed in February 2021 (gross proceeds $15.2 million), our term contracts, balancing productioncash position as of February 24, 2021, was $18.6 million.
With our continuing focus on safe and purchased poundscompliant operations, it is notable that Lost Creek received strong inspection reports and operated in an environmentally sound fashion, notwithstanding the challenges of the year and further reduced staffing. We continue to be delivered into the contractual obligations. We delivered and sold 780,000 pounds at an average price of $49.09, of which 261,000 pounds were producedstrengthen our robust safety culture at Lost Creek and 519,000 pounds were purchase for delivery to customers. Our term contracts continue to set us apart from othersthroughout the Company. Although we had a commuter accident early in the industryyear which resulted in lost-time, Lost Creek site operations and elsewhere throughout the Company and our other projects remained free from lost-time accidents. While we have had occasions under which it was advised that a staff member self-isolate for a period of time, we had only one staff member ill with COVID-19. There was not a material impact on operations during the absence of this individual from work. We remain vigilant in monitoring ongoing changes to public health guidance and look to safeguard our base revenues knownstaff and de-risked. These revenues permitted us again to timely make all payments in debt service during 2017, another accomplishment which continues to distinguish our Company.

In 2017, total U.S. uranium production fell to near historic lows due in large part to uranium and nuclear fuel imported from state-subsidized foreign entities; indications are that 2018 domestic production is likely to be even lower. A healthy uranium mining industry is vital to U.S. national security, because it supplies fuel for nuclear power plants that are a key component of the nation’s critical energy infrastructure and essential defense needs. We undertook to investigate a means by which we could respond to these circumstances. After much work on this project in H2 2017,  in early 2018, together


Table of Contents

with Energy Fuels, we submitted a petition under Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962operations to the U.S. Department of Commerce (“DOC”) for relief from imports of uranium products that threaten national security requesting (1) the DOC to investigate the effects of uranium imports on U.S. national security and (2) the President of the United States to use his authority to adjust imports to ensure the long-term viability of the U.S. uranium mining industry. The petition proposes sensible remedies that will support a viable domestic uranium mining industry with a negligible impact on U.S. nuclear utilities.

As always, we sought to reach our objectives within budget, including attaining free cash flow at new levels, to return value to our shareholders. We continue to emphasize safety in all that we do, reaching a one-year accident free milestone in April 2017, which we extended to sixteen months before the only lost-time accident for 2017 occurred: a sprained ankle. This achievement speaks highly of the commitment and diligence of our Lost Creek team, although our target remains no lost time accidents. At this time, we currently are at seven months with no lost-time accidents. 

As a result of our diligent cash-flow management, our free cash flow again exceeded our budget for the year. Even in the face of sustained depressed uranium pricing, our results on Total Shareholder Return (TSR), exceeded our targets for both one- and three-year results, with an average of 70th percentile. See also discussion under heading “Total Shareholder Return,” below. 









Lost Creek








Reduce LTIR and TRIR incidents and regulatory violations.


Score of 3.2

Reduction in the TRIR from 2016 by 38.7% (4.0 to 2.4)


No Reduction











Achieve budgeted production (270k) and cash cost per pound ($33.92).


Score of 2.8

2017 drummed production was 254k. 2017 cash cost per pound produced was $34.38




Met Low



Met High















Develop first three MU2 header houses on time and within budget.


Score of 2.8



Met Low


Met High







Update resource estimates based on development drilling results.


Score of 3.0



Met Low


Met High






Lost Creek Permitting

Advance BLM permitting of amendments to Lost Creek licenses and permits to a draft EIS. Finalize Class I recompletion amendment.


Score of 3.0



Met Low


Met High














Lost Creek: Our corporate objectives continued to focus on Lost Creek operations, with a weighting of 40% to the objectives directly related to Lost Creek; in 2017, this included advancing our operations on a limited development plan, while continuing to improve our safety standards. As described above, we continue to strive to improve our overall safety record, and have demonstrated that commitment with the safety milestone recognized of 12 months with no lost-time accidents (April 2016-2017). Additionally, the reduction in Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) from 2016 was 38.7%


Table of Contents

(4.0 to 2.4), which aligns Lost Creek’s record at a rate lower than national TRIR figures (~ 3.2) and Wyoming TRIR figures (~ 3.6).

The operational refinements implemented in 2016 continued to serve us well in 2017, as we continued to control our production rates at lower levels with good efficiencies. We delivered 261,000 pounds from Lost Creek to our customers during 2017. As well, we continue to achieve the lowest-cost production among publicly-traded uranium mining companies. We initiated a limited construction and development program to begin production from three header houses in the second mine unit. The first of the three houses began operations in August 2017.

Having obtained all general regulatory authorizations for Class V wells at Lost Creek in 2016, we brought online in 2017 what has been one of the most significant operational enhancements at the site: relatively shallow Class V wells allowing for the recirculation of up to 200 gpm of fresh permeate (i.e., clean water) from operations. This system is the first of its kind at an in situ recovery uranium facility. We anticipate that this system will enhance waste water disposition and recycling at the site for years to come. Because ultimately the system reduces injection requirements in our Class I deep disposal wells, its operation will extend the life of those very valuable assets.

Permitting advances made during the year were largely focused on the process to obtain all approvals for the amendments to existing permits and authorizations for recovery from mine units at LC East. All technical questions and requests for additional information from the BLM and NRC have been responded to, including with additional follow-on. We anticipate that the draft EIS will be forthcoming from the BLM, the lead agency on these amendments, in H1 2018. Additionally, the permitting for recompletion of our Class I deep wells has progressed, with the State having issued a draft permit allowing the recompletion. The State continues to work with the EPA to finalize the permit, which should then allow for recompletion of the first well in summer 2018.

While we conducted an additional reduction in force in March 2017, we have been successful in maintaining a skilled and dedicated workforce, which will serve us well when the uranium market improves and we are able to ramp up both development and production.

































Overhaul Shirley Basin EHS management system and maintain a safe work environment.


Score of 2.5




No Reduction











Shirley Basin Permitting

Advance permitting and assist with Wyoming agreement state program development.


Score of 3.0



Met Low


Met High






Data Development

Monetize Pathfinder database.


Score of 3.0





Met Low




Met High








Government and Community Relations

Continued improvement of government and community relations, etc.


Score of 3.0



No Improvement


Good Improvement















Table of Contents

Pathfinder: Performance in respect of our Pathfinder Mines assets continued to be strong in 2017, with our safety record for Pathfinder, including Shirley Basin Project, remaining perfect: no incidents. The Pathfinder objective which was advanced very successfully in 2017 is the development of value from the Pathfinder exploration database. The ongoing review and analyses of the database led us to identify several exploration projects for which data may be able to be sold to exploration companies who have expressed interest. More importantly, the database held data about a gold exploration project from which we developed further research and field analyses, and subsequently located federal lode mining claims comprising approximately 2100 acres: our new Excel Project in Nevada.  The area of rock sampling covered approximately 640 acres (one square mile). Initial results of the sampling are very promising. While we retain our focus, first and foremost, as a low-cost uranium producer, the opportunities presented by the Excel Project were too attractive not to pursue. We are currently considering all prospects to advance this new exploration project, and to obtain value for our shareholders, whether drilling the project ourselves, identifying a viable venture partner, or through a sale process. pandemic. Additionally, we will continue to mine the large database for other exploration and data sale opportunities.

During 2017, we advanced the application for permit to mine with the State of Wyoming. Work is well underway on other applications for all necessary authorizations to mine at Shirley Basin. We have worked cooperatively with others in our industry to assist with the developmentremain stewards of the Wyoming “agreement state” program, by which the NRC will delegate its authority for source material licensure and other radiation safety issues to the State. We understand that the development of the Wyoming Uranium Recovery Program remains on schedule for approval, full implementation and transition likely occurring later in 2018. Based upon that understanding, we currently anticipate submitting our application for a source material license for Shirley Basin to the State Uranium Recovery Program in 2018. During 2017, we continued our engagementenvironment with our landowning neighbors in Shirley Basin.









Corporate Services








Maintain zero LTIR and TRIR incidents and regulatory violations; further develop safety culture.


Score of 3.8














Risk Management

Minimize risk and maintain compliance.


Score of 3.2



No Improvement


Good Improvement







Financial Management

Achieve average cash budget while meeting all operating requirements. 


Score 3.5

Average cash of $7.4m was at or above the monthly cash plan most of the year. 





80% of budget















120% of budget










Expand and improve HR/IR programs.


Score of 3.2



Met Low


Met High







Implement Managed IT Services Program.


Score of 3.0




Met Low



Met High















Grand Total









Tableoversight of Contents

Corporate Services:  Again, with a focus on safetyoperations at Lost Creek and all of our sites, our support services groups performed well during 2017. We had no reportable safety incidents in the corporate services groups. Risk management remained a priority with our finance, compliance and legal groups, with reporting and other obligations completed in a timely and professional manner. We experienced no significant legal or compliance issue during the year. Our internal and external reporting remains of high quality, and our internal reporting continues to evolve in response to changing and new priorities. The finance department was successful in forecasting and managing our cash resources. All of these efforts relate to our ongoing efforts to strategically and successfully position the Company in these challenging market times. Our Chief Financial Officer continues his review of our compensation and benefits programs, and an even more robust compensation survey of non-executive staff was conducted this year by the corporate services group and operations staff.mineral properties.

Overall, our 2017 performance-to-objectives result was 109.6% of the targeted 100%.

Total Shareholder Return

The total shareholder return (“TSR”) of the Company compared with the returns of our peer comparator group is shown on a one-year through five-year basis in the table below. The long-term, five-year, TSR of Ur-Energy was well above the top quartile, with a ranking in the top five of the comparator companies. The shorter-term, two-year, TSR dropped below the 50th percentile, primarily driven by a significant decrease in uranium pricing in 2016, which impacted producing uranium companies more than non-producers and significantly more than non-uranium mining companies such as gold and silver companies that experienced rising commodity prices. More recently, the one-year TSR moved above the 50th percentile again as uranium prices flattened in 2017.







Total Shareholder Returns as at December 31, 2017

Ur-Energy Inc. Comparator Companies

Small Cap Mining Companies - emphasis on uranium & US based companies


Company Name

1 Year

2 Years

3 Years

4 Years

5 Years

Ur-Energy Inc.






Americas Silver Corporation



Azarga Uranium Corp.






Comstock Mining Inc.






Denison Mines Corp.






Energy Fuels Inc.






Gold Resource Corp.




Great Panther Silver Limited



Mega Uranium Ltd.


Peninsula Energy Ltd






Toro Energy Limited






U3O8 Corp.






UEX Corporation




Uranium Energy Corp




Whitewater Resources Inc.






75th Percentile









25th Percentile




















Table of Contents













Source: S&P Capital IQ

Ur-Energy Inc.'s Rank







> P50

< P50

> P50

> P50

> P75

For Information

S&P/TSX Composite Index






S&P/TSX Venture Composite Index






S&P/TSX Global Mining Index






Executive Compensation – Related Fees

The Compensation Committee did not utilize any third-party consulting services during 2017. Management and the Compensation Committee continue to utilize the Company’s subscription to Equilar Services.

20182021 Compensation Program and Outlook


We currently anticipate that the compensation program will remain largely the same in 20182021 for all employees and executive officers, recommendations fromofficers. The continuing market environment is such that we are maintaining a reduced production level, while optimizing our operational readiness. If additional supply destruction causes market conditions to improve, or when the compensation studiesimplementation of the U.S. uranium reserve is complete, we stand ready to enter additional contracts and ramp-up production at Lost Creek. Development and construction of Shirley Basin may also proceed, following receipt of all authorizations and appropriate market conditions.
The establishment of the uranium reserve is encouraging; however, there can be no certainty of the timing of the procurement process or our role in recent years, supported by the Compensation Committeeprogram, and therefore, the Boardoutcome of Directors, continuethis continuing process and its effects on the U.S. uranium market is uncertain.
We have maintained our Lost Creek assets and retained core technical, operational and management staff to run the safest, optimal operations, and to be reviewed and implemented by the Companyprepared to refine the executive STIP plan to include an even more robust performance-based compensation plan and evaluation process.

The average spot price per pound of U3O8, as reported by Ux Consulting Company, LLC and TradeTech, LLC, for the week of March 26, 2018 was $21.38. As a result of the continuing low spot price environment, we once again intend to maintain production at or below levels that will be consistent with our existing contractual sales obligations, which are 470,000 pounds at an average price of $49 per pound in 2018. Our current target for 2018 is to maintain an average production rate such that our annual production is sufficient to produce between 250,000 and 300,000 pounds. We have taken advantage of the low uranium prices at the end of 2017 and in early 2108 to enter into purchase agreements for, collectively, 460,000 pounds at an average cost of $24 per pound. We have already delivered a portion of these pounds. The purchases of pounds for delivery permits us to build inventory, which may be utilized to complete discretionary spot sale transactions on an as-needed basis,ramp-up when market conditions warrant. In addition to our production plansimprove. With initial development costs of approximately $14 million and no significant capital expenditures, these measures also provide us with the operational leverage for an efficient and low-cost ramp-up at Lost Creek and advancing the additional permitting applications and amendments to provide for future production of identified resources at the LC East Project, we will continue to advance all required operational licenses and permits for our Shirley Basin project.

Our “total company” objectives for 2018when warranted.

We will continue to concentrate on operating safely in an environmentally-sound fashion, focusing on the health and well-being of our employees, including in the continuing circumstances surrounding COVID-19, while returning value to our shareholders.

Additional Compensation Practices

Share Ownership Guidelines

All of our executive officers and directors are encouraged to have a significant long-term financial interest in our Company. To encourage alignment of the interests of the executive officers and directors with those of our shareholders, in 2009, theour Board of Directors mandated that each executive officer of Ur-Energy, whether currentlythen appointed or appointed in the future,thereafter, is required to invest an amount equal to one times the executive officer’s annual base salary in shares or securities redeemable into shares on or before the later of (i) December 31, 2013, (ii) the fifth anniversary of the executive officer’s appointment, or (iii) the date of the most recent salary increase. The investment amount is calculated using the amount of the base salary of the executive officer at the later of (i) January 1, 2009, (ii) the date of executive officer’s appointment, or the date of the most recent base salary increase. The share ownership requirements are also applicable to the non-executive directors who are required to invest an amount equal to three times their annual retainer. See further discussion under the heading Share Ownership Guidelines for Directors,” below. Reviewed most recently in October 2017,As at December 31, 2020, all directors and executive officers meet the Share Ownership Guidelines or are on-track to meet the Share Ownership Guidelines within the prescribed timeframes.


Table of Contents

Anti-Hedging Policy; Pledging

We have a formal anti-hedging policy which prohibits our executive officers and directors from engaging in any hedging or similar monetization transactions with respect to the Company’s securities, including, but not limited to, through the use of financial instruments such as exchange funds, prepaid variable forwards, equity swaps, puts, calls, collars, forwards and other derivative instruments, or through the establishment of a short position in the Company’s securities.

The Board has not formally adopted a policy restricting the pledging of its Common Shares held by executive officers or directors as, historically, there has been little or no pledging of the Company’s shares by our executive officers or directors. Currently, only one insider has pledged Common Shares; those pledged Common Shares represent approximatelyless than one percent of our issued and outstanding shares. Among the directors and executive officers, there have been no other pledged Common Shares of the Company. See notes to Notes to Security Ownership Table,of Management table, above.

Clawback Policy

The Company has adopted a clawback policy pursuant to which the Company would be entitled to recoup incentive compensation amounts paid to executive officer(s) in the event of a future restatement of financial results and other specified events. This policy covers all incentive cash and equity compensation, including any cash bonuses, restricted share unitsRSUs or stock options received by the executives. It provides that the Board may direct the Company to recoup the incentive cash and equity compensation of the executive(s) at fault if all three of the following events occur:


the Company makes an accounting restatement of our financial statements if there is a material financial reporting non-compliance under securities laws; and


the executive(s) engaged in gross negligence, intentional misconduct or fraud which caused or significantly contributed to the restatement; and



the executive(s) was overcompensated with respect to incentive cashthe Company makes an accounting restatement of our financial statements if there is a material financial reporting non-compliance under securities laws; and equity compensation during the year(s) subject to the restatement.

the executive(s) engaged in gross negligence, intentional misconduct or fraud which caused or significantly contributed to the restatement; and
the executive(s) was overcompensated with respect to incentive cash and equity compensation during the year(s) subject to the restatement.
If all three of the preceding events occur, the Board of Directors, following review and recommendation by the Compensation Committee, will decide when and how the policy will apply. The Company may recoup the portion of incentive cash and equity compensation received by the executive(s) at fault during the year(s) subject to the restatement that is in excess of the incentive compensation that would have been received based on the restated results.

Tax and Accounting Considerations

The Compensation Committee considers tax and accounting rules and regulations when structuring our executive compensation program. Our plans and programs are designed to comply with or be exempt from the requirements of Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “IRS Code”), which regulates deferred compensation and provides for potentially early taxation and a 20% additional tax on non-compliant arrangements. The Compensation Committee also monitors whether our executive compensation may be subject to the $1,000,000 per year deduction limitation set forth under Section 162(m) of the IRS Code, although to date the compensation of our Named Executive Officers has been well under the $1,000,000 per year limit. Equity awards are accounted for under FASB ASC Topic 718, which requires the recognition of expense for the fair value of such awards, and the Compensation Committee considers the accounting expense of such awards when authorizing stock option and RSU grants.

Executive Compensation – Related Fees
The Compensation Committee did not utilize any third-party consulting services during 2020. Management and the Compensation Committee continue to utilize online data sources.

Say on Pay Advisory Vote in 2017


In 2017,2020, our shareholders approved our compensation program for our Named Executive Officers by a vote in favor of 86%. For the past five years, our advisory “say on pay” vote has averaged above 90%.


Table of Contents

The Compensation Committee believes the results of our advisory votes on say“say on paypay” continue to be indicativeconfirm that the vastclear majority of our shareholders are satisfied with our executive compensation policies and decisions, and that our executive compensation program effectively aligns the interests of our Named Executive Officers with the interests of our shareholders. As a part

With challenged uranium market conditions persisting, only an informal review of executive compensation was made in 2020 as no changes were anticipated to be made in executive compensation. We included survey data from the peer group established by the Company, utilizing publicly available data and studies. The review confirms that our executive officers remain behind even the median ranges of the review of our compensation program and, specifically,comparator company data, with certain limited exceptions. Effective in 2019, an initial correction was made to adjust the base compensation of our Named Executive Officers, we didCEO, Mr. Klenda. Due to continuing market conditions, however, no further corrective action has been taken since and recommended corrections to other executive pay have also not make substantive changesbeen taken. No increase to executive pay was implemented during 2020; the compensation of our executives in 2017; thelast increase was when executives were provided cost of living raises, only.  

only, in November 2019 at the same time such raises were provided to all employees.

We continue to review our human resources in light of the Company’s current operations and needs. As a result ofResponsive to both persistently low uranium prices, and responsiveresulting reductions in production, to control at or about the level of our contractual requirements, we have reduced our overall employee count from a combined Ur-Energy USA (Casper/Littleton)(Wyoming/Colorado) and Lost Creek total of 90 employees at year-end 2013 to a combined 5018 full-time employees at year-end 2017;  further2020. This reduction has included controlled attrition as well as the reductions in force (nine additional employees) followedwhich have been implemented. Eleven employees were laid off in Q1 2018.  


Pursuant to our Board’s recommendation, we continue with an annual advisory (non-binding) say on pay vote. Although our compensation program has changed little in recent years, and we did not and do not currently anticipate that the program will change significantly, we believe that an annual update for our shareholders is appropriate. Based upon the first advisory vote by our shareholders in 2014,2020, concerning “say when on pay,” our Board adopted an annual advisory vote for “say on pay,pay.until ourOur next say when on pay vote in 2020. As a result, our next say on pay vote will be in 2019.


Summary Compensation Table

The following table sets forth the summary information concerning compensation earned during the financial years ended December 31, 2017, 20162020 and 20152019 by our Named Executive Officers serving at December 31, 2017.











Name and principal position (2)



Bonus (3)

Stock awards (4)(5)(6)

Option awards



Non-equity incentive plan compensation

Change in pension value and nonqualified deferred compensation

All other

compensation (7)













Jeffrey T. Klenda










President and










Chief Executive Officer




















Roger L. Smith










Chief Financial Officer and










Chief Administrative Officer




















Penne A. Goplerud










General Counsel and










Corporate Secretary




















Steven M. Hatten










Vice President, Operations






























John W. Cash










Vice President










Regulatory Affairs












Canadian dollar figures have been converted to U.S. dollar figures at the average exchange rate for 2017 of C$1.00 = US$0.7711367 for 2016 of C$1.00 = US$0.7555224, and for 2015 of C$1.00 = US$0.7835725 as quoted by Bank of Canada on its website

Name and principal position (1)
Bonus (2)
Stock awards (3)(4)(5)
Option awards
Non-equity incentive plan compensation
Change in pension value and nonqualified deferred compensation
All other compensation (6)
Jeffrey T. Klenda2020
President and2019
Chief Executive Officer 
Roger L. Smith2020
Chief Financial Officer and2019
Chief Administrative Officer 
Penne A. Goplerud2020
General Counsel and2019
Corporate Secretary 


Each of the NEOs (Messrs. Klenda, Smith, Hatten and Cash and Ms. Goplerud) has an employment agreement with the Company, as has been amended from time to time. See discussion under heading “Employment Agreements with Named Executive Officers” above and “Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change of Control – Employment Agreements with our Named Executive Officers” below.


Annual incentive plan awards are shown in the year paid. As described above, STIP awards are typically determined in the first calendar quarter based upon performance to corporate and personal objectives for the preceding year. The STIP awards

Each of the NEOs (Messrs. Klenda and Smith, and Ms. Goplerud), and each of our other executive officers, has an employment agreement with the Company, as has been amended from time to time. See discussion under “Employment Agreements with Named Executive Officers”above and“Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change of Control – Employment Agreements with our Named Executive Officers”below.


Annual incentive plan awards are shown in the year earned. As described above, STIP awards are typically determined in the first calendar quarter based upon performance to corporate and personal objectives for the preceding year. The 2019 STIP awards for the executive officers, which would have been paid in 2020, were postponed by the Board in deference to the effects of and uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. These STIPs were considered in 2021 and the determination was made by the Board to pay the 2019 STIPs at a rate reduced by 50%. Additionally, the Board determined that the STIP awards for executives for 2020, which have been paid in 2021, would be premised on an assessment of the Company and each executive having generally met or exceeded performance standards, and then be reduced by 50%. The Board may, in the future, consider the feasibility of making some payout of the 2020 STIPs as may be suggested by the Compensation Committee.


The issuance of Contents

share-based and option-based awards in conjunction with the LTIP are shown in the year they were issued.

for the Named Executive Officers for 2017, determined and approved by the Compensation Committee and Board of Directors in March 2018 and which will be paid in 2018, are as follows:  Mr. Klenda, $149,399; Mr. Smith, $90,722; Ms. Goplerud, $83,529; Mr. Hatten, $70,836; and Mr. Cash, $70,381.


The issuance of share-based and option-based awards in conjunction with the LTIP are shown in the year they were issued.



On March 11, 2015, each of the executive officers received a grant of RSUs in lieu of a cash STIP award for performance during 2014:  Mr. Klenda received 40,966 RSUs, Mr. Smith received 37,900 RSUs, Ms. Goplerud received 34,074 RSUs, Mr. Hatten received 25,850 RSUs, and Mr. Cash received 25,158 RSUs.

Canadian dollar figures have been converted to U.S. dollar figures at the average exchange rate for 2020 of C$1.00 = US$0.7461412; and for 2019 of C$1.00 = US$0.7537308 as quoted by Bank of Canada on its website


For additional information regarding the fair value of stock options and RSUs, as at December 31, 2017 (using the Company’s TSX closing stock price of C$0.86 on the last trading day of 2017), see Annual Report on Form 10-K, note 13 to Financial Statements, which has been filed with the SEC at and with Canadian securities regulators, and is available at


Reflects only the Company’s matching contribution toward the executive’s 401(k) retirement account. Other aspects of compensation or perquisites are of a non-material value, and/or are provided to executive officers in the same fashion as all employees of the Company (e.g., healthcare, disability, and other insurances).



For additional information regarding the fair value of stock options and RSUs, as at December 31, 2020 (using the Company’s TSX closing stock price of C$1.04 (~US$0.80) on the last trading day of 2020), see Annual Report on Form 10-K, note 13 to Financial Statements, which has been filed with the SEC at and with Canadian securities regulators, and is available at
Reflects only the Company’s matching contribution toward the executive’s 401(k) retirement account. Other aspects of compensation or perquisites are of a non-material value, and/or are provided to executive officers in the same fashion as all employees of the Company (e.g., healthcare, disability, and other insurances).


The following table sets forth certain summary information concerning our equity compensation plans as at December 31, 2017.2020. Directors, officers, employees, and consultants are eligible to participate in the Option Plan. Directors and employees, including executive officers, are eligible to participate in the RSU Plan.






Number of Common Shares to be Issued Upon Exercise of Outstanding Options, Warrants and Rights

Weighted Average Exercise Price of Outstanding Options, Warrants and Rights

Number of Common Shares Remaining for Future Issuance (Excluding Common Shares to be Issued Upon Exercise of Outstanding Options, Warrants and Rights)

Equity compensation plans approved by securityholders (1)


$ 0.70


Equity compensation plans not approved by security-holders





Our shareholders have approved both the Option Plan and the RSU Plan.

 Number of Common Shares to be Issued Upon Exercise of Outstanding Options, Warrants and Rights
Weighted Average Exercise Price of Outstanding Options, Warrants and Rights (2)
Number of Common Shares Remaining for Future Issuance (Excluding Common Shares to be Issued Upon Exercise of Outstanding Options, Warrants and Rights)
Equity compensation plans approved by securityholders (1)
$ 0.61
Equity compensation plans not approved by security-holders - - -


The exercise price represents the weighted exercise price of the 9,748,934 outstanding stock options at December 31, 2017.  


The figure represents the Common Shares remaining available for issuance under the Option Plan and the RSU Plan as reserved with the TSX at December 31, 2017.



The warrants included represent only those which form a portion of compensation for our lender.

Our shareholders have approved both the Option Plan and the Existing RSU Plan (as defined), and are asked to do so on a routine, every three-year basis.

The exercise price represents the weighted exercise price of the 11,910,424 outstanding stock options at December 31, 2020.
Stock Options and RSUs

the Amended and Restated Restricted Share Unit and Equity Incentive Plan

We adopted the Ur-Energy Inc. Amended and Restated Stock Option Plan in 2005 in order to advance our interests by providing directors, officers, employees and consultants with a financial incentive tied to Ur-Energy’sthe Company’s long-term financial performance and continued service to or employment with us. Subsequently, we adopted the Ur-Energy Inc. Restricted Share Unit Plan, as thereafter amended, as part of our overall stock-based compensation plan. The RSU Plan allowshas allowed participants to earn Common Shares over time, rather than options that give participants the right to purchase shares at a set price.

Proposed amendments to rename and include additional equity incentives as part of the RSU Plan which are proposed to be approved by the shareholders at this Meeting are described below.

A total of up to 10% of Ur-Energy’s issued and outstanding Common Shares may be reserved for issuance pursuant to the Option Plan and the RSU Plan,Plans, in the aggregate. As of March 27, 2018,April 13, 2021, we have listed and reserved 11,207,05813,283,902 Common Shares in the aggregate of which 9,439,732a total 18,938,910 (or 10%) available. We have 11,003,195 Common Shares were reserved under the Option Plan, and 1,767,3262,280,707 Common Shares were reserved under the RSU Plan. We allocateTherefore, up to 7,626,240 Common Shares (4%) are available under the Plans.
Of the shares currently reserved, 9,967,551 options for Common Shares have been granted and are outstanding, as of April 13, 2021, or approximately 5.3% of our issued and outstanding Common Shares. There are 1,345,119 RSUs that have been granted and are outstanding as of April 13, 2021, or approximately 0.7% of our issued and outstanding Common Shares. Historically, we have allocated approximately 80% of those reserved shares to the Option Plan and 20% to the RSU Plan, and award grants using a ratio of 4:1 Options to RSUs. The RSU Plan does not allocate more


than five percent of the reserved Common Shares. Of those currently reserved, 9,271,947 options for Common Shares have been granted and are outstanding, as at March 27,  2018, or approximately 6.3% of our issued and outstanding Common Shares. There are 1,157,438 RSUs that have been granted and are outstanding as of March 27,  2018, or approximately 0.8% of our issued and outstanding Common Shares. The number of shares reserved is subject to adjustment if the Common Shares are subdivided, consolidated, converted or reclassified or the number of Common Shares varies as a result of a stock dividend or an increase or a reduction in our share capital. We do not permit the payment of dividendsDividends or dividend equivalents on unvested or redeemed equity awards of all types.types are generally subject to the same vesting conditions as the underlying awards to which they relate. The run rate (or, “burn rate”) on the equity plans for the past three years is as follows:









Stock Option Plan




Restricted Share Unit Plan




Stock Option Plan1.8%1.8%1.5%
Restricted Share Unit Plan0.4%0.4%0.3%
As at March 27, 2018,April 13, 2021, the closing price of our Common Shares on the NYSE American LLC (“NYSE American”) was $0.59$1.10 and on the TSX was C$0.78.


Option Plan

Under the Option Plan, options may be granted to our directors, executive officers, eligible employees and consultants. As of March 27, 2018,April 13, 2021, there are approximately 2010 employees and six non-executive directors who would beare eligible to participate in the Option Plan. The Option Plan was most recently approved by shareholders with an approval of 79%, on May 18, 2017.

6, 2020.

The maximum number of Common Shares that may be reserved for issuance to any one person under the Option Plan is five percent of the number of Common Shares outstanding at the time of reservation. The options are personal and non-assignable. Option holders do not have any shareholder rights (and, specifically, shall not be entitled to dividends) with respect to options unless and until the options are exercised and stock certificatesCommon Shares are issued in the name of the option holder. The exercise price for Common Shares subject to an option is determined by the Board of Directors at the time of grant and may not be less than the market price of the Common Shares at the time the option is granted. Market price at any date in respect of the Common Shares means the closing price of the Common Shares on the TSX (or, if the Common Shares are not then listed and posted for trading on the TSX, then on the recognized stock exchange on which such Common Shares are listed or posted or, if such Common Shares are not so listed on any recognized stock exchange, then on the over-the-counter market on which they are traded or posted as selected for such purpose by the Compensation Committee or in accordance with Section 5.5 of the Option Plan) on the immediately preceding trading day.

Amendments to the Option Plan, approved by the shareholders in May 2017 (a) amended and extended the vesting period so that, going forward, options in a grant

Options vest over a three-year period: one-third on the first anniversary, one-third on the second anniversary and one-third on the third anniversary of the grant; (b) confirmed that dividends, for all award types,awards, shall not be payable on unvested options; (c) updated the Option Plan for compliance with applicable laws, including conformity with tax rules and requirements; and (d) made certain other housekeeping changes. The amendments did not request any increase in the percentage number of Common Shares available for issuance under the Option Plan, nor did the amendments change the term (five years) of the options. Prior to the amendments,all options were exercisable as to 10% immediately on the date of grant; with an additional 22% becoming exercisable four and one-half months after the date of grant; 22% becoming exercisable nine months after the date of grant; 22% thirteen and one-half months after the date of grant; and, the balance of 24% exercisable eighteen months after the date of grant, subject to the right of the Board of Directors to determine at the time of a particular grant that such options will become exercisable on different dates.

is five years. Additionally, in no event shall more than five percent of the shares available for issuance under the Option Plan have a stated vesting/exercisability schedule of less than one year from the date of grant.

The aggregate number of Common Shares issued to insiders within any 12-month period, or issuable to insiders at any time, under the Stock Option Plan and any other security-based compensation arrangement of the Company, may not exceed 10% of the total number of issued and outstanding Common Shares during such time.

Options granted under the Option Plan are subject to early termination under certain circumstances, including (i) one year after the death of the option holder, (ii) three months after the option holder’s resignation or dismissal without cause as an employee or consultant, or (iii) immediately upon the option holder’s dismissal for cause as an employee. In each case, only options vested at the time of the event which gave rise to such early termination may be exercised by the option holder


during such period. The Option Plan also provides that upon a change of control all options under the Option Plan vest immediately and are immediately exercisable.

The Option Plan and the terms of any outstanding option may be amended at any time by the Board subject to any required regulatory or shareholder approvals, provided that where such an amendment would prejudice the rights of an option holder under any outstanding option, the consent of the option holder is required to be obtained. Amendments requiring shareholder approval are those amendments set forth in the TSX Company Manual. Amendments that do not require shareholder approval are “housekeeping” amendments such as amendments to the Option Plan to comply with regulatory requirements, amendments related to the administration of the Option Plan and to change the eligibility requirements under the Option Plan and terms and conditions on which the options may be granted. The Option Plan may be suspended, terminated or discontinued in the sole discretion of theour Board of Directors.

Stock options are generally treated as ordinary compensation income as and when Common Shares are issued to the participant upon exercise of the award, however, in the case of Incentive Stock Options, the options aremay be taxable at long-term capital gains tax rates when the issued Common Shares are sold so long as certain conditions are met. If the participant is an employee, the compensation income may be subject to withholding for income and employment tax purposes. The Company is generally entitled to an income tax deduction equal to the amount of ordinary income recognized by the participant, subject to possible limitations imposed by the IRS Code, including Section 162(m).Code. Please note that the foregoing description is based upon U.S. federal income tax laws in effect on the date of this Circular and does not purport to be complete, and does not discuss state, local or non-U.S. tax consequences.


Amended and Restated Restricted Share Unit and Equity Incentive Plan

(RSU&EI Plan)

The Existing RSU Plan was originally adopted by the Board of Directors on May 7, 2010 and, as previously amended, was approved in its entirety most recently by our shareholders on May 5, 2016 with an approval of 67%. Certain2, 2019. The shareholders are asked at the Meeting to approve amendments to the Existing RSU Plan, were approved in April 2021 by the Board of Directors, on the recommendation of the Compensation Committee, including the renaming of the plan as the “Amended and ratifiedRestated Restricted Share Unit and Equity Incentive Plan” (“RSU&EI Plan”). In addition to the restricted share units available for grant under the plan currently, the amendments permit the granting of awards within our compensation program of (a) performance share units (“PSUs”); and (b) direct share issuances of Common Shares (“DSIs”) to eligible participants.
The amendments do not request any increase in the percentage number of shares available for issuance under the RSU&EI Plan. The amendments are also described in Proposal No. 4, above, and the full text of the plan is attached as Schedule A of this Circular. As discussed above under “Particulars of Matters To Be Acted Upon,” the TSX rules provide that all eligible insiders in order to participate in the RSU&EI Plan may not vote on these amendments. Accordingly, the resolution must be passed by our shareholders on May 28, 2015, with an approvala majority of 94%.

votes, excluding 5,674,838 Common Shares held by certain insiders of the Company and their affiliates.

Under the RSU&EI Plan, restricted share unitsincluding its amendments, awards of RSUs, PSUs and DSIs, may be granted to directors and employees, including executive officers, of Ur‑Energythe Company as possible eligible participants. TheAs of April 13, 2021, there are 10 employees and six non-executive directors who are eligible to participate in the RSU&EI Plan. Our Board of Directors has appointed the Compensation Committee to determine which persons are entitled to participate in the RSU Planplan and the number of RSUsawards to be awarded to each participant. The RSU Planplan does not limit the participation of any specific eligible participant including insiders.
Restricted Share Units
RSUs awarded to participants are credited to a notional account that is established on their behalf and maintained in accordance with the RSU Plan.plan. Each RSU awarded conditionally entitles the participant to the delivery of one Common Share (or cash in lieu of such share at the Compensation Committee’s discretion) upon attainment of the RSU vesting period. Subsequent to the 2015 amendments, grantsGrants of RSUs vest 100% on the two-year anniversary of the date of the grant. PriorUpon payment by the corporation of a dividend, each outstanding RSU is credited with a dividend equivalent equal to the 2015 amendments,dividend paid per share, which dividend equivalent is then converted into additional RSUs awardedthat are subject to participants vest over a two-year period: 50% vest on the first anniversary and 50% vest on the second anniversary of the date of grant. The last ofsame vesting schedule as the RSUs awarded underto which they relate. The plan permits the earlier redemption plan were redeemed in early 2017. 

The RSU Plan permits usCompany to either redeem RSUs for cash or issue Common Shares from treasury in order to satisfy all or any portion of a vested RSU award. If redeemed for cash, RSUs will be redeemed for an amount equal to fair market value which means the closing price of the Common Shares on the TSX on the business day immediately prior to the redemption date, or if the shares are not listed on the TSX, then on such other stock exchange or quotation system as may be selected by the Compensation Committee, provided that, if the Common Shares are not listed or quoted on any other stock exchange or quotation system, then the fair market value will be the value determined by the Compensation Committee in its sole discretion acting in good faith. The redemption date of any RSU will not be after the end of the calendar year which is three years following the end of the year in which services to which the grant of such RSU relates were performed by the participant.

In the event of a change of control, as defined in the RSU Plan,plan, we are required to redeem 100% of the RSUs granted to participants. In the event of an involuntary termination of an employee, other than for cause, or a director who is not re-elected, we are required to redeem the RSUs for cash. Rights respecting RSUs shall not be transferable or assignable other than by will.

Performance Share Units
PSUs are performance-based awards that may entitle the recipient to receive Common Shares (or cash in lieu of shares at the Compensation Committee’s discretion) upon attainment of one or more performance goals over a designated performance period set forth in the PSU grant agreement. Each award of PSUs will contain a target number of PSUs that may be earned, with the actual number earned to be determined pursuant to a formula set forth in the PSU grant agreement based on the extent to which corresponding performance criteria have been attained during the performance period. Upon payment by the corporation of a dividend, each outstanding target PSU is credited with a dividend equivalent equal to the amount of the dividend paid per share, which dividend equivalent is then converted into additional PSUs that are subject to the same performance conditions and formula and vest at the same time as the PSUs to which they relate.

Unless settled earlier in accordance with the plan, earned PSUs will be settled on or within 30 days after the end of the performance period. The plan permits the Company to either settle PSUs for cash or issue Common Shares from treasury to satisfy all or any portion of a PSU award. If settled for cash, PSUs will be settled for an amount equal to fair market value which means the closing price of the Common Shares on the TSX on the business day immediately prior to the settlement date, or if the shares are not listed on the TSX, then on such other stock exchange or quotation system as may be selected by the Compensation Committee, provided that, if the Common Shares are not listed or quoted on any other stock exchange or quotation system, then the fair market value will be the value determined by the Compensation Committee in its sole discretion acting in good faith.
In the event of a change of control, as defined in the plan, the performance period of each outstanding PSU shall be deemed to have ended and the Compensation Committee shall determine the number of PSUs earned based upon performance (under a specific award) to the time of change of control, subject to certain discretionary determinations of the Committee under the plan. Unless otherwise provided in a PSU grant agreement upon a participant’s termination of employment or other service or death prior to the end of the performance period for an award of PSUs, such PSUs shall be forfeited.
Direct Share Issuances
Subject to applicable securities law requirements as well as the rules of the exchanges under which our shares trade, DSIs awarded to participants are awards of Common Shares granted in such amounts and subject to such terms and conditions as the Compensation Committee determines in its sole discretion. It is anticipated that the DSIs will complement our other bonus program awards in instances when such an award of DSIs is made in lieu of a routine (STIP) or extraordinary cash bonus, as a milestone award (outside PSU grant terms), or other circumstances in which this use of our equity compensation plans is deemed appropriate in the discretion of the Compensation Committee. DSIs may be fully vested on the grant date or may be subject to vesting, as determined by the Compensation Committee. DSIs that are subject to a vesting schedule may not be transferred prior to vesting. Dividends on unvested DSIs may be paid in cash or may be reinvested in additional Common Shares, in either case subject to the same vesting schedule as the DSI to which they relate.
Unless otherwise provided in the DSI grant agreement that is subject to vesting, upon a participant’s termination of employment or other service or death, the provisions related to termination and death as set forth under the heading “Restricted Share Unit (RSUs)” above shall apply by analogy. Any unvested Common Shares that do not vest as a result of the participant’s termination of employment of other service or death shall be immediately forfeited and returned to the Corporation without the payment of any consideration.
Administration of the RSU&EI Plan and Tax Consequences
The Board may from time to time amend or suspend the RSU&EI Plan and may at any time terminate the RSU Plan.plan. No such amendment, suspension or termination shall adversely affect the rights of any eligible person with respect to outstanding and unredeemed RSUsawards under the plan credited to that person without that RSU holder’s consent. Amendments requiring shareholder approval are those amendments set forth in the TSX Company Manual.Manual, such as the percentage of the issued and outstanding Common Shares available to be granted under the RSU&EI Plan, an extension of the term for redemption of RSUs or settlement of PSUs held by a participant and amendments to Section 8.1 of the RSU&EI Plan. Amendments that do not require shareholder


approval are “housekeeping” amendments such as amendments to the RSU&EI Plan to comply with regulatory requirements, amendments related to the administration of the RSU Planplan and to change the eligibility requirements under the RSU Planplan and terms and conditions on which the RSUsawards may be granted.

RSUs and PSUs are generally treated as ordinary compensation income as and when Common Shares are issued to the participant upon vesting or settlement of the award.award and DSIs are treated as ordinary compensation income at the time of grant if fully vested under the plan or, if such grant is subject to vesting under the RSU&EI Plan, at the time of vesting of the Common Shares. If the participant is an employee, this income is subject to withholding for income and employment tax purposes. The Company is generally entitled to an income tax deduction equal to the amount of ordinary income recognized by the participant, subject to possible limitations imposed by the IRS Code, including Section 162(m).participant. Please note that the foregoing description is based upon U.S. federal income tax laws in effect on the date of this Circular and does not purport to be complete, and does not discuss state, local or non-U.S. tax consequences.


The following table sets forth information concerning option-based and share-based awards granted to each of the Named Executive Officers during the year ended December 31, 2017.

















Estimated future payouts
under non-equity incentive
plan awards


Estimated future payouts
under equity incentive plan







Grant date









All other
stock awards:
Number of
shares of
stock or units

All other
Number of

Exercise of
base price
of option

Grant date
fair value
of stock
and option















Jeffrey T. Klenda




























Roger L. Smith




























Penne A. Goplerud




























Steven M. Hatten




























John W. Cash





























These amounts represent grants made pursuant to the RSU Plan. RSUs awarded to participants following the approval and ratification of the 2015 amendments to the RSU Plan will be redeemed 100% on the second anniversary of the date of grant.


These amounts represent grants made pursuant to the Option Plan. Options granted following the 2017 amendments, as was the case with the grants made to the NEOs in December 2017, vest and become exercisable over a three-year period: one-third on the first anniversary, one-third on the second anniversary and one-third on the third anniversary of the grant the date of grant. The term of the option is five years.


Outstanding Equity Awards at December 31, 2017


The following table sets forth information concerning the value vested or earned in respect of incentive plan awards during the year ended December 31, 20172020 by each of the Named Executive Officers.













Option-based Awards


Share-based Awards


Number of

Number of

Equity incentive
plan awards:
number of




Number of
shares or
units of
stock that
have not

value of
shares or
units of
stock that
have not

number of
or other
rights that
have not

Market or
value of
or other
rights that
have not












Jeffrey T. Klenda



































































































Roger L. Smith



































































































Penne A. Goplerud



































































































Steven M. Hatten



































































































John W. Cash




































































































Option-based Awards
Share-based Awards
Number of securities underlying unexercised options (#)
Number of securities underlying unexercised options (#)
Equity incentive plan awards: number of securities underlying unexercised options (#)
Option exercise price
Option expiration date
Number of shares or units of stock that have not vested (#)
Market value of shares or units of stock that have not vested
Equity incentive plan awards: number of unearned shares, units or other rights that have not vested
Equity incentive plan awards: Market or payout value of unearned shares, units or other rights that have not vested
Jeffrey T. Klenda
Roger L. Smith
Penne A. Goplerud


The following table sets forth the value realized on options exercise and stock awards vested for the Named Executive Officers for the year ended December 31, 2017.








Option awards


Stock awards


Number of
acquired on

Value realized
on exercise


Number of
acquired on

Value realized
on vesting

Jeffrey T. Klenda






Roger L. Smith






Penne A. Goplerud






Steven M. Hatten






John W. Cash






The following table sets forth information concerning the value vested or earned in respect of incentive plan awards during the financial year ended December 31, 2017 by each of our Named Executive Officers.









Incentive Plan Awards - Value Vested or Earned During the
Financial Year Ended December 31, 2017


Option based awards


Share based awards


incentive plan


Number of

during the


Number of
shares or
units of

during the


during the

Jeffrey T. Klenda








Roger L. Smith








Penne A. Goplerud








Steven M. Hatten








John W. Cash









Employment Agreements with our Named Executive Officers

As set forthdiscussed above, our Named Executive Officers have employment agreements with the Company, as have been amended from time to time. Relevant to potential payments to be made upon termination without cause or change of control, the agreements provide that thean executive officer is entitled to certain amounts, based upon the executive’s then-current salary of the executive. Thesesalary. As discussed below, our employment agreements, as well asand the Company’s equity compensation plans, of the Company (Option Plan and RSU Plan), specify the obligations of the Company to the executive officers in the event of termination or change of control. These are set forth below. 

Equity Award Provisions

Upon separation of employment of our executive officers, including under circumstances of termination without cause or change of control, the Option Plan and RSU Plan govern the treatment of outstanding equity compensation in the form of vested stock options and RSUs not yet redeemed. All vested options of Designated Officers (all of our current executive officers, as defined by the plan and resolution of our Board) will expire on the expiration date identified at the time of the grant of the option, and all unvested options will expire upon termination.


The RSU&EI Plan provides that the RSUs of an employee who is an eligible person who is involuntarily terminated without cause, shall be redeemed for cash at a fair market value on the redemption/termination date. In the event of a change of control, as defined in the RSU Plan,plan, all of the RSUs granted and outstanding will be redeemed as soon as reasonably practical and not later than 30 days following the redemption date associated with the change of control.

The RSU&EI Plan provides for redemption, instead of cancellation, of outstanding RSUs at the date of redemption for retiring directors and executive officers, which is defined as a threshold of combined service and age of 65 years, and a minimum of five years of service to the Company.


Change of Control and Termination Benefits Tables

Each of our Named Executive Officersexecutive officers has entered into an employment agreement that provides for certain payments if the executive’s employment is terminated in connection with a change of control. In addition, upon the occurrence of a change of control, all of the executive officer’s unvested options and RSUs will vest. The table below shows the amounts that would be payable or vest assuming that a change of control occurred on December 31, 20172020 and that such executive officer’sNamed Executive Officer’s employment terminated on that date. The Compensation Committee has established a policy that the Company will not enter into an employment agreement with any new executive officer that includes a single-trigger severance arrangement.


























Tax reimbursement




















Jeffrey T. Klenda















Roger L. Smith















Penne A. Goplerud















Steven M. Hatten















John W. Cash
















Pursuant to their respective employment agreements, Messrs. Klenda and Smith are entitled to payment of an amount equal to two-years’ salary based upon their then-current salary; and Ms. Goplerud and Messrs. Hatten and Cash are entitled to payment of an amount equal to one and one-half years’ salary, based upon their then-current salary.

  Cash Equity Pension/NQDC Perquisites/benefits Tax reimbursement Other Total
 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($)
Jeffrey T. Klenda 1,324,986 538,424 Nil Nil Nil Nil 1,863,410
Roger L. Smith 724,750 315,943 Nil Nil Nil Nil 1,040,693
Penne A. Goplerud 521,248 284,039 Nil Nil Nil Nil 805,287


These amounts represent equity values based upon the closing price of our Common Shares on the TSX on the last trading day of 2017 (C$0.86) Klenda (stock options: $0 RSUs: $147,660); Smith (stock options: $0; RSUs $103,396); Goplerud (stock options: $0; RSUs: $92,960); Hatten (stock options: $0; RSUs: $81,214); and Cash (stock options: $0; RSUs: $77,384).


Pursuant to their respective employment agreements, Mr. Klenda is entitled to payment of an amount equal to three-years his then-current salary; Mr. Smith is entitled to payment of an amount equal to 2.5 years his then-current salary. Ms. Goplerud is entitled to payment of an amount equal to two years salary, based upon her then-current salary. Our other executive officers are also entitled to payment of an amount equal to two years salary, based upon then-current salary.


These amounts represent equity values based upon the closing price of Contents

our Common Shares on the TSX on the last trading day of 2020 (C$1.04) Klenda (stock options: $359,145; RSUs: $179,279); Smith (stock options: $217,880; RSUs: $98,063); and Goplerud (stock options: $195,879; RSUs: $88,160).

In 2020, employment agreements were amended to revise the amount of severance to be paid to each Named Executive Officer. The amendments all were approved by the Board (upon the recommendation of the Compensation Committee in each event), to better conform to current market and peer group comparable arrangements. Each executive’s amount of severance is calculated solely based upon then-current salary (i.e., without cash bonus value included). The changes are as follows: CEO, Jeffrey Klenda (from an amount equal to two years to an amount equal to three years of his then-current salary); CFO, Roger Smith (from an amount equal to 24 months to an amount equal to 30 months of his then-current base salary); Corporate Secretary, Penne Goplerud (from an amount equal to 18 months to an amount equal to 24 months of her then-current base salary). The circumstances under which each of our executives would be entitled to receive the severance payment were not modified. No other provisions of the employment agreements were modified.
Additionally, the following summarizes the compensation or other benefits which would be owed and paid to our executive officers if employment is terminated for the specified reasons.reasons, effective December 31, 2020. We believe that these terms are fair and are competitive with the market and our peer group, based upon industry and geographical practices.

Type of Termination

Severance Payment(1)(2)

STIP Bonus

Stock Options



Resignation or Retirement

CEO will receive two-yearthree-year salary payment, based on current salary, per agreement

• •

Other executive officers, no severance payment

Pro rata entitlement to discretionary bonus, per agreement

Unvested options are cancelled; vested options expire at date on option for current executive officers (as a “Designated Officer” per Section 6.7 of Plan)

RSUs are cancelled unless retirement provision is satisfied; RSUs will be carried with the executive until redemption, if the executive has combined service and age of 65 years, and a minimum of five years of service to the Company

Termination without cause

CEO and

CEO: three-year salary payment, based upon then-current salary.
CFO: 2.5 year salary payment, based upon then-current salary.
Other executive officers: two-year salary payment, based upon currentthen-current salary

• •

Other executive officers (as at 2017) 1.5-year salary payment, based upon current salary

Pro rata entitlement to discretionary bonus, per agreement

Unvested options are cancelled; vested options expire at date on option for current executive officers (as a “Designated Officer” per Section 6.7 of Plan)

Outstanding RSUs are redeemed for cash at fair market value, as defined in the Plan

Termination for cause


Possible pro rata share entitlement



Change of control (and/or termination within 24 months of a change of control)

CEO and CFO: two-year

CEO: three year salary payment, based upon current salary

• •

then-current salary.

Other executive officers (as at 2017) 1.5-yeartwo year salary payment, based upon currentthen-current salary

Pro rata entitlement to discretionary bonus, per agreement

All options become fully vested and exercisable

Outstanding RSUs are redeemed for cash at fair market value, as defined in the Plan


CEO will receive two-yearthree-year salary payment, based on current salary, per agreement

• •

then-current salary.

● ●
Other executive officers, no severance payment

Pro rata entitlement to discretionary bonus, per agreement

Unvested options are cancelled; vested options expire at the earlier of expiry at date on option or one year from the date of death (with discretion of Board as per Section 6.3(b) of Plan to extend)

RSUs are redeemed (Section 3.2 of Plan); date of death is redemption date


Currently, Mr. Klenda, our CEO, is entitled to a salary of $309,941 per year (two years base salary is a total of $619,882). Current salaries of our CFO, Mr. Smith, and our other Named Executive Officers, and their severance entitlements, are as follows: Mr. Smith: annual salary $265,301 (two years base salary $530,602); Ms. Goplerud: annual salary $238,520 (18 months base salary $357,780); Mr. Hatten: annual salary $209,045 (18 months base salary $313,568); Mr. Cash: annual salary $199,217 (18 months base salary $298,826).



Accrued paid time off is paid to the executive officer at the time of termination, according to Company policy and applicable law.

At December 31, 2020, Mr. Klenda, our CEO, was entitled to a salary of $441,662 per year (three years base salary is a total of $1,324,986). Current salaries of our CFO, Mr. Smith, and our other executive officers, and their severance entitlements, are as follows: Mr. Smith: annual salary $289,900 (2.5 years base salary $724,750); Ms. Goplerud: annual salary $260,624 (two-years base salary $521,248); Mr. Hatten: annual salary $228,410 (two-years base salary $456,820); Mr. Cash: annual salary $217,698 (two-years base salary $435,396).



Accrued paid time off is paid to the executive officer at the time of Contents

termination, according to Company policy and applicable law.

COMPENSATIONAs amended and restated, the RSU&EI Plan sets forth the settlement of PSUs and DSIs for participants in the plan, including executive officers. Any future awards of PSUs and DSIs will be governed by the plan and individual grant agreements, if the amendments to the plan are approved by the shareholders at the Meeting. See discussion above under “Stock Options and the Amended and Restated RSU and Equity Incentive Plan.”


Our non-executive directors have beenare paid a cash retainer of C$24,000$41,000 annually, (see discussion below). Meetingand are not paid Board meeting fees. Committee meeting fees were paid as follows: meeting fees for board meeting attendance is set at $1,000; committee meeting attendance is compensated atfollows during 2020: $500 per Audit Committee meeting and $250 per meeting for other committees. In addition, workingwork time spent for committee participation, not including attendance at regular meetings, is compensated at the rate of $250/half day and $500/full day, to be monitored by the Compensation Committee and reported to the Board of Directors. Currently,Board. No such additional work time was paid to our non-executive directors serving as a chair ofin 2020. No changes were made to the standing committeescompensation of our Board do not receive additional compensation for that service.

Since a third-party consultant conducted a reviewdirectors during 2020.

We routinely conduct reviews of the compensation of the non-executive directors in 2014, all reviews of non-executive director compensationon an internal basis, utilizing data about our peers which we obtain through public sources. Results have been conducted internally, utilizing Equilar and other available comparable data for consideration by the Compensation Committee. Results consistently indicateindicated that the Company’s non-executive director base cash and equity-based compensation remained generally within a range of the median of the comparator group, ifalthough consistently at the lower end of the range, particularly because the Company does not provide an additional retainer amount for committee chair positions, or additional compensation for those andin other leadership roles. Committee meetingroles, such as our Lead Director. Although the committee fees were also slightlyremain below the market median of the comparator group. In 2017 we undertook a review of the compensation of the non-executive directors utilizing our Equilar data subscription. The review compared such compensation with that of the Company’s peer group (see 2017 peer group set forth above under the heading “2017 Review of Compensation Program”).  While overall per-board member compensation falls below the range of median director compensation and has fallen slightly in relation to the comparator group, the Compensation Committee has continued to recommend against any action being taken; however, in December 2017, recognizing that the majority of non-executive directors are U.S. based, the Compensation Committee recommended the annual cash retainer be paid in U.S. dollars. The Board of Directors agreed with the Compensation Committee’s recommendation. Beyond the currency modification, no action has been taken to provide for a retainer amount for the work of our independent Lead Director, appointed as such in December 2014 (see discussion under the heading “Leadership Structure and Board’s Role in Risk Oversight” below). 

comparators, those fees remain unchanged.

In addition to other compensation received by our directors, a 2008 resolution provides that non-executive directors participating on ad hoc or special committees of the Board of Directors, which may be constituted from time to time, are entitled to additional director fees, to be determined in accordance with additional duties and requirements requested of those individuals from time to time. There currently are no such ad hoc or special committees of the Board of Directors.










Fees earned



incentive plan

Pension value

All other










W. William Boberg (1)








James M. Franklin (2)








Gary C. Huber (3)








Paul Macdonell (4)








Thomas H. Parker  (5)








Kathy E. Walker (6)








 Fees earned
Share-based awards(1)
Option-based awards(2)
Non-equity incentive plan compensationPension valueAll other compensationTotal
W. William Boberg 42,75025,13947,374NilNilNil115,263
Rob Chang 45,25025,13947,374NilNilNil117,763
James M. Franklin 43,75025,13947,374NilNilNil116,263
Gary C. Huber 46,25025,13947,374NilNilNil118,763
Thomas H. Parker 45,25025,13947,374NilNilNil117,763
Kathy E. Walker 44,25025,13947,374NilNilNil116,763


Mr. Boberg received options for 120,000 Common Shares on December 15,  2017 at an exercise price of C$0.90. These options expire on December 15, 2022. Mr. Boberg received a grant of 30,000 RSUs on December 15,  2017.  


Dr. Franklin received options for 120,000 Common Shares on December 15,  2017 at an exercise price of C$0.90. These options expire on December 15, 2022. Dr. Franklin received a grant of 30,000 RSUs on December 15,  2017.



Dr. Huber received options for 120,000 Common Shares on December 15,  2017 at an exercise price of C$0.90. These options expire on December 15, 2022. Dr. Huber received a grant of 30,000 RSUs on December 15,  2017.

Each of our non-executive directors received a grant of 53,479 RSUs on November 13, 2020.


Mr. Macdonell received options for 120,000 Common Shares on December 15,  2017 at an exercise price of C$0.90. These options expire on December 15, 2022. Mr. Macdonell received a grant of 30,000 RSUs on December 15,  2017.  


Mr. Parker received options for 120,000 Common Shares on December 15,  2017 at an exercise price of C$0.90. These options expire on December 15, 2022. Mr. Parker received a grant of 30,000 RSUs on December 15,  2017.



Each of Contents

our non-executive directors received options for 213,914 Common Shares on November 13, 2020 at an exercise price of C$0.63. These options expire on November 13, 2025.


Ms. Walker received options for 120,000 Common Shares on December 15, 2017 at an exercise price of C$0.90.  These options expire on December 15, 2022. Ms. Walker received a grant of 30,000 RSUs on December 15, 2017. Upon her appointment to the Board, Ms. Walker also received options for 200,000 Common Shares on September 7, 2017 at an exercise price of C$0.73.

Share Ownership Guidelines for Non-Executive Directors

Our non-executive directors also are encouraged to have a significant long-term financial interest in the Company. In 2009, the Compensation Committee recommended, and Board of Directors adopted, a resolution requiring mandatory minimum share ownership by the non-executive directors to encourage the alignment of their interests with those of our shareholders. Thereafter, non-executive directors were required to invest an amount equal to the non-executive director’s annual retainer in shares or securities redeemable into shares on or before the later of (i) December 31, 2013, (ii) the fifth anniversary of the non-executive director’s election or appointment, or (iii) the fifth anniversary of the most recent annual retainer increase. The retainer amount was to be calculated using the amount of the annual retainer at the later of (i) January 1, 2009, (ii) the date of the non-executive director’s election or appointment, or (iii) the date of the most recent annual retainer increase.

As discussed above under the heading “Share Ownership Guidelines,” in February 2012 the Compensation Committee recommended, and the Board of Directors approved, Share Ownership Guidelines which provide greater detail concerning these ownership requirements. Additionally, the Board approved a recommendation that the share ownership requirement be adjusted with respect to the non-executive directors, to require each to acquire and own three times their annual retainer


(current retainer, US$24,000).retainer. All non-executive directors meet the Share Ownership Guidelines or are on-track to meet the Share Ownership Guidelines within the prescribed timeframes.

The following table sets forth information concerning the option-based and share-based awards granted by Ur-Energy to each of the non-executive directors outstanding as of December 31, 2017:








Option-based Awards

Share-based Awards


Number of

exercise price

Option expiration

Value of
unexercised in-the-
money options

Number of shares
or units of shares
that have not

Market or
payout value of
awards that have
not vested








W. William Boberg































































James M. Franklin































































Gary C. Huber

















































Paul Macdonell































































Thomas H. Parker































































Kathy E. Walker






















Outstanding Equity Awards at December 31, 2020

 Option-based AwardsShare-based Awards
 Number of securities underlying unexercised optionsOption exercise priceOption expirationValue of unexercised in-the-money optionsNumber of shares or units of shares that have not vestedMarket or payout value of share-based awards that have not vested
W. William Boberg128,000 0.7312/16/2131,166  
 120,000 0.9012/15/2213,195  
 55,653 0.9308/20/234,808  
 50,527 0.9112/14/235,159  
 193,574 0.7911/05/2438,009  
   11/05/21 48,39439,530
   11/13/22 53,47943,684
Rob Chang200,000 0.7703/30/2342,413  
 55,653 0.9308/20/234,808  
 50,527 0.9112/14/235,159  
 193,574 0.7911/05/2438,009  
   11/05/21 48,39439,530
   11/13/22 53,47943,684
James M. Franklin128,000 0.7312/16/2131,166  
 120,000 0.9012/15/2213,195  
 55,653 0.9308/20/234,808  
 50,527 0.9112/14/235,159  
 193,574 0.7911/05/2438,009  
   11/05/21 48,39439,530
   11/13/22 53,47943,684
Gary C. Huber128,000 0.7312/16/2131,166  
 120,000 0.9012/15/2213,195  
 55,653 0.9308/20/234,808  
 50,527 0.9112/14/235,159  
 193,574 0.7911/05/2438,009  
   11/05/21 48,39439,530
   11/13/22 53,47943,684
Thomas H. Parker128,000 0.7312/16/2131,166  
 120,000 0.9012/15/2213,195  
 55,653 0.9308/20/234,808  
 50,527 0.9112/14/235,159  
 193,574 0.7911/05/2438,009  
   11/05/21 48,39439,530
   11/13/22 53,47943,684
Kathy E. Walker200,000 0.7309/07/2248,696  
 120,000 0.9012/15/2213,195  
 55,653 0.9308/20/234,808  
 50,527 0.9112/14/235,159  
 193,574 0.7911/05/2438,009  
   11/05/21 48,39439,530
   11/13/22 53,47943,684

The non-executive directors are eligible to receive grants of options and RSUs at the discretion of the Board, of Directors, and did so in 20172020 as indicated in the following table:









Incentive Plan Awards - Value Vested or Earned During the

Financial Year Ended December 31, 2017


Option-based Awards


Share-based Awards


Non-equity incentive plan compensation


Number of Securities
Underlying Options

Value vested
during the year


Number of Shares
or Units of Shares

Value vested
during the year


Value earned
during the year









W. William Boberg








James M. Franklin








Gary C. Huber








Paul Macdonell








Thomas H. Parker








Kathy E. Walker









Incentive Plan Awards - Value Vested or Earned During the
Financial Year Ended December 31, 2020
 Option-based Awards Share-based Awards Non-equity incentive plan compensation
Number of Securities Underlying Options Vested
Value vested during the year
Number of Shares or Units of Shares Vested
Value vested during the year
Value earned during the year
W. William Boberg140,365Nil 26,54615,119 Nil
Rob Chang166,232Nil 26,54615,119 Nil
James M. Franklin140,365Nil 26,54615,119 Nil
Gary C. Huber140,365Nil 26,54615,119 Nil
Thomas H. Parker140,365Nil 26,54615,119 Nil
Kathy E. Walker208,365Nil 26,54615,119 Nil



The Report of the Compensation Committee does not constitute soliciting material and should not be deemed filed or incorporated by reference into any other Company filing under the Securities Act of 1933 or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, except to the extent the Company specifically incorporates this Report.

Report of the Compensation Committee

To the Board of Directors of Ur-Energy Inc.:

The Compensation Committee hereby reports to the Board of Directors that, in connection with the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2017, we have:


reviewed and discussed with management the Compensation Discussion and Analysis required by Item 402(b) of SEC Regulation S-K; and


based on such review and discussion, we recommended to the Board of Directors that the Compensation Discussion and Analysis be included in the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2017.

Respectfully submitted,

The Compensation Committee of Ur-Energy Inc.

Gary C. Huber, Chair

Paul Macdonell

James M. Franklin

Thomas Parker 



We have determined that 2017 annual total compensation of the estimated median compensated employee who was employed as of October 7, 2017, excluding the CEO, Jeffrey Klenda, was $80,721. Mr. Klenda’s annual total compensation for 2017 was $566,005. Mr. Klenda’s annual total compensation is seven times (or a ratio of 7:1) that of the estimated median compensated Ur-Energy employee. This pay ratio is a reasonable estimate calculated in accordance with SEC rules based on our payroll and employment records and the methodology described here.

Our calculations included all employees of Ur-Energy USA Inc. and Lost Creek ISR, LLC, our two subsidiaries with employees, which at October 7, 2017 numbered 51 collectively (excluding Mr. Klenda). We do not typically employ temporary or seasonal employees and did not at that date. To identify the median compensated employee, we used a consistently applied compensation measure (“CACM”); in our case this has been defined as base salary (including overtime) and other cash incentives, including the short-term bonus, which provides a reasonable estimate of compensation received. We did not include the value of our health and welfare benefits, as those are benefits programs for which all our employees, including the CEO, are eligible. We undertook to annualize the data of new 2017 hires, including certain reasonable assumptions as to short-term incentive bonus calculations. We did not make adjustments for part-time status. We have no employees outside the U.S. and, therefore, there are no currency exchange rate issues contemplated in our calculations.

Our practices seek to ensure a compensation program which is fair, equitable, compliant and which aligns with our overall business objectives. The SEC rules for identifying the median compensated employee and calculating the pay ratio based on that employee’s annual total compensation allow companies to adopt a variety of methodologies, exclusions, and assumptions that reflect their compensation practices. As such, the figures and ultimately the pay ratio reported above may not be comparable to the calculations and pay ratio reported by other companies, even those in a related industry or of a similar size and scope. Other companies may have different employment practices, regional demographics or may utilize different methodologies and assumptions in calculating their pay ratios.



To the Board of Directors of Ur-Energy Inc.:

Management is responsible for our internal controls and the financial reporting process. The independent accountants are responsible for performing an independent audit of our financial statements in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (“US GAAP”) and the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (“PCAOB”) and to issue an opinion on our financial statements. Our responsibility is to monitor and oversee those processes. We hereby report to the Board of Directors that, in connection with the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2017,2020, we have:


reviewed and discussed the audited consolidated financial statements with management and the independent accountants;


discussed with the independent accountants the matters required to be discussed by SAS 61 (Codification of Statements on Auditing Standards, AU section 380), as modified by SAS 89 and SAS 90; and 



received the written disclosures and the letter from the independent accountants required by PCAOB Rule 3526, as may be modified or supplemented, and discussed with the independent accountants the accountants’ independence.

reviewed and discussed the audited consolidated financial statements with management and the independent accountants;

discussed with the independent accountants the matters required to be discussed by SAS 61 (Codification of Statements on Auditing Standards, AU section 380), as modified by SAS 89 and SAS 90; and
received the written disclosures and the letter from the independent accountants required by PCAOB Rule 3526, as may be modified or supplemented, and discussed with the independent accountants the accountants’ independence.
Based on the discussions and our review described above, we recommended to the Board of Directors that the audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 20172020 be included in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10‑K10-K for the year ended December 31, 2017.


Respectfully submitted,

The Audit Committee of Ur-Energy Inc.

Thomas Parker, Chair

James M. Franklin

Paul Macdonell

Gary C. Huber


Kathy E. Walker

Rob Chang



TheOur Board of Directors believes that effective corporate governance contributes to improved corporate performance and enhanced shareholder value. The Board of Directors has reviewed the corporate governance best practices identified in National Policy 58‑201 58-201 Corporate Governance Guidelinesand National Instrument 58-101Disclosure of Corporate Governance Practices (collectively, the “CSA Guidelines”). The Board of Directors is committed to ensuring that the Company follows best practices and continues to develop and enhance such practices.

Board Mandate

The responsibility of the Board of Directors is to supervise the management of the business and affairs of the Company in accordance with the best interests of the Company and its shareholders. Our Board of Directors establishes overall policies and standards for the Company and is engaged in company-wide risk management oversight. When premised upon a reasonable basis, the directors are entitled to rely upon management and the advice of the Company’s outside advisors and auditors. The Board also delegates certain responsibilities to its standing committees, based upon the approved charters of each, which are reviewed on a regular basis.

The Board of Directors does not currently have a written mandate or a written description for the Chairman of the Board or the Chief Executive Officer. In discharging its responsibility, the Board of Directors routinely reviews the performance and responsibilities of the Chief Executive Office. Further, the Board of Directors oversees and reviews the development and implementation of the following significant corporate plans and initiatives:


the identification of the principal risks to the Company’s business and the implementation of systems to manage these risks, whether financial, operational, environmental, safety-related or otherwise;


the Company’s strategic planning and budgeting process;


succession planning and determination of relative strengths of existing management including the needs to ensure sufficient depth of management, including appointing, developing and monitoring senior management of the Company;



shareholder communications, as well as public communications policies and continuous disclosure record of the Company;

the identification of the principal risks to the Company’s business and the implementation of systems to manage these risks, whether financial, operational, environmental, safety-related, cyber-security or otherwise;


analysis and approval of significant acquisitions and dispositions of mineral properties or other Company assets; and


monitoring the integrity of the Company’s internal controls and management information systems.


the Company’s strategic planning and budgeting process;
succession planning and determination of relative strengths of existing management including the needs to ensure sufficient depth of management, including appointing, developing and monitoring senior management of the Company;
shareholder communications, as well as public communications policies and continuous disclosure record of the Company;
analysis and approval of significant acquisitions and dispositions of mineral properties or other Company assets; and
monitoring the integrity of the Company’s internal controls and management information systems.
When needed, the Board of Directors recruits possible directors from contacts within the mining industry or other strategic areas that will complement the knowledge and depth of the Board. Currently, the Board of Directors has determined that seven directors is an appropriate number of directors to oversee and provide guidance to management on the business and affairs of the Company, which is accomplished with the existing members of the Board. However, the Board continues to evaluate its size in conjunction with the further development of our operations and possible growth or other strategic decisions of the Company.

New directors who join the Board of Directors are provided with the opportunity to meet with the other directors prior to joining the Board of Directors,  as Ms. Walker did in 2017.Board. Upon joining the Board, a basic orientation of the Company, the Board of Directors, and the committees of the Board is provided to a new director. All material relationships and agreements, technical reports, and recent continuous disclosure filings are provided and reviewed. In addition, new Directorsdirectors have the opportunity to attend Committee meetings by invitation and to meet with management of the Company to have a better understanding of the business of the Company and its operations.


Directors are encouraged to participate in corporate governance, executive and director compensation and other education courses that will assist them in their role as directors of the Company or on various committees.  To further its Board educationcommittees and governance programs, the Board has become a member of the National Association of Corporate Directors (“NACD”) early in 2018. Informed by more than 35 years of experience, NACD is a recognized authority focused on advancing exemplary board leadership and establishing leading boardroom practices. NACD provides director education programs, national peer exchange forums, and proprietary research to promote director professionalism, all to benefit its member companies and to enhance the stakeholder confidence. Additionally, our Corporate Secretary maintains her membership in the NYSE Governance Services Board Leadership Program, andmanagement makes use of itsa variety of other online governance and board-related resources for the benefit of the Company and its Board.

Throughout the year, directors were provided with educational reading materials and regulatory and legal updates on several topics germane to the responsibilities of the Board and standing committees, includingcommittees. In 2020, this included updates on state and federal regulatory guidance and rulemakings, as well as legislative updates arising as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, as in years past, updates included cyber and data security (including additional threats during the pandemic); key accounting considerations,considerations; risk assessment,assessment; corporate governance and disclosure of corporate governance practices, executive and directorsdirector compensation, and Canadian and U.S. securities law and other legal developments (including the implementation of Canadian Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act (ESTMA) and first filings thereunder, and proposed rulemaking to rescind and replace U.S. Industry Guide 7). As well, updatesdevelopments. Updates also were provided to the Board with respect to issues affecting our operations and the further development of our business (e.g., Wyoming’s status as an “agreement state” under the Atomic Energy Act; EPA federal and state rulemakings and withdrawals of same; and petitionsproposed legislation related to endangered species designation)mining, taxation and other matters), the developmentWorking Group Report and subsequent efforts to implement its recommendations, including the amendment of the Section 232 trade petition.Russian Suspension Agreement and Congressional appropriations for the establishment of the national uranium reserve. Additionally, our Board members – who are all knowledgeable about our business, and the nuclear industry as well as uranium mining and are provided with routine market and industry updates. These updates and routine access to our management permit all directors to remain aware of important developments and issues in the context of our and the uranium market.

Board Composition – Including Diversity, Tenure and Outlook on Set Retirement Age

The Board of Directors is composed of seven directors. Upon the recommendation of the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee, theour Board of Directors has nominated all current directors: Jeffrey T. Klenda, James M. Franklin, W. William Boberg, Thomas H. Parker, Gary C. Huber, Kathy E. Walker and Rob Chang. All directors are elected annually. The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee regularly reviews the profile of the Board members, including the average age and tenure. The Committee has not established a retirement age for the members of the Board, nor a limitation of term of service. These restrictions are considered from time to time by the Committee, including most recently in December 2017.


The Committee prefers that directors, without regard to their age, are rigorously evaluated on their attendance and contributions to the business of the Board and Company. This scrutiny arises at least, in annual reviews and assessments of the Board constitution as well as the composition of each standing committee of the Board. Moreover, ourOur industry and, specifically, our operations are highly technical, and the Board considers it critical to retain the knowledge base on our Board while we continue to refine and advance the operations at our first and flagship project at Lost Creek and plan for the further development and permitting of Shirley Basin. With the refreshment of our board membership with the addition of Ms. Walker and Mr. Chang, towe have reconstituted our Board we also now havecommittees to best utilize the expertise of our directors (e.g., additional finance business and energy sector experience to assist us with strategic planning.

planning). The presence of Ms. Walker now reflects approximately 14% female representation on our Board. We have a 14% representation of visible minorities on our Board, as defined by the Employment Equity Act (Canada). Our board’s diversity members, therefore, represent approximately 29%.

All of our directors have C-suite experience or, in the case of Dr. Franklin’s service to the Canadian government, the equivalent thereof. Four of our seven directors, Drs. Franklin and Huber, and Messrs. Parker and Boberg have professional and technical expertise in geology, engineering and mining operations. For more than a decade, Dr. Franklin has been integral to our Board, as its lead technical expert, including chairing the HSE & Technical Committee since its inception in 2008. Mr. Boberg, as a director since 2006 and for four and a half years as President and CEO of the Company, has contributed his technical expertise specifically with respect to roll-front uranium deposits like Lost Creek, beginning with the acquisition of Lost Creek in 2005 through to its steady state operations today.operations. Mr. Parker has decades of experience in executive management positions at operating mining companies, and has lent that expertise to his role as a member of the HSE & Technical Committee, and more recently as our Lead Director. Dr. Huber contributes his dual expertise in financial matters and geology gained in management roles of both private and public natural resource companies at various stages of development. Meanwhile, Messrs.Mr. Klenda and Macdonell each has more thanwell over a decade invested as a Board member, as the Company explored, permitted, developed, constructed and now is operating the Lost Creek facility. Mr. Klenda has been responsible for the equity and debt financing of the Company from inception to date, as well as leading the Company’s management as our CEO (and, previously, as our Executive Director). With his background in labor leadership and


mediation, as well as service on a variety of public and private boards, Mr. Macdonell, during his tenure with the Board through 2017, led the efforts of our Board in compensation, human resources, and governance matters. Collectively, the vast knowledge specific to the Lost Creek project, as well as the uranium industry and market, has been gained through the years of dedication and service to the Board and the Company. This continuity has been important to our development from a uranium explorer into a uranium producer.producer, and in some ways is even more valuable as the company navigates the current challenges of the industry. We believe that implementing a restriction on tenure or a strictly-enforced retirement age would unnecessarily deprive the Company of these contributions and knowledge.

Ms. Walker joinedMeanwhile we have been able to refresh our Board in 2017, bringing with her decades of experience in the energy-marketing field, including a background as a  business owner and a  board member to banking institutions and in various industry associations.  Mr. Chang has joined our Board in 2018, upon the retirement of Mr. Macdonell. Mr. Chang brings more than two decades of broad-ranging experience in the financial services industry, as well as a vast current knowledge of the uranium mining industry, having covered the industry for many years as a financial analyst. These additions to our Board will serve us well through refreshment and further diversification ofdiversify the skill sets of our Board as Ms. Walker and Mr. Chang joined the Board.

At March 30, 2018,April 13, 2021, the average age of our current directors is approximately 65;68; the average tenure of our current directors is approximately 7.710.7 years.

As described in Proposal No. 1, above, the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee and our Board of Directors have determined that our directors should possess minimum qualifications including high personal and professional ethics; a commitment to the long-term interests of our shareholders, demonstrated through service, risk management and share ownership; sufficient time to commit to fulfill duties as a director, including membership on standing committees as requested; active engagement and participation in the meetings of the Board, Board committees on which the member serves and on special projects as may be requested; financial literacy as would be required for service on our Audit Committee; and broad experience in business and/or experience in government, as well as education and technical expertise.

Our seven directors, at March 30, 2018,April 13, 2021, include Jeffrey T. Klenda, Chairman of the Board of Directors; James M. Franklin; W. William Boberg; Thomas H. Parker, our Lead Director; Gary C. Huber; Kathy E. Walker; and Rob Chang, about whom residency, age, principal occupation and years of service as a member of our Board follows here:

Name (Age) and


Position with Company and Principal Occupation

Within the Past Five Years

Service as a Director

Jeffrey T. Klenda (61)


Colorado, USA

Chair and Chief Executive Officer

(formerly, Chair and Executive Director)

August 2004 – present

James M. Franklin (75)


Ontario, Canada

Consulting Geologist/Adjunct Professor of Geology Queen’s University, Laurentian University and University of Ottawa

March 2004 – present

W. William Boberg (78)(1)


Colorado, USA


Presently Retired (2011)

Mining Company Executive

January 2006 – present

Thomas Parker (75)


Montana, USA

Lead Director

Presently Retired (2012)

Mining Company Executive

July 2007 – present

Gary C. Huber (66)


Colorado, USA


Presently Retired (2012)

Mining Company Executive

May 2015 – present

Kathy E. Walker (59)


Kentucky, USA


Coal trader/Business owner

Director, eKentucky Advanced Manufacturing Institute

September 2017 – present

Rob Chang (40)

Toronto, (43)

Ontario, CA



Chief Executive Officer
Chief Financial Officer

/ Financial Research Analyst

March 2018 – present


Mr. Boberg is the former President and CEO of Ur-Energy (2006-2011).


Service on Additional Boards

Mr. Klenda is a director of Organto Foods Inc. (since November 2013).

Dr. Franklin is a director of Aura Silver Resources Inc.Gold79 Mines Ltd. (since October 2003), and of AnconiaNuinsco Resources Corp.Ltd. (since June 2012)2018). Mr. Boberg is a director of Aura Silver Resources Inc.Gold79 Mines Ltd. (since June 2008). Dr. HuberMr. Chang is a director of Gold Resource CorporationFission Uranium Corp. (since January 2013)April 2018) and Shine Mineral Corp. (since November 2018).

Board Independence

Messrs. Parker, Boberg and Chang, Drs. Franklin and Huber, and Ms. Walker are independent directors as determined in accordance with Canadian and U.S. securities laws and the rules of the NYSE American. In determining whether a director is independent, the Board of Directors considers the specific circumstances of a director and the nature, as well as materiality, of any relationship between the director and Ur-Energy.

Committee Membership

During 2017,2020, our directors provided expertise to our Board committees as follows:

Independent Board Members

Committees/Memberships (♦)



Corporate Governance / Nominating

Treasury and Investment(1)

Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) & Technical

Thomas H. Parker (Lead
(Lead Director)



James M. Franklin


Paul G. Macdonell



W. William Boberg

Gary C. Huber



Kathy E. Walker
Rob Chang


Roger Smith, CFO of the Company, serves as a non-director member of the Treasury and Investment Committee.

Roger Smith, CFO of the Company, serves as a non-director member of the Treasury and Investment Committee.
Family Relationships

None of our directors is related to any of our executive officers.

Involvement in Certain Legal Proceedings

Corporate Cease Trade Orders or Bankruptcies

None of the directors or officers of the Company is, or has been within the ten years before the date of this Circular, a director or officer of any other issuer that, while that person was acting in that capacity, was the subject of a cease trade or similar order or an order that denied the issuer access to any statutory exemptions under Canadian or U.S. securities legislation for a period of more than 30 consecutive days or was declared bankrupt, made a proposal under any legislation relating to bankruptcy or insolvency or was subject to or instituted any proceedings, arrangement or compromise with creditors or had a receiver, receiver-manager or trustee appointed to hold the assets of that company.

Penalties or Sanctions

None of the directors or officers of the Company has been subject to any penalties or sanctions imposed by a court relating to Canadian or U.S. securities legislation or by a Canadian or U.S. securities regulatory authority or has entered into a settlement agreement with a Canadian or U.S. securities regulatory authority or been subject to any other penalties or sanctions imposed by a court or regulatory body that would likely be considered important to a reasonable investor in making an investment decision.


Personal Bankruptcies

None of the directors, or officers, of the Company has, during the ten years prior to the date hereof, become bankrupt, made a proposal under any legislation relating to bankruptcy or insolvency or has been subject to or instituted any proceedings, arrangement or compromise with creditors, or had a receiver, receiver-manager or trustee appointed to hold the assets of the director or officer.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Exchange Act”) requires any person who is a director or executive officer of the Company or who beneficially holds more than 10% of any class of our securities which have been registered with the SEC to file reports of initial ownership and changes in ownership with the SEC.  

Based upon our review of the copies of the Section 16(a) reports furnished to us, all Section 16(a) filing reports applicable to our directors, executive officers and holders of more than 10% of any class of our registered securities were timely complied with during 2017.

Leadership Structure and Board’s Role in Risk Oversight

Mr. Klenda became our Chairman and Executive Director in 2006. He assumed the role of Acting Chief Executive Officer in May 2015, and thereafter was subsequently named President and Chief Executive Officer in December 2016. He remains the Chairman of our Board. Because of Mr. Klenda’s role from the inception of the Company, our Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee considered, from time to time, the functions customarily assigned to a director serving in the role of an independent lead director.

In December 2014, at the conclusion of our first full year of operations at our Lost Creek Mine, the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee determined that establishment of the role of lead director of our Board of Directors would enhance the communications within the Board, among its committees, and with management. The Committee recommended and the Board approved a policy statement for such an independent lead director’s position at any time that the chairman of the Board is not an independent director. In that event, under the adopted policy, the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee may suggest an independent director to serve as lead independent director (“Lead Director”), who shall be approved by a majority of the independent directors. In December 2014, Mr. Parker was so approved by a majority of the independent directors to serve as the Lead Director of our Board and continues to serve in that role to date.

Pursuant to the policy statement approved by the full Board, the responsibilities of the Lead Director include:


When necessary, act as the principal liaison between the independent directors and the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer;


Call and chair, at least annually, a meeting of the independent directors;


Preside at meetings of the Board of Directors where the Chairman of the Board is not available or where the Chairman has stated a real or perceived conflict of interest concerning a matter before the Board; and



During merger or acquisition discussions or activities, be advised by management at early-stage discussions, and chair any Board appointed special committee composed of independent directors to review and make recommendations regarding the proposed transaction, subject to any conflict of interest which would require the appointment of a different lead independent director being approved by a majority of the independent directors for such specified purpose.

When necessary, act as the principal liaison between the independent directors and the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer;

Call and chair, at least annually, a meeting of the independent directors;
Preside at meetings of the Board of Directors where the Chairman of the Board is not available or where the Chairman has stated a real or perceived conflict of interest concerning a matter before the Board; and
During merger or acquisition discussions or activities, be advised by management at early-stage discussions, and chair any Board appointed special committee composed of independent directors to review and make recommendations regarding the proposed transaction, subject to any conflict of interest which would require the appointment of a different lead independent director being approved by a majority of the independent directors for such specified purpose.
Further, the policy statement provides that the Lead Director shall serve until such time as he or she ceases to be a director, resigns as Lead Director, is replaced as Lead Director by a majority of the independent directors, or is replaced by an independent Chairman of Board elected by a majority of the independent directors of the Board. The performance of a Lead Director shallis to be reviewed annually as a part of the normal Board evaluation process. Mr. Parker’s performance as Lead Director has been reviewed annually, most recently in December 2017.



The Board oversees the risks involved in our operations as part of its general oversight function, integrating risk management into the Company’s compliance policies and procedures. While the Board has the ultimate oversight responsibility for the risk management process, the Audit Committee, the Compensation Committee and the Technical Committee have certain specific responsibilities relating to risk management. Among other things, the Audit Committee addresses risk assessment and risk management, and reviews major risk exposures (whether financial, operating, cyber-security or otherwise) and the guidelines and policies that management has put in place to govern the process of assessing, controlling, mitigating, managing and reporting such exposures. In addition, whenWhen recommending to the Board appropriate compensation for executive officers, the Compensation Committee considers the nature, extent and acceptability of risks that the executive officers may be encouraged to take by any incentive compensation. The Compensation Committee also oversees human resources and talent management risks, succession risk and planning. The HSE & Technical Committee continues with its role of overseeing our mineral resources and related operational risks, and now with ongoing operations at Lost Creek, oversees health, safety and environmental risks. The Board also satisfies its risk oversight responsibility through full reports by each committee chair regarding the committee’s considerations and actions, as well as through regular reports directly from executive officers responsible for oversight of particular risks within the Company.

Majority Voting Policy

The Company has adopted a majority voting policy for the election of directors at uncontested meetings which can be viewed on our website at https://www.ur-energy/investors/corporate-governance/.governance-documents. The policy provides that, in an uncontested election, each Directordirector must be elected by a majority of the votes cast with respect to that Director’sdirector’s election. Votes will not be deemed cast if no authority or discretion is given (for example, a broker non-vote). If a Directordirector does not receive a majority (50% + 1) of the votes cast as to his or her election, the candidate will forthwith submit to the Board a notice of resignation and shall not participate in any meeting of the Board or any of its committees while the resignation is considered. The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee will expeditiously consider the candidate’s resignation and make recommendation to the Board whether to accept it. In considering the candidate’s resignation, the Committee and the Board shall only refuse to accept such resignation if there are exceptional circumstances.

Code of Ethics and Other Policies

We have adopted a Code of Ethics (“Code”) which applies to our principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller and others performing similar functions. The Code has been filed on Form 8‑8-K and is available on our website at www.ur-energy/corporate governance/ The Code is designed to reasonably deter wrongdoing and to promote honest and ethical conduct; full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure in reports; compliance with applicable governmental laws, rules and regulations; prompt internal reporting of the violations of the Code; and adherence to the Code. We intend to disclose any amendment or waiver (including any implicit waiver) of the Code on our website at www.ur‑ within four business days following such amendment or waiver. Since its adoption, there have been no waivers of the Code.
We also have adopted a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics which applies to all employees, officers and directors, and which also may be accessed on our website. Both the Code and the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics are reviewed routinely, most recently in December 2017.2020. We maintain a separate Whistleblower Policy statement in conjunction withas a part of our Whistleblower Program, which was last reviewed in December 2017.Program. The policy statement, as well asprovides a link to our third-party programthe provider’s confidential reporting website, which is also found on our website at http: The link and other program information also is also available to our employees on an internal Company intranet site.

Policies Concerning Confidentiality, Public Disclosure and Restrictions on Trading Securities

We have also adopted various policies related to trading restrictions, disclosure requirements and confidentiality obligations which have been amended and restated from time to time, most recently amended effective December 16, 2016. The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee oversees the implementation and compliance of these policies. These policies, which are combined underset out in the “Ur-Energy Inc. Policies Concerning Confidentiality, Public Disclosure and Restrictions on Trading Securities,” alsoand are available on our website at http:https://www.ur- All directors, officers and employees of the Company are expected to be familiar with and adhere to the policies.


Gender Diversity Policy and Diversity Reporting

In December 2014, the Board of Directors adopted a Gender Diversity policy by which the Company seeks to encourage the identification, recruitment, development and, ultimately, retention of talented women at all levels including on its Board. The Board believes that a board made up of highly-qualified directors, from diverse backgrounds, promotes better corporate governance and improves business outcomes.

The inclusion of women extends to our Board composition, and consideration of the level of representation by women on the Board will be an important consideration during searches for qualified new Board members as those needs may arise. The Company embraces the proposition that more women on boards is advantageous. We remain duty bound to recruit and invest in the best available talent based upon education, experience and personal skills and qualities. Although the Board is not at this time endorsing a quota or target, it does commit to seeking and having increasing representation of women on the Board, in executive management and throughout the Company. We were fortunate in 2017 to have Kathy Walker join our Board. Her presence now reflects approximately 14% female representation on our Board.

Because As set forth above, we also have a 14% representation of visible minorities on our policy remains relatively new, thereBoard.

There has not been systemic consideration of the effectiveness or measures taken under the policy. However, as additional refreshment of the Board may occur and/or additional expansion is contemplated, the Governance Committee will continue to review the additional qualified female candidates who have been placed before it, and will continue to review the qualifications of those, and all, candidates brought forward for consideration.

The Company has one female executive officer, Penne Goplerud, who has been our General Counsel and Corporate Secretary since 2011. Among our six-personfive-person management team, this approximates 17%is a 20% representation by women. Prior to her appointment as a member of our executive officers, Ms. Goplerud served the Company as Associate General Counsel from 2007, and as outside counsel betweenfrom 2005 and the timeuntil she joined us in 2007 as an employee. At this time, there is no consideration for expanding our executive group. We restructured certain of our respective responsibilities in mid-20152015 and again in 2019 when our executive group was reduced in number and have found thatwe continue to find the currentsmaller structure and size of our executive team works well, and further facilitatesenhances communication and facilitates other management matters.
At this time, we have not established a policy or targets for additional representation of womenin identified diversity groups (women, visible minorities, Aboriginal, and disabled individuals) in our executive group. We have no executives who are visible minorities, Aboriginal or disabled. If and as the executive group is expanded or current members may depart and be replaced, foremost, experience, merit and skill sets must be considered foremost when candidates are evaluated.evaluated, although continuing consideration will be given to diversity of all types, including experience and expertise. While certain aspects of, and areas of expertise within, our industry remain predominantly male, we remain committed to equality of opportunity and look forward to facilitating any appropriate increase in representation of women and other diverse groups in our management structure based upon merit and overall qualifications. We currently have women filling managerial roles and/or critical support roles in our chemistry laboratory at Lost Creek, engineering staff, accounting and finance group, and Land-Legal department. Here, again, rather than instituting a target or quota, we look forward to the development of our internal talent at both staffing and management levels. 

Meetings of the Board and Committees

The Board of Directors meets at least four times a year and more frequently if required. In 2017,2020, the Board of Directors met seven times. Additionally, the Board of Directors took twosix actions by written resolutions. The Board of Directors from time to time holds a portion of its meetings when management departs and the independent directors meet in camera. Management may be asked to depart a meeting for in camera sessions at such other meetings as the independent directors deem appropriate from time to time. During 20172020 the Board held three meetings during which non-director executives were excused for a portion of the meeting. Additionally, the independent directors met in camera without executive management on at least one occasion. A separate meeting of the independent directors was held in December 2017.  2020.

Board Committees

There are five permanent committees of the Board of Directors: the Audit Committee, the Compensation Committee, the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee, the Treasury & Investment Committee and the HSE & Technical Committee. The Board of Directors may also appoint other temporary or permanent committees from time to time for particular purposes.


The following sets out a summary of the responsibilities and activities of the Board Committees and the Report of the Audit Committee.

The charters of each of the permanent standing committees may be found on our website https://www.ur-energy/investors/corporate-governance/.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee assists the Board of Directors in carrying out its responsibilities relating to corporate accounting and financial reporting practices, as well as oversight of internal controls, and the Whistleblower Program. The duties and responsibilities of the Audit Committee include the following:


reviewing for recommendation to the Board of Directors for its approval the principal documents comprising our continuous disclosure record, including interim and annual financial statements and management’s discussion and analysis;


recommending to the Board of Directors a firm of independent auditors for appointment by the shareholders and reporting to the Board of Directors on the fees and expenses of such auditors.  The Audit Committee has the authority and responsibility to select, evaluate and if necessary replace the independent auditor. The Audit Committee has the authority to approve all audit engagement fees and terms and the Audit Committee, or a member of the Audit Committee, must review and pre-approve any non-audit services provided to the Company by our independent auditor and consider the impact on the independence of the auditor;



reviewing periodic reports from the Chief Financial Officer;

reviewing for recommendation to the Board of Directors for its approval the principal documents comprising our continuous disclosure record, including interim and annual financial statements and management’s discussion and analysis;


discussing with management and the independent auditor, as appropriate, any audit problems or difficulties and management’s response; and


establishing procedures for the receipt, retention and treatment of complaints regarding accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters, including through the Whistleblower Program.


recommending to the Board of Directors a firm of independent auditors for appointment by the shareholders and reporting to the Board of Directors on the fees and expenses of such auditors. The Audit Committee has the authority and responsibility to select, evaluate and, if necessary, replace the independent auditor. The Audit Committee has the authority to approve all audit engagement fees and terms and the Audit Committee, or a member of the Audit Committee, must review and pre-approve any non-audit services provided to the Company by our independent auditor and consider the impact on the independence of the auditor;

reviewing periodic reports from the Chief Financial Officer;
discussing with management and the independent auditor, as appropriate, any audit problems or difficulties and management’s response; and
establishing procedures for the receipt, retention and treatment of complaints regarding accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters, including through the Whistleblower Program.
The Audit Committee maintains direct communication during the year with our independent auditor and with our executive officers and other personnel responsible for accounting and financial matters.

During 2017,2020, the members of the Audit Committee were Thomas Parker (Chair), Paul Macdonell, James FranklinGary Huber, Kathy Walker and Gary Huber. Ms. Walker has joined the Audit Committee in 2018.Rob Chang. The members of the Audit Committee were in 2017,2020, and are currently, independent directors pursuant to National Instrument 52-110Audit Committees(“ (“NI 52-110”) and the listing standards of the NYSE American. Each of the members is financially literate as defined in NI 52-110 and financially sophisticated under the NYSE American rules. The Audit Committee designatedhas confirmed each of Thomas Parker and Gary Hubermember as an “audit committee financial expert” as that term is currently defined by the rules of the SEC.

During 2017,2020, the Audit Committee met sixfive times, and took one action by written resolution. The activities of the Audit Committee over the past year included the following:


review of our annual financial statements and management’s discussion and analysis prior to filing with the regulatory authorities;


review of our quarterly interim financial statements and management’s discussion and analysis prior to filing with regulatory authorities;


review of periodic reports from the Chief Financial Officer;



review of applicable corporate disclosure reporting and control processes, including Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer certifications;

review of our annual financial statements and management’s discussion and analysis prior to filing with the regulatory authorities;


approval of an external firm for testing of internal controls (and the selection of a new firm in 2017) and, subsequently, reviewing reports made by the firm;



review of Contents

our quarterly interim financial statements and management’s discussion and analysis prior to filing with regulatory authorities;


review Audit Committee governance practices to ensure its terms of reference incorporate all regulatory requirements;


oversee the Company’s Whistleblower Program, including training regarding the program;



assess and manage risk, including those risks presented by cyber-security and related threats, including receiving presentations on management of these threats;

review of periodic reports from the Chief Financial Officer;


received presentations on new regulatory matters, including the requirements of initial reporting under Canadian ESTMA;


review of the Audit Committee Charter; and



review of the engagement letter with the independent auditors and annual audit fees prior to approval by the Board of Directors, as well as pre-approving non-audit services and their cost prior to commencement.

review of applicable corporate disclosure reporting and control processes, including Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer certifications;

review of reports from our external firm for testing of internal controls;
review Audit Committee governance practices to ensure its terms of reference incorporate all regulatory requirements;
oversee the Company’s Whistleblower Program, including training regarding the program;
assess and manage risk, including those risks presented by cyber-security and related threats, including receiving presentations on management of these threats;
received presentations on new regulatory matters and accounting pronouncements;
review of the Audit Committee Charter; and
review of the engagement letter with the independent auditors and annual audit fees prior to approval by the Board of Directors, as well as pre-approving non-audit services and their cost prior to commencement.
The Audit Committee has recommended to the Board of Directors that Ur-Energy shareholders be requested to re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants, as the independent auditor for 2018.


The Audit Committee reviews its charter on a yearly basis and did so most recently on December 14,  2017. A copy10, 2020. The Committee’s charter was last substantively amended in 2016. The qualifications of each of the Amended and Restated Audit Committee Charter, as amended,  December 16, 2016, is available at our website www.ur-energy/corporate-governance/. The compositionmembers of the Audit Committee and the qualifications of each of its members isare set forth above as a part of Proposal No. 1.

Compensation Committee

The Compensation Committee assists the Board of Directors in carrying out its responsibilities relating to personnel matters, including performance, compensation and succession. The Compensation Committee has prepared terms of reference which includeestablishes annual objectives against which to assess members of management including the Chief Executive Officer, reviewingOfficer. The Committee reviews and makingmakes recommendations to the Board of Directors with respect to employee and consultant compensation arrangements including stock options, restricted share unitsequity compensation, and makes recommendations about management succession planning. The Compensation Committee reviews its charter on a yearly basis, and did so most recently on December 14,  2017. A copy of the Amended and Restated Compensation Committee Charter, as10, 2020. The Committee’s charter was last substantively amended December 12, 2014, is available at our website www.ur-energy/corporate-governance/.

in 2018.

The Compensation Committee met formally sevenfour times in 2017.2020. Additionally, the Committee took twothree actions by written resolution during 2017.2020. Portions of meetings are conducted without management present, including specifically for the purpose of discussing the compensation of the Chief Executive Officer. Additionally, the Compensation Committee considered various matters related to the Company’s existing compensation program, executive and director compensation, share ownership guidelines for directors and executive officers (including compliance), the equity compensation plans, (including making amendments to the Option Plan, which were approved by the shareholders) and presentations on trends in governance and compensation including “say on pay.” The Compensation Committee annually reviews the results of the “say on pay” vote of our shareholders. The Compensation Committee is authorized to engage, at the Company’s expense, compensation consulting firms or other professional advisors as necessary to assist in discharging its responsibilities.

During 2017,2020, the members of the Committee were Paul MacdonellGary Huber (Chair), Thomas ParkerJames Franklin and James Franklin. Following Mr. Macdonell’s retirement in 2018, Dr. Huber has joined the Committee as its Chair.Rob Chang. The members of the Compensation Committee were in 2017,2020, and are currently, independent under applicable law and the rules of the NYSE American. As well, at least two members of the Committee (all three, currently) qualify as “outside” directors within the meaning of U.S. Internal Revenue Code Section 162(m) and as “non-employee” directors within the meaning of Rule 16b-3 under the Exchange Act, as amended. The biographies of the members of the Compensation Committee are provided above as a part of Proposal No. 1 and provide the qualifications of each of the members of the Compensation Committee.

Committee are set forth above as a part of Proposal No. 1.


Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee

The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee assists the Board of Directors with determining the director nominees for election to the Board, recommending candidates to fill vacancies, other succession planning, the composition of the committees of the Board and monitoring compliance with corporate governance regulatory requirements. In performing its duties, the Committee will review and consider director nominees recommended by shareholders. The Committee also conducts Board member evaluations and evaluation of the Lead Director on an annual basis, while considering the overall composition and appropriate size of the Board.

The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee reviews its charter on a yearly basis, and did so most recently on December 14,10, 2020. The Committee’s charter was last substantively amended in 2017. A copy of the Amended and Restated Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee Charter, is available at our website www.ur-energy/corporate-governance/.

During 2017,2020, the members of the Committee were Paul MacdonellGary Huber (Chair), Thomas Parker James Franklin, William Boberg and James Franklin. In 2018, Dr. Huber has joined the Committee to become its Chair, and Mr. Boberg has joined the Committee.Rob Chang. The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee met three timestwice during 2017,2020 and took two actionsone action by written resolution. The members of the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee were in 2017,2020, and are currently, independent under the rules of the NYSE American. The compositionqualifications of each of the members of the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee and the qualifications of each of its members isare set forth above as a part of Proposal No. 1.


During 2020, the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee received a presentation about the Company’s directors’ and officers’ liability program and insurance coverage; and reviewed other corporate policies including the Code of Ethics, Whistleblower Policy, and Ur-Energy Inc. Policies Concerning Confidentiality, Public Disclosure and Restrictions on Trading Securities. The Committee also reviews and considers the Company’s risks and risk management.

Treasury & Investment Committee

The Treasury & Investment Committee assists the Board of Directors by centralizing for oversight all treasury activities of Ur‑Energythe Company, insofar as practical, and coordinating our banking, cash management, investment and funding arrangements. The Committee also formulates and implements the Treasury and Investment Policy, reviewing it from time to time. The Committee’s Charter,charter, as last substantively amended February 5,in 2014, provides that the Committee consist of the Chief Financial Officer and at least two independent members of the Board of Directors. The Treasury & Investment Committee reviews its charter on an annual basis, and did so most recently on December 14,  2017.

10, 2020.

During 2017,2020, the members of the Treasury & Investment Committee were Thomas Parker (Chair), and Paul Macdonell, along withKathy Walker, and our Chief Financial Officer, Roger Smith. Following Mr. Macdonell’s retirement in 2018, Ms. Walker has joined the Committee. The Treasury & Investment Committee met twice during 2017.

2020 and took action by written resolution one time.

HSE & Technical Committee

The Health, Safety and Environment & Technical Committee (the “HSE & Technical Committee”) assists the Board of Directors with reserve and resource matters relating to our mineral properties; technical matters relating to our exploration, development, permitting, construction, operations, reclamation and restoration activities; health, safety and environmental matters relating to our operations and activities; and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements relating to reserve and resource matters, technical matters, and health, safety and environmental matters. The Committee “Mandate and Guidelines” document was adopted by the Board of DirectorsCommittee’s charter is reviewed annually, including most recently on January 29, 2008, and subsequently became the Committee Charter. The Charter was amended in 2016 and 2017 to reflect additional responsibilities in the Committee’s charge including periodic site visits to operational and other sites, and to review various information technology matters.  Most recently, the charter was reviewed and revised effective December 15,  2017.     

10, 2020.

The members of the HSE & Technical Committee are James Franklin (Chair)(Professional (Professional Geologist), William Boberg (Professional Geologist), Thomas Parker (Professional Engineer), and Gary Huber (Professional Geologist). The members of the HSE & Technical Committee are not required to be independent. Currently, however, all members are independent. There are several members of executive management who routinely participate in the Committee meetings. Because of the significance of the physical and environmental safety and


operational matters overseen by the Committee, an informala standing invitation has been extended by the Committee since 2014 for all directors and managementexecutive officers to attend the Committee’s meetings. In 2017,We continued this practice in 2020, and all non-Committee directors attended each attended meetings ofmeeting.

In recent years, the HSE & Technical Committee.

The HSE & Technical Committee continues to conduct manyhas conducted certain of its reviews by means of informal meetings. In 2017, the Committee again chose to conduct anmeetings, including in-house technical sessionsessions at the Lost Creek site which focusedsite. In 2020, with operations continuing on operational updatesa controlled, lower production rate and ongoing technical refinementsin recognition of our Lost Creek Project. This meeting was conducted with executive staffprecautions and operational management and staff participating.

The HSE & Technical Committee held five formal meetings during 2017.  Pursuanttravel restrictions imposed due to the Committee’s Charter, it is the responsibility of Committee members to make periodic site visits to our operational locations. All Committee members traveled to Lost Creek during 2017 to observe operations and meet with personnel at the facility. Another of our independent directors, Mr. Macdonell, who did not serve onCOVID-19 pandemic, the HSE & Technical Committee also traveleddid not travel to Lost Creek. A broad reaching operational working session was held in lieu of the site in 2017 to observe operations, as did Mr. Klenda. Additionally, theonsite technical session.

The Committee held four formal meetings during 2020. The Committee received routine presentations throughout the year on technical, operational, safety and environmental matters at Lost Creek.  

Summary of Memberships on Permanent Committees and Record of Attendance for 2017


During the year ended December 31, 2017,2020, the Board of Directors and its permanent committees held the following meetings:




Board of Directors


Audit Committee (“AC”)


Compensation Committee (“CC”)


Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee (“CGN”)


HSE & Technical Committee (“HSE&TC”)


Treasury & Investment Committee (“TIC”)





Total number of meetings held



met as follows:


In addition to the seven meetings held by the Board of Directors two actions were taken by resolution in writing.

Audit Committee (“AC”)5
Compensation Committee (“CC”)4
Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee (“CGN”)2
HSE & Technical Committee (“HSE&TC”)4
Treasury & Investment Committee (“TIC”)2
Total number of meetings held24

In addition to the seven meetings held by the Board of Directors, six actions were taken by resolution in writing.
During 2017,2020, our directors attended all thehad 100% attendance at scheduled Board and assigned Committee meetings:

meetings as set forth below, and
Roger Smith, CFO of the Company, who serves as a member of the Treasury and Investment Committee, also had 100% attendance.

Board Meetings

Committee Meeting Memberships and Meetings Attended








Jeffrey T. Klenda







James M. Franklin











Paul Macdonell







W. William Boberg









Thomas H. Parker











Gary C. Huber











Kathy E. Walker









Rob Chang7/75/54/42/2--


Roger Smith, CFO of the Company, the third member of the Treasury and Investment Committee, also had 100% attendance.


At the invitation of the HS&E and Technical Committee, Mr. Klenda attended all five Committee meetings, and Mr. Macdonell attended four of the five meetings.  After her appointment to the Board in September, Ms. Walker attended both the October and December meetings of the Committee.


Ms. Walker attended both Board meetings (October, December) after joining the Board. Additionally, as a part of her orientation to the Board, she attended all Committee meetings held in conjunction with the October and December board meetings.


Board Attendance at Shareholder Meeting

It has been the Company’s practice and expectation that its directors attend the annual shareholders’ meetings. Last year, all sixseven of our then-current directors attended the annual and special meeting of shareholders.

Because of the COVID-19 related gathering and travel restrictions in place at the time of our meeting in 2020, we held an in-person meeting, with participation by our directors being facilitated through a teleconference / webcast platform.

Shareholder Feedback

The Board of Directors believes that management should speak for the Company in its communications with shareholders and others in the investment community and that the Board of Directors should be satisfied that appropriate investor relations programs and procedures are in place. The Board of Directors has approved these policies including the designation of spokespersons in behalf of the Company from time to time. The Board of Directors regularly reviews the Company’s major communications with shareholders and the public, including continuous disclosure documents and periodic press releases in accordance with the Company’s policies.

Shareholder Communication with the Board

We believe that it is important to maintain good shareholder relations. The Board of Directors will give appropriate attention to all written communications that are submitted by shareholders. Any shareholder wishing to send communications to the Board, or a specific committee of the Board, should send such communication to the Corporate Secretary of the Company by email to legaldept@ur‑ or by mail to Ur-Energy Inc. Board of Directors, c/o Corporate Secretary, 10758 West Centennial Road, Suite 200, Littleton, Colorado, USA 80127. All communications shall state the type and amount of the Company’s securities held by the shareholder and shall clearly state that the communication is intended to be shared with the Board, or if applicable, with a specific committee of the Board. The Corporate Secretary shall forward all such communications to the Board or the specific committee, as appropriate.

Expectations of Management

The Board of Directors believes that it is appropriate for management to be responsible for the development of long-term strategies for our Company. Meetings of the Board of Directors are held, as required, to specifically review and deal with long-term strategies of the Company as presented by senior members of management.

The Board of Directors appreciates the value of having selectedits executive officers attend board meetings to provide information and opinions to assist the Directors in their deliberations. The Chair, in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Secretary, arranges for the attendance of executive officers as well as managers for consultation including technical presentations at Board of Directors meetings.


At no time since the beginning of the Company’s last financial year was any director, executive officer, proposed nominee for election as a director, or any of their respective associates, indebted to the Company or any of its subsidiaries, nor was the indebtedness of any such person to another entity the subject of any guarantee, support agreement, letter of credit or similar arrangement provided by the Company or any of its subsidiaries.


None of our directors or officers has had any material interest, direct or indirect, in any material transaction since the incorporation of Ur-Energy or in any proposed transaction which has or may materially affect Ur-Energy.

As discussed in their biographies set forth herein, certain of our directors and/or officers are also directors and/or officers of one or more other mining or natural resources companies. Our directors and officers are also in many cases shareholders of one or more mining or natural resources companies. Consequently, there exists the possibility for such directors and/or officers to be in a position of conflict. While there is a potential for conflicts of interest to arise in such situations, that potential is minimized because of the nature of these other companies in other areas of mineral resources and precious metals. Any decision made by any of these directors and/or officers will be made in accordance with their duties and


obligations to deal fairly and in good faith with Ur‑EnergyUr-Energy and such other companies. In addition, at meetings of the Board, any director with an interest in a matter being considered will declare such interest and refrain from voting on such matter.

The Audit Committee is charged with reviewing and approving in advance any transaction with any “related person,” as that term is defined under applicable U.S. securities laws. Except as previously disclosed, there have been no transactions between the Company and any “related person” since the beginning of the Company’s last fiscal year that would be required to be disclosed under applicable U.S. securities laws.


The bank, broker or other nominee for any shareholder who is a beneficial owner, but not the record holder, of the Company’s Common Shares may deliver only one copy of the Circular to multiple shareholders who share the same address, unless that broker, bank or other nominee has received contrary instructions from one or more of the shareholders. The Company will deliver promptly, upon written or oral request, a separate copy of the Circular to a shareholder at a shared address to which a single copy of the document was delivered. Shareholders who wish to receive a separate copy of the Circular now, or a separate copy of the Notice of Internet Availability or Circular in the future, should write to us at: Ur-Energy Inc., 10758 West Centennial Road, Suite 200, Littleton, Colorado 80127, Attention: Corporate Secretary. Beneficial owners sharing an address who are receiving multiple copies of the Circular and wish to receive a single copy of the Notice of Internet Availability or Circular in the future will need to contact their broker, bank or other nominee to request that only a single copy be mailed to all shareholders at the shared address in the future.


The performance graph and disclosure related thereto is set forth in Item 5 of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2017 under the heading “Performance Graph and Table” and is incorporated by reference here. The information in Item 5 of the Annual Report on Form 10-K is not deemed to be “soliciting material” or to be “filed” with the SEC or subject to the liabilities of Section 8 of the Exchange Act. A copy of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2017 is available at, and upon request by a shareholder to the Company as set forth under “Availability of Documents.” 


Additional financial information for the Company is available in the Company’s audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 20172020 and related management’s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations for the year ended December 31, 2017,2020, included in the Annual Report on Form 10-K which has been filed with the SEC at http:, and with Canadian securities regulators at


Included with this Circular is the

The Company’s 20172020 Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2017 (without exhibits which2020 may be accessed on our Annual Report on Form 10-K at http: 



All proposals of the Company’s shareholders intended to be presented at the Company’s annual meeting of shareholders in 20192022 must meet the requirements set forth in Section 137 of the Canada Business Corporations Act (CBCA) and Rule 14a-8 of the Exchange Act. Pursuant to the CBCA, proposals must be received by the Company’s Corporate Secretary no later January 6, 2019December 22, 2021 in order to be included in the Management Proxy Circular for the Company’s 20192022 annual meeting. The Company’s next annual meeting of shareholders is planned for May 2019. 2022.

As to any proposal that a shareholder intends to present to shareholders other than by inclusion in our Management Proxy Circular for our 20192022 annual meeting of shareholders, the proxies named in our proxy for that meeting will be entitled to exercise their discretionary voting authority on that proposal unless we receive notice of the matter to be proposed not later than February 20, 2019.March 7, 2022. Even if proper notice is received on or prior to that date, the proxies named in our proxy for


that meeting may nevertheless exercise their discretionary authority with respect to such matter by advising shareholders of that proposal and how they intend to exercise their discretion to vote on such matter, unless the shareholder making the proposal solicits proxies with respect to the proposal to the extent required by Rule 14a-4(c)(2) under the Exchange Act.


Upon request made to the Corporate Secretary of Ur-Energy at 10758 West Centennial Road, Suite 200, Littleton, Colorado 80127 or by email at (Telephone: +1 720-981-4588 ext. 250), the Corporate Secretary will provide to any shareholder of the Company entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting, free of charge, by first class mail within one business day of receipt of written request, a copy of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 20172020 (including exhibits) as filed with the SEC and with the Canadian securities authorities.

Due to current remote-work restrictions, we may be able to respond to your request more quickly by email request and response.


Our management and the Board of Directors know of no other matters to be brought before the Meeting. If other matters are presented properly to the shareholders for action at the Meeting and any postponements and adjournments thereof, it is the intention of the proxy holders named in the proxy to vote in their discretion on all matters on which the Common Shares represented by such proxy are entitled to vote.

There have been no other proposals made by shareholders for consideration at this Meeting, nor are there any other proposals to be addressed at the Meeting but not included in this Circular.


The contents and mailing of this Circular have been approved by the Board of Directors of the Company.

You are urged to promptly complete, sign, date and return your proxy, promptly.or to vote online or by telephone as set forth above. You may revoke your proxy at any time before it is voted. If you attend the Meeting as we hope you will,in person, and you are a Registered Shareholder, you may vote your shares in person.

at the time of the Meeting.


 /s//s/ Jeffrey T. Klenda

Jeffrey T. Klenda, Chairman



Ur-Energy Inc.
Amended and Restated Restricted Share Unit and Equity Incentive Plan
Originally Effective May 7, 2010
As amended and restated on April 13, 2021

1.3Effective Date3
1.4Governing Law; Subject to Applicable Regulatory Rules3
2.2Rights Under the Plan4
2.3Copy of Plan4
2.4Limitation on Rights4
2.5Grant Agreements4
2.6Maximum Number of Common Shares4
3.1Grant of Restricted Share Units4
3.2Redemption of Restricted Share Units4
3.3Payment of Dividend Equivalents5
3.4Offer for Common Shares – Change of Control5
4.1Grant of Performance Share Units5
4.2Settlement of Earned Performance Share Units5
4.3Payment of Dividend Equivalents6
4.4Termination of Employment6
4.5Change of Control6
5.1Direct Share Issuances6
5.3Termination of Employment7
5.4Change in Control7
6.1Termination of Employment or Election as a Director7
6.3No Grants Following Last Day of Active Employment8
7.2Compliance with Tax Requirements9
7.7Legal Compliance10
8.2Termination of Plan11
9.1Rights to Common Shares11
9.2No Right to Employment11
9.3Right to Funds11
9.4Successors and Assigns11
9.6Code Section 409A12

1.1          Purpose
This Amended and Restated Restricted Share Unit and Equity Incentive Plan is established as a vehicle by which equity-based incentives may be awarded to retain employees, to recognize and reward their significant contributions to the long-term success of the Corporation including to align the employees and directors interests more closely with the shareholders of the Corporation.
1.2          Definitions
As used in the Plan, the following terms have the following meanings:
“Award” means the grant of a Restricted Share Unit award, a Performance Share Unit award, or a Direct Share Issuance under the Plan.
“Board” means the Board of Directors of the Corporation;
“Change of Control” includes:
the acquisition by any persons acting jointly or in concert (as determined by the Securities Act (Ontario)), whether directly or indirectly, of voting securities of the Corporation that, together with all other voting securities of the Corporation held by such persons, constitute in the aggregate more than 50% of all outstanding voting securities of the Corporation;
an amalgamation, arrangement or other form of business combination of the Corporation with another corporation that results in the holders of voting securities of that other corporation holding, in the aggregate, more than 50% of all outstanding voting securities of the corporation resulting from the business combination;
the sale, lease or exchange of all or substantially all of the property of the Corporation to another person, other than in the ordinary course of business of the Corporation or to a Related Entity; or
any other transaction that is deemed to be a “Change of Control” for the purposes of this Plan by the Board in its sole discretion;
provided, however, with respect to Section 409A Covered Awards, a transaction will not be deemed to be a Change in Control unless such transaction constitutes a “change in control event” within the meaning of Section 409A of the Code.
“Code” means the US Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended;
“Committee” means the Compensation Committee of the Board or such other persons designated by the Board;
“Common Share” means a common share in the capital of the Corporation;
“Corporation” means Ur-Energy Inc. and its successors and assigns;
“Direct Share Issuance” means the direct issuance of Common Shares to an Eligible Person.

“Director” means a non-Employee director of the Board of the Corporation;
“Dividend” means a dividend declared and payable on a Common Share in accordance with the Corporation’s dividend policy as the same may be amended from time to time (an “Ordinary Dividend”), and may, in the discretion of the Committee, include a special or stock dividend (a “Special Dividend”) declared and payable on a Common Share;
“Eligible Person” means an Employee or a Director who is designated as an Eligible Person pursuant to Section 2.1;
“Employee” means an employee of the Corporation or a Subsidiary;
“Fair Market Value” means the closing price of the Common Shares on the Toronto Stock Exchange on the Business Day immediately prior to the date for which Fair Market Value is being determined, or if the shares are not listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange, then on such other stock exchange or quotation system as may be selected by the Committee, provided that, if the Common Shares are not listed or quoted on any other stock exchange or quotation system, then the Fair Market Value will be the value determined by the Committee in its sole discretion acting in good faith;
“Grant Date” means any date determined from time to time by the Committee as a date on which an Award is made to one or more Eligible Persons under this Plan;
“Officer” means a person who is an officer of the Corporation within the meaning of Section 1 of the Securities Act (Ontario).
“Performance Period” shall mean the period over which the performance goals with respect to a grant of Performance Share Units is measured.
“Performance Share Unit” means a performance-based Award that entitles the Eligible Person to receive Common Shares based on the attainment of one or more performance goals over a designated Performance Period.
“Plan” means the Ur-Energy Inc. Amended and Restated Restricted Share Unit and Equity Incentive Plan, as amended from time to time;
“Redemption Date” in respect of any Restricted Share Unit means (A) for Restricted Share Units issued prior to March 23, 2015 (the “First Amended Effective Date”), (i) 50% of such Restricted Share Unit on the first anniversary of the Grant Date on which such Restricted Share Unit was granted to the Eligible Person, and (ii) 50% of such Restricted Share Unit on the second anniversary of the Grant Date on which such Restricted Share Unit was granted to the Eligible Person, and (B) for Restricted Shares Units issued on or after First Amended Effective Date, 100% of such Restricted Share Unit on the second anniversary of the Grant Date on which such Restricted Share Unit was granted to the Eligible Person, unless (a) an earlier date has been approved by the Committee as the Redemption Date in respect of such Restricted Share Unit (provided, however, that the Committee shall not designate an earlier Redemption Date in respect of Section 409A Covered Awards), or (b) Section 3.4, 6.1, 6.2 or 8.2, is applicable, in which case the Redemption Date in respect of such Restricted Share Unit shall be the date established as such in accordance with the applicable Section; provided that, notwithstanding any other provision hereof, in no event will the Redemption Date in respect of any Restricted Share Unit be after the end of the calendar year which is three years following the end of the year in which services to which the grant of such Restricted Share Unit relates were performed by the Employee or Director to whom such Restricted Share Unit was granted;

“Reorganization” means any declaration of any stock dividend (other than a Special Dividend in respect of which the Committee, in its discretion, determines that Eligible Persons are to be paid a cash amount pursuant to Section 3.3), stock split, combination or exchange of shares, merger, consolidation, recapitalization, amalgamation, plan of arrangement, reorganization, spin-off or other distribution (other than Ordinary Dividends) of the Corporation assets to shareholders or any other similar corporate transaction or event which the Committee determines affects the Common Shares such that an adjustment is appropriate to prevent dilution or enlargement of the rights of Eligible Persons under this Plan;
“Restricted Share Unit” means one notional Common Share (without any of the attendant rights of a shareholder of such Common Share, including the right to vote such Common Share and the right to receive dividends thereon, except to the extent otherwise specifically provided herein) credited by bookkeeping entry to a notional account maintained by the Corporation in respect of an Eligible Person in accordance with this Plan; and
“Section 409A Covered Award” means any Award granted under the Plan after the Amended Effective Date that constitutes “non-qualified deferred compensation” subject to Section 409A of the Code.
“Separation from Service” has the meaning set forth in Treasury Regulation 1.409A-1(h) applying the default rules thereunder.
“Specified Employee” means a “specified employee” within the meaning of Section 409A(a)(2)(B) of the Code using the identification methodology selected by the Corporation from time to time, or if none, the default methodology set forth in Section 409A of the Code.
“Subsidiary” has the meaning set out in the Securities Act (Ontario).
1.3 Effective Date
The Plan was originally effective May 7, 2010 with respect to the Eligible Person payable commencing in and with respect to the 2010 fiscal year. The Plan was first amended and restated effective March 23, 2015. The Plan is now amended and restated again effective April 13, 2021. No Common Shares may be issued under the Plan until and unless all required regulatory and shareholder approvals have been obtained with respect to the issuance of Common Shares hereunder.
1.4 Governing Law; Subject to Applicable Regulatory Rules
The Plan shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein. The provisions of the Plan shall be subject to the applicable by-laws, rules and policies of the Toronto Stock Exchange and applicable securities legislation.
2.1 Eligibility
This Plan applies to those Employees and Directors whom the Committee designates as eligible to receive an Award under the Plan. The Committee shall make such a designation prior to each Grant Date.
2.2 Rights Under the Plan
Subject to Article 6 and Article 7, an Eligible Person who has been granted an Award shall continue to have rights in respect of such Award until such Award has been redeemed for cash or shares in accordance with this Plan.

2.3 Copy of Plan
The Corporation shall provide each Eligible Person with a copy of this Plan following the initial Award to such Eligible Person and shall provide each Eligible Person with a copy of all amendments to this Plan.
2.4 Limitation on Rights
Nothing in this Plan shall confer on any Employee or Director any right to be designated as an Eligible Person or to be granted an Award under the Plan. There is no obligation for uniformity of treatment of Eligible Persons or any group of Employees, Directors or Eligible Persons, whether based on salary or compensation, grade or level or organizational position or level or otherwise. An Award to an Eligible Person on one or more Grant Dates shall not be construed to create a right to an additional Award on a subsequent Grant Date.
2.5 Grant Agreements
Each Award shall be evidenced by a written agreement executed by the Eligible Person in substantially the form appended hereto or in such other form as may be approved by the Committee from time to time. An Eligible Person will not be entitled to any Award hereunder or any benefit of this Plan unless the Eligible Person agrees with the Corporation to be bound by the provisions of this Plan. By entering into an agreement described in this Section 2.5, each Eligible Person shall be deemed conclusively to have accepted and consented to all terms of this Plan and all bona fide actions or decisions made by the Committee. Such terms and consent shall also apply to and be binding on the legal representative, beneficiaries, heirs and successors of each Eligible Person.
2.6 Maximum Number of Common Shares
Notwithstanding any provision herein, the aggregate number of Common Shares which may be issuable in respect of Awards under the Plan, in combination with the aggregate number of Common Shares which may be issuable under any and all of the Corporation’s equity incentive plans in existence from time to time, including the Corporation’s Stock Option Plan 2005, as amended from time to time, shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the issued and outstanding shares of the Corporation as at the Grant Date of each Award under the Plan or such greater number of Common Shares as shall have been duly approved by the Board and, if required by the rules or policies of the Toronto Stock Exchange or any other stock exchange on which the Common Shares of the Corporation may then be listed, by the shareholders of the Corporation. No fractional Common Shares may be issued under the Plan.
3.1 Grant of Restricted Share Units
On each Grant Date, the Committee shall designate Eligible Persons and determine the number of Restricted Share Units, if any, to be granted to each Eligible Person in the Committee’s sole discretion.
3.2 Redemption of Restricted Share Units
Unless redeemed earlier in accordance with this Plan, the Restricted Share Units of each Eligible Person will be redeemed on or within thirty (30) days after the Redemption Date for cash or Common Shares, as determined by the Committee, for an amount equal to the Fair Market Value of a Restricted Share Unit.
If the Committee determines that any Restricted Share Units are to be redeemed for Common Shares, the Eligible Person will be entitled to receive and the Corporation will issue to the Eligible Person a number of Common Shares equal to the Fair Market Value of the Restricted Share Units (net of any applicable statutory withholdings) that have vested on the Redemption Date.

3.3 Payment of Dividend Equivalents
When Dividends are paid on Common Shares, an Eligible Person shall be credited with Dividend equivalents in respect of the Restricted Share Units credited to the Eligible Person’s account as of the record date for payment of Dividends. Such Dividend equivalents shall be converted into additional Restricted Share Units (including fractional Restricted Share Units) based on the Fair Market Value per Common Share on the date credited, and such new Restricted Share Units shall be paid at the same time as the Restricted Share Units to which the Dividend equivalents related.
3.4 Offer for Common Shares – Change of Control
Notwithstanding anything else herein to the contrary, in the event of a Change of Control, then the Corporation shall redeem 100% of the Restricted Share Units granted to the Eligible Persons and outstanding under the Plan as soon as reasonably practical, but no later than thirty (30) days following the Redemption Date for cash. For the purposes of this Section 3.4: (i) the Redemption Date shall be the date on which the Change of Control occurs, and (ii) the Fair Market Value of a Restricted Share Unit shall be the greater of (i) the closing price per Common Share on the Toronto Stock Exchange on the Business Day immediately preceding the Redemption Date, and (ii) the price at which Common Shares are taken up under the Change of Control, as applicable.
4.1 Grant of Performance Share Units
On each Grant Date, the Committee shall designate Eligible Persons and determine the Performance Share Units, if any, to be granted to each Eligible Person in the Committee’s sole discretion. Each Award of Performance Share Units shall designate a target number of Performance Share Units covered by the Award, with the actual number of Performance Share Units earned (if any) to be based on a formula set forth in the grant agreement related to the attainment of one or more performance goals set forth in the grant agreement over the Performance Period set forth in the grant agreement.
4.2 Settlement of Earned Performance Share Units
Unless settled earlier in accordance with this Plan, earned Performance Share Units of each Eligible Person will be settled on or within thirty (30) days after the end of the Performance Period applicable to such Performance Share Units for cash or Common Shares, as determined by the Committee.
If the Committee determines that any earned Performance Share Units are to be settled in Common Shares, the Eligible Person will be entitled to receive and the Corporation will issue to the Eligible Person a number of Common Shares equal to the number of earned Performance Share Units (net of any applicable statutory withholdings). If the Committee determines that any earned Performance Share Units are to be settled in cash, the Eligible Person will be entitled to receive and the Corporation will issue to the Eligible Person a cash payment equal to the Fair Market Value (measured as of the settlement date) of a number of Common Shares equal to the number of earned Performance Share Units.

4.3 Payment of Dividend Equivalents
When Dividends are paid on Common Shares, an Eligible Person shall be credited with Dividend equivalents in respect of the target number of Performance Share Units credited to the Eligible Person’s account as of the record date for payment of Dividends. Such Dividend equivalents shall be converted into additional Performance Share Units (including fractional Performance Share Units) based on the Fair Market Value per Common Share on the date credited, and such new Performance Share Units shall be earned based on the same performance goals measured over the same Performance Period and shall be paid at the same time as the Performance Share Units to which the Dividend equivalents related.
4.4 Termination of Employment
Unless otherwise provided in a grant agreement for an Award of Performance Share Units, upon an Eligible Person’s termination of employment or other service or death prior to the end of the Performance Period for an Award of Performance Share Units, such Performance Share Units shall be forfeited. For avoidance of doubt, the provisions of Section 6.1 and 6.2 below shall not apply to Performance Share Units granted hereunder.
4.5 Change of Control
Upon the occurrence of a Change of Control, the Performance Period of each outstanding Performance Share Unit Award shall be deemed to have ended and the Committee shall determine the number of Performance Share Units earned under each outstanding Performance Share Unit Award based on performance through the date of the Change in Control. The Committee may make adjustments to the performance goals in its sole discretion to account for the truncation of the Performance Period on the date of the Change of Control and the Committee may adopt reasonable procedures for determining the level of achievement of any financial metrics, such as using audited financial statements from the most recently completed fiscal quarter. Earned Performance Share Units shall be settled in cash as soon as reasonably practical, but no later than thirty (30) days following, the Change of Control. For the purposes of this Section 4.5: (i) the Fair Market Value of an earned Performance Share Unit shall be the greater of (i) the closing price per Common Share on the Toronto Stock Exchange on the Business Day immediately preceding the Change of Control, and (ii) the price at which Common Shares are taken up under the Change of Control, as applicable.
5.1 Direct Share Issuances
On each Grant Date, the Committee shall designate Eligible Persons and determine the number of Common Shares, if any, to be granted as a Direct Share Issuance to each Eligible Person in the Committee’s sole discretion. Except to the extent restricted under the terms of this Plan or under the applicable grant agreement, an Eligible Person receiving a Direct Share Issuance shall have all of the rights of a shareholder of the Corporation with respect to the Common Shares issued, including the right to vote the Common Shares and the right to receive dividends thereon.

5.2 Vesting
Direct Shares Issuances may be fully vested on the Grant Date or may be subject to vesting, as determined by the Committee. Direct Share Issuances that are subject to a vesting schedule may not be transferred prior to vesting.
5.3 Termination of Employment
Unless otherwise provided in the grant agreement for a Direct Share Issuance that is subject to vesting, upon an Eligible Person’s termination of employment or other service or death, the provisions of Section 6.1 and Section 6.2 shall apply to such Direct Share Issuance by analogy. Any unvested Common Shares that do not vest as a result of the Eligible Person’s termination of employment of other service or death shall be immediately forfeited and returned to the Corporation without the payment of any consideration. Common Shares subject to any Direct Share Issuance may be evidenced in such manner as the Committee shall determine, and if certificated, may be held in escrow with appropriate legends to help enforce any forfeiture described in the Section.
5.4 Change in Control
Notwithstanding anything else herein to the contrary, unvested Common Shares subject to a Direct Share Issuance shall vest in full immediately prior to the occurrence of a Change of Control.
6.1 Termination of Employment or Election as a Director
Voluntary Termination or Termination for Cause. If an Eligible Person is terminated by the Corporation for cause (as determined by the Corporation), or if an Eligible Person, voluntarily terminates employment for any reason or resigns as a Director, as applicable, all of the Eligible Person’s Restricted Share Units shall be cancelled and no amount shall be paid by the Corporation to the Eligible Person in respect of the Restricted Share Units so cancelled.
Involuntary Termination. The Restricted Share Units of an Eligible Person, other than a Director, who is involuntarily terminated by the Corporation, for reasons other than cause, shall be redeemed for cash at the Fair Market Value of a Restricted Share Unit on the Redemption Date. For the purposes of this Section 6.1(b) the Redemption Date shall be:
for Restricted Share Units other than Section 409A Covered Awards, the date on which the employment of the Eligible Person, other than a Director, is terminated irrespective of any entitlement of the Eligible Person to notice, pay in lieu of notice or benefits beyond the termination date, and
for Section 409A Covered Awards, the date of the Eligible Person’s Separation from Service; provided, however, that if on such date the Eligible Person is a Specified Employee, then to the extent required by Section 409A(a)(2)(B) of the Code, the Redemption Date shall be the earlier of (i) the expiration of the six (6)-month period measured from the date of the Eligible Person’s Separation from Service, and (ii) the date of the Eligible Person’s death (the “Delay Period”).
Termination related to Directors. The Restricted Share Units of a Director, who is not re-elected at an annual or special meeting of shareholders shall be redeemed for cash at the Fair Market Value of a Restricted Share Unit on the Redemption Date. For purposes of this Section 6.1(c), the Redemption Date shall be:

for Restricted Share Units other than Section 409A Covered Awards, the date on which the annual or special meeting is held, and
for Section 409A Covered Awards, the date of the Eligible Person’s Separation from Service.
Retirement of Officers and Directors. Any unvested Restricted Share Units held by the Officer or Director will become fully vested upon such Officer’s or Director’s “Retirement,” which shall mean such Officer’s or Director’s voluntary termination of employment or cessation of services to the Corporation when the Officer’s or Director’s age plus years of service with the Corporation (in each case measured in complete, whole years) equals or exceeds 65, provided that at the date of termination such Officer or Director has completed at least five years of service with the Corporation. Such Restricted Share Units shall be redeemed in accordance with Section 3.2 on their originally scheduled Redemption Dates.
6.2 Death
All of the Restricted Share Units of an Eligible Person who dies shall be redeemed in accordance with Section 3.2. For the purposes of the foregoing, the Redemption Date shall be the date of the Eligible Person’s death.
6.3 No Grants Following Last Day of Active Employment
In the event of termination of any Eligible Person’s employment with the Corporation, such Eligible Person shall not be granted any Awards under the Plan after the last day of active employment of such Eligible Person. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing and of Section 2.4, notwithstanding any other provision hereof, and notwithstanding any provision of any employment agreement between any Eligible Person and the Corporation, no Eligible Person will have any right to an Award under the Plan, and shall not be granted any Award under the Plan after the last day of active employment of such Eligible Person on which such Eligible Person actually performs the duties of the Eligible Person’s position, whether or not such Eligible Person receives a lump sum payment of salary or other compensation in lieu of notice of termination, or continues to receive payment of salary, benefits or other remuneration for any period following such last day of active employment. Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, or any provision of any employment agreement between the Corporation and an Eligible Person, in no event will any Eligible Person have any right to damages in respect of any loss of any right to receive an Award under the Plan after the last day of active employment of such Eligible Person and no severance allowance, or termination settlement of any kind in respect of any Eligible Person will include or reflect any claim for such loss of right and no Eligible Person will have any right to assert, claim, seek or obtain, and shall not assert, claim, seek or obtain, any judgment or award in respect of or which includes or reflects any such right or claim for such loss of right.
7.1 Adjustments
If any change occurs in the outstanding Common Shares by reason of a reorganization, the Committee, in its sole discretion, and without liability to any person, shall make such equitable changes or adjustments, if any, as it considers appropriate, in such manner as the Committee may consider equitable, to reflect such change or event including, without limitation, adjusting the number of Common Shares subject to Awards outstanding under the Plan, provided that any such adjustment will not otherwise extend the Redemption Date otherwise applicable to Restricted Share Units or the Performance Period applicable to Performance Share Units. The Corporation shall give notice to each Eligible Person of any adjustment made pursuant to this Section and, upon such notice, such adjustment shall be conclusive and binding for all purposes. The existence of outstanding Awards shall not affect in any way the right or power and authority of the Corporation or its shareholders to make or authorize any alteration, recapitalization, reorganization or any other change in the Corporation’s capital structure or its business or any merger or consolidation of the Corporation, any issue of bonds, debentures or preferred or preference shares (ranking ahead of the Common Shares or otherwise) or any right thereto, or the dissolution or liquidation of the Corporation, any sale or transfer of all or any part of its assets or business or any corporate act or proceeding whether of a similar character or otherwise.

7.2 Compliance with Tax Requirements
In taking any action hereunder, or in relation to any rights hereunder, the Corporation and each Eligible Person shall comply with all provisions and requirements of any income tax, pension plan, or employment or unemployment insurance legislation or regulations of any jurisdiction which may be applicable to the Corporation or Eligible Person, as the case may be. The Corporation shall have the right to deduct from all payments made to the employee in respect of Awards, whether in cash or Common Shares, any federal, provincial, local, foreign or other taxes, Canadian pension plan or employment insurance commission or other deductions required by law to be withheld with respect to such payments. The Corporation may take such other action as the Board or the Committee may consider advisable to enable the Corporation and any Eligible Person to satisfy obligations for the payment of withholding or other tax obligations relating to any payment to be made under this Plan. Each Eligible Person (or the heirs and legal representatives of the Eligible Person) shall bear any and all income or other tax imposed on amounts paid to the Eligible Person (or the heirs and legal representatives of the Eligible Person) under this Plan, including any taxes, interest or penalties resulting from the application of Section 409A of the Code. If the Board or the Committee so determines, the Corporation shall have the right to require, prior to making any payment under this Plan, payment by the recipient of the excess of any applicable Canadian or foreign federal, provincial, state, local or other taxes over any amounts withheld by the Corporation, in order to satisfy the tax obligations in respect of any payment under this Plan. If the Corporation does not withhold from any payment, or require payment of an amount by a recipient, sufficient to satisfy all income tax obligations, the Eligible Person shall make reimbursement, on demand, in cash, of any amount paid by the Corporation in satisfaction of any tax obligation. Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, in taking such action hereunder, the Board and the Committee shall endeavour to ensure that the payments to be made hereunder will not be subject to the “salary deferral arrangement” rules under the income tax act (Canada), as amended, or income tax legislation of any other jurisdiction.
7.3 Transferability
Rights respecting Awards shall not be transferable or assignable other than by will or the laws of decent and distribution.
7.4 Administration
The Committee shall, in its sole and absolute discretion, but subject to applicable corporate, securities and tax law requirements: (i) interpret and administer the Plan; (ii) establish, amend and rescind any rules and regulations relating to the Plan; and (iii) make any other determinations that the Committee deems necessary or desirable for the administration and operation of the Plan. The Committee may delegate to any person any administrative duties and powers under this Plan. The Committee may correct any defect or supply any omission or reconcile any inconsistency in the Plan in the manner and to the extent the Committee deems, in its sole and absolute discretion, necessary or desirable. Any decision of the Committee with respect to the administration and interpretation of the Plan shall be conclusive and binding on the Eligible Person and his or her legal representative. The Board may establish policies respecting minimum ownership of Common Shares of the Corporation by Eligible Persons and the ability to elect to have Awards satisfy any such policy.

7.5 Records
The Corporation will maintain records indicating the Awards credited to an Eligible Person under the Plan from time to time and the Grant Dates of such Awards. Such records shall be conclusive as to all matters involved in the administration of this Plan.
7.6 Statements
The Corporation shall furnish annual statements to each Eligible Person indicating the Awards credited to the Eligible Person and the Grant Dates of the Awards and such other information that the Corporation considers relevant to the Eligible Person.
7.7 Legal Compliance
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Committee may take such steps and require such documentation from Eligible Persons as the Committee may determine are desirable to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and legal requirements, including all applicable corporate and securities laws and regulations of any country, and any political subdivisions thereof, and the by-laws, rules and regulations of any stock exchanges or other organized market on which Common Shares may from time to time be listed or posted and any applicable provisions of the Income Tax Act (Canada), as amended or income tax legislation or any other jurisdiction.
8.1 Amendment
The Board reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to amend, suspend or terminate the Plan or any portion thereof at any time, in accordance with applicable legislation, without obtaining the approval of shareholders. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Corporation will be required to obtain, in accordance with the provisions of the rules and policies of the Toronto Stock Exchange, the approval of holders of a majority of shares present and voting in person or by proxy at a meeting of the shareholders of the Corporation for any amendment related to:
the percentage of the issued and outstanding Common Shares available to be granted under the Plan;
a change in the method of calculation of redemption of Restricted Share Units or settlement of Performance Share Units held by Eligible Persons;
an extension to the term for redemption of Restricted Share Units or settlement of Performance Share Units held by Eligible Persons; and
amendments to this Section 8.1 of the Plan.
Unless an Eligible Person otherwise agrees, any amendment to the Plan or Awards shall apply only in respect of Awards granted on or after the date of such amendment.

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Board may make the following amendments to the Plan, without obtaining shareholder approval:
amendments to the terms and conditions of the Plan necessary to ensure that the Plan complies with the applicable regulatory requirements, including the rules of the TSX, in place from time to time;
amendments to the provisions of the Plan respecting administration of the Plan and eligibility for participation under the Plan;
amendments to the provisions of the Plan respecting the terms and conditions on which Awards may be granted pursuant to the Plan, including the provisions relating to the payment of Awards; and
amendments to the Plan that are of a “housekeeping” nature.
8.2 Termination of Plan
The Board may from time to time amend or suspend this Plan in whole or in part and may at any time terminate this Plan. No such amendment, suspension or termination shall adversely affect the rights of any Eligible Person at the time of such amendment, suspension or termination with respect to outstanding Awards credited to such Eligible Person without the consent of the affected Eligible Person. If the Board terminates the Plan, no new Awards will be granted to any Eligible Person, but outstanding Awards shall remain outstanding, be entitled to payments and be paid in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Plan existing at the time of termination. This Plan will finally cease to operate for all purposes when the last remaining Eligible Person receives a payment in satisfaction of all outstanding Awards credited to such Eligible Person, or all outstanding Awards credited to such Eligible Person are cancelled pursuant to the provisions thereof.
9.1 Rights to Common Shares
This Plan shall not be interpreted to create any entitlement of any Eligible Person to any Common Shares, or to the dividends payable pursuant thereto, except as expressly provided herein. A holder of Restricted Share Units or Performance Share Units shall not have rights as a shareholder of the Corporation with respect to any Common Shares which may be issuable pursuant to the Restricted Share Units or Performance Share Units so held, whether voting, right on liquidation or otherwise.
9.2 No Right to Employment
This Plan shall not be interpreted as either an employment or trust agreement. Nothing in this Plan nor any Committee guidelines or any agreement referred to in Section 2.5 nor any action taken hereunder shall be construed as giving any Eligible Person the right to be retained in the continued employ or service of the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries, or giving any Eligible Person or any other person the right to receive any benefits not specifically expressly provided in this Plan nor shall it interfere in any way with any other right of the Corporation to terminate the employment or service of any Eligible Person at any time.
9.3 Right to Funds
Neither the establishment of this Plan nor the granting of Awards under this Plan shall be deemed to create a trust. Amounts payable to any Eligible Person under the Plan shall be a general, unsecured obligation of the Corporation. The right of the Employee to receive payment pursuant to this Plan shall be no greater than the right of other unsecured creditors of the Corporation.
9.4 Successors and Assigns
The Plan shall be binding on all successors and assigns of the Corporation and an Eligible Person, including without limitation, the estate of such Eligible Person and the legal representative of such estate, or any receiver or trustee in bankruptcy or representative of the Corporation’s or Eligible Person’s creditors.

9.5 Severability
If any provision of the Plan or part hereof is determined to be void or unenforceable in whole or in part, such determination shall not affect the validity or enforcement of any other provision or part thereof.
9.6 Code Section 409A
Although the Corporation does not guarantee to a Eligible Person any particular tax treatment of an Award, the Awards hereunder are intended to comply with or be exempt from the provisions of Section 409A of the Code, and this Plan shall be administered accordingly. Notwithstanding the foregoing, neither the Corporation, nor its subsidiaries or affiliates, nor any of their officers, directors, employees or representatives shall be liable to the Eligible Person for any interest, taxes or penalties resulting from non-compliance with Section 409A of the Code.
All payments in respect of Restricted Share Units and Performance Share Units other than Section 409A Covered Awards are intended to be “short-term deferrals” exempt from the application of Code Section 409A and are intended to be made no later than the 15th day of the third month after the later of the end of (i) the first calendar year in which the Eligible Person’s right to the payment is no longer subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture or (ii) the first taxable year of the Corporation in which the Eligible Person’s right to payment is no longer subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture.

This Restricted Share Unit Grant Agreement is made as of the ___ day of __________, 20__ between _______________________, the undersigned “Eligible Person” (the “Eligible Person”), being an employee or director of Ur-Energy Inc. (the “Corporation”), named or designated pursuant to the terms of the Restricted Share Unit Plan of Ur-Energy Inc. (which Plan, as the same may from time to time be modified, supplemented or amended and in effect is herein referred to as the “Plan”), and the Corporation.
In consideration of the grant of Restricted Share Units made to the Eligible Person pursuant to the Plan (the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged), the Eligible Person hereby agrees and confirms that:
The Eligible Person has received a copy of the Plan and has read, understands and agrees to be bound by the provisions of the Plan.
The Eligible Person accepts and consents to and shall be deemed conclusively to have accepted and consented to, and agreed to be bound by, the provisions and all terms of the Plan and all bona fide actions or decisions made by the Board, the Committee, or any person to whom the Committee may delegate administrative duties and powers in relation to the Plan, which terms and consent shall also apply to and be binding on the legal representatives, beneficiaries and successors of the undersigned.
On ________________, 20__, the Eligible Person was granted __________ Restricted Share Units, which grant is evidenced by this Agreement.
This Restricted Share Unit Grant Agreement shall be considered as part of and an amendment to the employment agreement between the Eligible Person and the Corporation and the Eligible Person hereby agrees that the Eligible Person will not make any claim under that employment agreement for any rights or entitlement under the Plan or damages in lieu thereof except as expressly provided in the Plan.
This Agreement shall be determined in accordance with the laws of Ontario and the laws of Canada applicable therein.
Words used herein which are defined in the Plan shall have the respective meanings ascribed to them in the Plan.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ur-Energy Inc. has executed and delivered this Agreement, and the Eligible Person has signed, sealed and delivered this Agreement, as of the date first above written.


Picture 5


Security Class Holder Account Number -------Fold Form of Proxy - Annual General and Special Meeting to be held on May 3, 2018 This Form of Proxy is solicited by and on behalf of Management. Notes to proxy 1. Every holder has the right to appoint some other person or company of their choice, who need not be a holder, to attend and act on their behalf at the meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof. If you wish to appoint a person or company other than the persons whose names are printed herein, please insert the name of your chosen proxyholder in the space provided (see reverse). If the securities are registered in the name of more than one owner (for example, joint ownership, trustees, executors, etc.), then all those registered should sign this proxy. If you are voting on behalf of a corporation or another individual you must sign this proxy with signing capacity stated, and you may be required to provide documentation evidencing your power to sign this proxy. This proxy should be signed in the exact manner as the name(s) appear(s) on the proxy. If this proxy is not dated, it will be deemed to bear the date on which it is mailed by Management to the holder. The securities represented by this proxy will be voted as directed by the holder, however, if such a direction is not made in respect of any matter, this proxy will be voted as recommended by Management. The securities represented by this proxy will be voted in favour or withheld from voting or voted against each of the matters described herein, as applicable, in accordance with the instructions of the holder, on any ballot that may be called for and, if the holder has specified a choice with respect to any matter to be acted on, the securities will be voted accordingly. This proxy confers discretionary authority in respect of amendments or variations to matters identified in the Notice of Meeting or other matters that may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof. This proxy should be read in conjunction with the accompanying documentation provided by Management. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. -------Fold 8. Proxies submitted must be received by 1:00 P.M., MDT, on May 1, 2018. VOTE USING THE TELEPHONE OR INTERNET 24 HOURS A DAY 7 DAYS A WEEK! To Vote Using the Telephone To Vote Using the Internet To Receive Documents Electronically • Call the number listed BELOW from a touch tone telephone. 1-866-732-VOTE (8683) Toll Free • Go to the following web site: • Smartphone? Scan the QR code to vote now. • You can enroll to receive future securityholder communications electronically by visiting and clicking at the bottom of the page. If you vote by telephone or the Internet, DO NOT mail back this proxy. Voting by mail may be the only method for securities held in the name of a corporation or securities being voted on behalf of another individual. Voting by mail or by Internet are the only methods by which a holder may appoint a person as proxyholder other than the Management nominees named on the reverse of this proxy. Instead of mailing this proxy, you may choose one of the two voting methods outlined above to vote this proxy. To vote by telephone or the Internet, you will need to provide your CONTROL NUMBER listed below. CONTROL NUMBER


Picture 9

Picture 10

Appointment of Proxyholder I/We, being holder(s) of Ur-Energy Inc. hereby appoint: Jeffrey T. Klenda, Chairman, or failing him, Thomas Parker, Lead Director, Print the name of the person you are appointing if this person is someone other than the Management Nominees listed herein. OR as my/our proxyholder with full power of substitution and to attend, act and to vote for and on behalf of the shareholder in accordance with the following direction (or if no directions have been given, as the proxyholder sees fit) and all other matters that may properly come before the Annual General and Special Meeting of shareholders of Ur-Energy Inc. to be held at Hampton Inn & Suites, 7611 Shaffer Parkway, Littleton, Colorado 80127, on May 3, 2018 at 1:00 P.M., MDT, and at any adjournment or postponement thereof. VOTING RECOMMENDATIONS ARE INDICATED BY HIGHLIGHTED TEXT OVER THE BOXES. 1. Election of Directors For Withhold For Withhold For Withhold 01. Jeffrey T. Klenda 02. James M. Franklin 03. W. William Boberg -------Fold 04. Thomas Parker 05. Gary C. Huber 06. Kathy E. Walker 07. Rob Chang Withhold 2. Appointment of Auditors Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as Auditors of the Company for the ensuing year and authorizing the Directors to fix their remuneration. Against 3. Say on Pay Approve in an advisory (non-binding) vote, the compensation of the Company’s named executive officers. -------Fold Authorized Signature(s) - This section must be completed for your instructions to be executed. Signature(s) Date I/We authorize you to act in accordance with my/our instructions set out above. I/We hereby revoke any proxy previously given with respect to the Meeting. If no voting instructions are indicated above, this Proxy will be voted as recommended by Management. Interim Financial Statements - Mark this box if you would like to receive Interim Financial Statements and accompanying Management’s Discussion and Analysis by mail. Annual Financial Statements - Mark this box if you would NOT like to receive the Annual Financial Statements and accompanying Management’s Discussion and Analysis by mail. If you are not mailing back your proxy, you may register online to receive the above financial report(s) by mail at U R G Q 2 7 0 5 2 1 A R 2 For For
